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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 7:59 AM (625 w, 5 d)
Oct 20 2022
Jun 19 2022
Tried playing online with latest update. Got to play maybe 5 min before crashing. Attaching logs.
Jun 18 2022
First time I have had the black sky go away on its own. This is what it usually does is just fill the sky.
I think Rivatuner and msi afterburner give that. Yes, I have tried disabling them. I just tried again now to make sure and disabled everything running. Only thing running were game clients like steam, origin, I even shut those down except steam and went back in. I set the graphics to high and as soon as I went into the local conflict the sky went black. I have the steam overlay disabled as well.
Jun 9 2022
Attaching two mp4 files showing the black sky and low settings I'm running just for testing.
May 10 2016
I wish the desync lag would go away. Where your looking through your scope and try to shoot a bad guy and he is skipping back and running the same path over and over along with vehicles doing it. Seems really bad with Arma 3 so far. The heli and all vehicles have been doing it for me. Have a hefty enough computer and 50mb down and 25mb upload so my connection shouldn't be the problem either. Arma 2 was horrible as well, Operation Arrowhead got a little better, but 3 is the worse. Glad its only alpha though!
I agree 3rd person is arcadish and I'm usually against 3rd person......I play usually only in 1st person. But 3rd person does come in handy when driving at times and landing in a heli. Other than that I am always in 1st person, but 3rd does have its benefits!
Voted down....I want the control to control my views! Nice idea, but it would drive me nuts.
Also note that the beta reset alot of things like graphic settings and key bindings, etc. I had to reset everything. The auto benchmarking isn't working to great for me, I have a pretty nice system as well and it sets it on Ultra, etc and had alot of lag and stuff when I tried it today. I set everything back down to standard and have to tweak it when I have more time, but don't trust the benchmark to set it correctly.
-Asus P6T Deluxe V2 with 0702 BIOS
-920 2.66Ghz with V8 heatsink overclocked to 3.6ghz
-6GB OCZ Reaper 6x1GB - OCZ3RPR1866C9LV3GK
-BFG 480GTX 1GB + BFG 480GTX 1GB w/latest stable drivers
-CoolerMaster HAF 932 Case
-Antec 1000w Power Supply
-Asus VK266H 26" 1920x1200 16:10
-Windows 7 Professional
I agree with evenlease, I hate night missions and trying to play multiplayer. I always use scopes and previously it was always a pain not being able to use night vision. Then you have idiots using FLIR scopes and shooting friendlies. I like the way it is as well with being able to use NVG with the 3D scopes. Night missions are alot better though than arma 2, its more realistic and you really don't need night vision, but its an advantage to have. But I still like the current setup in game. Leave it alone please!
If I choose sniper in the editor and hit B I get something that you can zoom in with tremendously. It must be the rangefinder as mentioned by sneakson, because they are not binoculars. Use the numpad - and + for zooming. I don't think we ever had these before or I missed them, they are great!
Obviously your jumping to conclusions and need to think before writing replies.....
I'm talking in general, the normal user doesn't want to go and write scripts! Like the Loiter waypoint now, Arma needs more of these simple scripts already to choose from and use!
Why can't we have something as simple as an ammo box full by default instead of scavenging around for a script to do it! Simply add the ammo box from the list and done!
This is some what the whole point of having a GUI front end and options in the drop down menus!
Oh that makes sense.....being dense here! Didn't know what the heck repro was!
I'm not sure what to say then.....if I mess around in the editor and play around or play local no problems. I have been playing alot of Pay Day 2 beta recently and no problems.
As soon as I go online to play Arma 3 on multiplayer it usually crashes after a few hours. And I only connect to servers with a low ping and a fair number of users of like 25-40 or so. So I connect to random servers all the time, but usually they are favorite servers among people.
Maybe its a hardware problem then, but no other game crashes.
Odd crashing then.....
Played for roughly 3 hours no crash, did run the Flush command. Using Real Temp the CPU max was 55C. The GPU Max was 87C. The GPU is a little higher, I dont' recall it going over 85C if I remember correctly. Internet Max says 100C.
CPU 920
Not sure what you really mean? I'm just playing randomly on servers in multiplayer.
I cleaned the whole case, little bit of dust nothing caked on or thick. Most likely no difference made. This only happens with Arma, but Arma is probably the only game I can sit down and play for 4+ hours
Just played 4 hours without issue, will keep testing. Looks like the hold left shift and hit minus key on numpad then type flush is back as well!
Will keep testing.....
Played a few hours today, I think about 3-4 hours and ended with a crash at 5:51pm. Link for dxdiag and game files from profile /App Data/Local/Arma3.
I didn't run the flush command today I wonder if that is why? I did it in the past post just to see if it was added, that might be why I didn't have issues that day. Will play again and after a couple of hours I'll try the flush command.
Just had another crash at 8:33pm. So about 2 hours of game play. Didn't get to run the flush cache, but this was a different, silent crash.
Yes I forget what temp I get, I have HAF full tower with lots of fans and V8 cooler on CPU and have run stress tests for 24 hours or so without issue. Running the latest drivers as well.
Will double check the temps....
Still having random crashes.....updated to latest and was playing fine in editor, been playing for a couple of hours. Got on multiplayer game and didn't even get to load, it crashed going into the game my display driver failed.
