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- Mar 7 2013, 2:20 AM (628 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Update: So it seems it *does* recognize them. Then at some seemingly random point it stops seeing the controllers nor does it take their input. A restart is required. Also, when it does stop seeing them it also clears all their inputs from the controls keybinds, as if they were never there.
Very irritating, more than no priority for those of us who use controllers for all the vehicles!!
What does a chopper have to do with it? Of course a tank round would destroy a helicopter.
Tested as well. 1 ATGM from the buzzard killed it everytime.
I will test when I get home. Can you or friends make screen cap of this?
I believe this is a simple bug on your system. I have no such problems.
Therefore this is not about balancing.
They fixed it. They appear to have added a small amount of splash damage. It works as you would expect now.
It still needs some tweaking, the splash is a bit too big and quickly demolishes buildings. While its not entirely unrealistic for bullets to break a building down its a bit too fast. In fact its easier to destroy a building with the minigun than it is with the rockets.
I dont know if its possible but it would prefered to do different damage to building classes than it does to people classes.
I did not ProGamer. However, should civilians even have "extended armor"?
Added real life video in Additional Info.
They are laser guided! They should not be able to lock on. The feature request should be to have optional loadouts on aircraft. That way we could have a laser guided bomb like now *and* a gps guided bomb.
Clearly global warming in 2035 has dried it up completely ;)
First off Jimmy, that wouldnt affect a vehicle. Second off you must consider this is a video game, it wouldnt seriously affect milsim people negatively but would be fun for people to use for testing and racing.
I agree mulleDK19 but I doubt they are about to do a movement overhaul.
If they were the idea would be you go slow offroad because going fast would be very likely to hit a bump and roll you but right now it is very hard to roll or anything.
Yes, that is clunky. However your magical healing aura solution is ridiculous.
When you have an AI medic selected you should be able to select "Triage" so that they automatically heal the most wounded friendly in the squad, and/or vicinity.
This is idiotic for so many reasons, not the least of which that this is a milsim.
Make a mod.
And by heal I mean walk over to them, and bandage.
You are talking about two things and not being clear.
Do you want more impact force? (totally unrealistic, people are not knocked down by bullets, they fall down from the shock of being shot or from being dead.)
In this video [real death] you see firing squads executing nazis and spies in WW2. If you watch it you will notice that they are NOT thrown backwards by as much as 10 30-06 rounds impacting them near simultaneously.
As for your second part. Again you misunderstand ballistics. Many large rifle calibers are more than capable of passing through 2-3 people. Potentially even creating secondary projectiles out of bones of the first target.
Its not a womans voice. They use a voice changer so that people sound different. Apparently their level of variation for males is too wide.
Tested. Here are the results:
Helicopters cannot be blown up by AA missiles while in the air. At all. Even 2-3 missiles has apparently no chance of killing anyone inside nor of causing an explosion.
The good news is: You can safely land when hit with AA, so can the AI. Even if you are at 500m it is really easy to autorotate down (I had no training it doing so and I did it on my first try)
Note that the heli *is* destroyed, all components are red. But the rotor is not actually destroyed and the occupants seem unharmed even by 2 missiles.
New bug: The littlebird variants rotor disappears but continues to fly as if it is still there.
While we technically got what we want I think what most Arma players are looking for is unpredictability. Right now if you are hit, you WILL survive. You just wont have a heli anymore.
Development suggestion for astaroth: Make the explosion radius on the AA missiles smaller, right now it seems to encompass the whole helicopter and destroy all components. If the radius were smaller, and the damage lower (slightly), then the actual place where the missile hits would affect what happens following. If it hits the cockpit, the pilots are killed, if it hits the tail rotor, just that is blow apart, if it hits the side, it will likely kill passengers and damage or destroy the engine. Another major concern is that of auto rotation. How am I to fear having my engine blown apart if I, a totally novice pilot, can survive a fall from 500m? All I had to do was tilt the rotor back so that my forward and down speed turned the rotors fasters, before hitting the ground I actually started to ascend again.
No! Fuel tanks dont explode. They burn. Vehicles never explode. There is no instance of this ever happening. What they do do is rupture the fuel tank and the hot hydrocarbon gas ignites mid air and looks like a large fire ball. But it is NOT an explosion.