In Arma 2 if you played for hours you had to flush the RAM or whatever on the card. That doesn't seem to work anymore in Arma 3. Wonder if that would help?
You had to Hold left Shift and hit the minus key on the numpad then type flush. Usually did that every hour or two and had no problems then afterwards.
Just went back into another server and played maybe 5 minutes. Got my loadout at the ammo box, and got in a chopper and crash. Using that virtual ammobox on server.
Played Escape from Stratic and had a crash.....
Was playing on another server and just got a crash....
I played last night (3.19.13) for about 1.5hrs on a server running Escape from Stratis and was able to complete the mission. Will try again when i have time.
Thats the purpose of this users don't have to spend countless hours in forums. These popular thing could be put in to the editor already and be easily available for the average user to use instead of wasting time in forums.
Then if you do want to explore more advanced options then scripting is there. But these common things you see on all mp servers I think could be put into the editor to make life easier for amateurs and even more advanced users building maps for a friends to larger communities.
Like Cypher said I think some are missing the whole point of this feedback.
bump...seems to have been missed.
Thats actually the one I used, doesn't work in editor, which makes no sense to me. Made crate, added to its initialiazation nul = [this] execVM "fillCrate.sqf"; and then put the script in my missions folder and no luck. Going by system, scripts don't work in editor. Bug in Arma 3? Makes no sense having to export to multiplayer to test your Map for error.
I tried having the ammbox be full too with a script, why don't these scripts work in the editor/preview? Wouldn't that make it easier for people making maps?
Is that how people have to test maps, make them, export to multiplayer and test. Be much easier if you could just hit preview and test until the map is final and then export.
Close this after playing more I agree the default keys are fine. Just have to get used to them. The arubt movement I was next step lower than kneeling and was causing the issue.
Here are a couple of mp4 videos to see what I am talking about:
I really should not have posted this as there is a duplicate, forgot to search first. But here is the other thread.
The screen flickers in and out. Not sure how else to explain it. It doesn't stay a solid picture, it flickers to like a white screen every half second or so and continues in a loop. Not sure if its SLI or what.
I'm not talking about my whole screen just the gunner video monitor in the vehicle flickers.
Was hoping it being pay for would help stop that. The Alpha is only invite only isn't it. People need to stop inviting the idiots in.
May 9 2016
This can go either way......if you have no night vision how are you supposed to see then, just shoot into the dark?
Haven't tested this yet, but would be cool watching a patrol looking around with flashlights and stuff as they patrol around a base/camp, etc. Be life like and easy to see the targets where they are. Guard dogs, etc.
Agree 100% I was hoping this would have been fixed by now. You could see the vehicles act like this last year in demos, didn't think it would last this long. I hit a tree and it flipped me end over end backwards about 5 times and luckily landed on the tires. Like the tires are filled with helium and no weight.
Think its in the KA60 if that is the correct name. Noticed it on the heli doing the Showcase for helicopters if that wasn't clear enough. You have hydras and guns, that heli isn't the Apache. I would assume the recital site would stay stationary.
I would assume then the guns at least follow your head movement then as well like the apache!
Arma 3 site says Feedback Tracker, not bug report tracker. Other places say please report your feedback, bug reports, etc. Your turning it into a forum by whining and these other posts not giving or helping by providing any useful info, but whining. I posted and gave my feedback like it or hate it move on.
Not the only one:
No need to get hostile, Bohemia is asking for feedback, this was my feedback on one issue. Its not final judgement, I would assume what we have is going to be a starting point and not change that much from now to the final version. Tweaks and fixes will be put into the game, but the overall feel I doubt will change much. As I said I will keep playing and hopefully it grows on me, but right now those are my feelings as a long time player.
I'm glad to see others input, I'll keep playing and hope it grows, but Arma 3 doesn't seem to stick out from the others. Feels like the rest of the games out there now.
Thats not true, in Arma 2 you would run slower after so long and get tired.
Kinda goes hand in hand with my report about having easier ways to create maps and adding the common scripts into the editor as a selection so its easier to add respawn points, repair points, etc.
Good idea but I don't recall sneaking up on the bad guys that often in Arma. Usually shooting at a distance or if you are close they usually turn around. Nice idea though if for the situation would come up. Like using the butt of the gun to hit em or hand gun or a knife. +1 here.
I wish the desync lag would go away. Where your looking through your scope and try to shoot a bad guy and he is skipping back and running the same path over and over along with vehicles doing it. Seems really bad with Arma 3 so far. The heli and all vehicles have been doing it for me. Have a hefty enough computer and 50mb down and 25mb upload so my connection shouldn't be the problem either. Arma 2 was horrible as well, Operation Arrowhead got a little better, but 3 is the worse. Glad its only alpha though!
Its feedback....Arma 3 website says feedback, etc.
I just found this out last night when I was messing around with the editor. Got in the truck and couldn't see, the light barely shows over the hood when in cockpit view. The lights go out alot more than that in real life, same for the helicopter, those lights on a heli are very bright and it shows as a little small circle.
Also noticed no lights on the dash in the little bird. Had all the lights on and they never turned on.
I found that if you right click it kinda does the same thing, but works most of the time, not all the time. Something is a little off.