The video is quite enlightening. I agree it shouldnt guarantee a rotor destruction, even if it kills the pilots it shouldnt drop like a rock.
You dont understand the mindset of ArmA at all. Go play BF4 for "balanced" guns. IRL ranged weapons are always better.
So how do the pedals increase or decrease the speed of rotation on the tail rotor? Is it a brake system? Or gears?
This is tied to another severe problem. BLUFOR take 2 shots with rifle and OPFOR take 1, even when naked. This needs to be fixed.
Suggestion: Each shot that hits a RED fuel tank have a tiny chance to cause a fire. NOT AN EXPLOSION. Just a fire that hurts people near by.
Val, this is not a matter of opinion. You are dead wrong about the deadliness of kinetic energy transferred through a vest.
No val, that is not how guns work and kill people.
As much as Scrim is an asshole he is right about that.
The ONLY thing that kills you when you are shot is loss of the ability to supply oxygen to the brain. AKA blood loss.
That said, unconsciousness can be caused though I am unsure of the mechanism.
Here is a 15 page report by the FBI. Read this:
Yes Scrim, I know what a SAPI looks like. They are fairly small. In this picture you can clearly see it is about 12 inch wide and 16-18 inches tall. That is small in comparison to the entire torso.
Pistol rounds would easily be defeated but you would still feel them. Your anecdotal evidence doesnt matter here. Yes, sometimes people are too much into the fight to notice being hit. However, this ignorance usually disappears when they notice they are all wet (with blood). That said, it is impossible to predict who and when someone will be unaffected by an impact or penetration therefore it does not belong in this game. Arma cant model each persons mind at the moment of impact.
Again, yes, sometimes rifle rounds are stopped. But this is not the norm nor is it the purpose of the helmet. Those people just got lucky and luck doesnt belong in arma.
I think its funny how you make so many assumptions. Dragon skin armor *is* effective. The creator of the currently used interceptor body armor said so himself. Also, ya know, tests of the armor.
You cant argue with visual evidence:
But sure, I mean, you can pretend it didnt stop those bullets. But it invalidates your opinions.
As for your badly written claim that they armor is glued together and melted, well Im going to need some sources. But it's moot anyway because that is a simple design error and could be easily overcome.
I want better armor but this idea of bullets from rifles taking 4-5 shots is ridiculous and idiotic.
Today's armor rarely stops even 1 Assault rifle bullet unless it hits the very small hard plate. Even then 3 would penetrate that.
Being shot, even with a pistol, hurts a lot. Comparable to being hit with a major league fast ball. Perhaps a visual-audio stun effect should take place in which loss of focus and a muffling of sounds disrupts normal function. I disagree with movement impairing effects though as you would likely keep running even in the case you were actually penetrated by the round. (adrenaline)
Also, helmets are for stopping glancing rounds, not straight shots.
Note: The currently existing dragon-scale armor can stop many more than 4-5 bullets and covers the whole torso. HOWEVER! In the 20+ years from now till then gun makers will have figured out a way to level the field once more.
Valkenr. First off, soldiers dont jump. It would be idiotic to do so and it is physically very difficult.
80lbs of gear really makes jumping very hard. Go ahead, go to the gym store and buy 80-100lb workout vest and then hold an 8lb M4 and go jumping around.
As I said, it is also VERY stupid to try to jump in combat. Movies and video games have warped your sense of reality. It is very easy to trip or land wrong when jumping with that much extra weight. If you fall while trying to jump over something (which you probably will) you could hurt yourself, you become a stationary target, you slow yourself and your unit.
Thankfully BIS has better sense than some of you and I dont think they would ever add this ridiculously unnecessary component. Go mod it yourself.
I dont think Ive ever heard of a soldier jumping in full gear.
May 9 2016
I believe the current thing is a placeholder. search wounding system
They devs dont owe you an explanation of everything they do and are planning. They *have* said in the past the intend to have a more complex medical system than in A2. Thats all I need for now.
One 7.62 round doesnt kill people, not even unarmored civilians. They visually wince when hit but can do so 2-5 times before actually dying. This is just crazy. ONE bullet should kill them.
This has been fixed in the dev branch.