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- User Since
- Dec 21 2013, 10:51 PM (586 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
The same happens with the splitting axe. Confirmed.
Sometimes you need to be facing it at a very specific angle to get the message that the above pointed out. Mouse over it slowly while crouched until the option appears.
Confirmed. Yes, it's just a placeholder animation.
The same thing should be implemented with bandages and medicine. They also need to hurry up and let me use my dehydrated milk in my water bottles so I can have some cereal and milk. :P
I believe the devs are working on disallowing guests to make notes.
Exactly what the above said. You're low on blood and health.
You need to get your energy level (eating) up to +5000 and water level to +3500 for quick blood regain. This is most easily done by eating two full packs of rice once the "hungry" icon is gone and spamming "drink water" from a well until you get a "my stomach is full/stuffed/etc" message.
Wait a while and don't go running around and your color should come back. After this happens, you'll get a "healing" message in your inventory screen. If this message disappears, eat and drink till it returns. Eventually, blurriness will go away and you will have a "healthy" message in inventory.
What they said ^^^. I tend to play on lo-pop servers, lower chance to run into people. Either do this or find some friends to play with in a group.
Never play "friendly". Play smart. If you see someone better kitted than you, run or hide. Avoid big cities and stick to places with lower traffic. Dolina in particular is great as it's got plenty of good buildings and a water pump. Only ever saw one person when that was my home base. Keep to the forests South after looting or head up to the factory North of it.
Keep a wary eye out and always know the nearest spot of hard cover to run to if you start getting shot at. Avoid roads and stick to dense forests. If someone yells friendly, tell them to keep their distance anyways or just run. If someone keeps running at you if you tell them to keep their distance then kill the fucker, they aren't friendly.
Never had this problem before outside the one time it was a game-wide wipe back a few updates ago.
Confirmed with the splitting axe in combat stance. I suggest you try attacking when in the non-combat stance.
Eating/Drinking/Zombies/Combining items (ammo, rags, etc.) are all currently on a global channel. Everyone can hear them.
I already reported the fact that using item: alcohol tincture when healthy induces temporary sickness. 0004513, can confirm.
Combat logging is a big issue, but there are far more important ones to deal with in the Alpha. Anyways, here's my two cents:
-Abort timer: after hitting "esc", require player to wait a set amount of time (15 secs for example) before they can hit "abort". I believe this was implemented in the Mod.
-Single-Server Persistence: One character, one server. This would prevent ghosting by forcing each character to stick to one server. It would also prevent going to a town, looting, switching servers, and looting another full town.
-I liked Lost's temporary character persistence idea. After aborting, your character remains where they are for a short period of time before actually disappearing. Perhaps they could go through an animation that'd show someone holding them up what they were doing, allowing that person to execute the logger.
Blurriness can be a sign of low health. If you have a "healthy" status in your inventory, then disregard the following.
-Get energy (food) level to +5000 and water level +3500 and color should return slowly. Be sure not to run around a lot.
-Once color returns you should get a "healing" status in your inventory. If this status goes away, eat and drink until it comes back. Blurriness should fade and you will eventually get a "healthy" status.
Confirmed with a FAK, gave the tree the middle finger.
Full blood or full health? Just because all your color's there doesn't mean that you're ay-okay. Full health = "healthy" message in inventory. See the wiki for more details.
@Dogmeat. That's exactly the reason that I reported it.
I've heard of invisible zombies, but are you certain that it wasn't just a sniper shooting at you?
Can confirm that hanging on ladders for a short period of time results in death. Happened to me once in a hotel building.
EDIT: can also confirm it wasn't a sniper in my case. It was nighttime and I was inside the building on a ladder. Unless it was a hacker, there's zero chance.
Does your character have the "healthy" icon in the top of the inventory's character screen? If not then a lack of color/blurring could mean that you have low health and/or blood. Here's a fix:
Make sure that you have no "hungry" or "thirsty" indicator and get energy to +5000 (2 full bags of rice) and water to +3500 (spam drink at a well until you get a "my stomach is stuffed/full/etc" message.
Try not to run around too much and color should return to your screen. You should then get a "healing" thing in your inventory. Eat and drink if this message goes away and blurriness should go away until you are "healthy".
Apologies for wasting people's time if this isn't the problem.
@smaddeus. This is where you're supposed to report bugs, not report the fact that you didn't know how to cure sickness, that's what the forums are for.
See the wiki for more details. Not a bug, eating rotten fruit can make you sick.
Yeah, I can't agree in the least.
Being able to lie down in a grassy field, an action that makes you much harder to spot, would be heavily OP if you could see everything. The fact that it makes it much harder to see is the price that you pay for your better camouflage.
They might have fixed this, requiring a player to be in the surrender position before they can be handcuffed.
Can confirm. Massive pain in the ass.
Try attacking while in a non-combat stance mode. I know that the splitting axe hits at a bad angle when in combat stance, but seems to hit all right when in a non-combat stance mode.
Emailed the manufacturer about this. Will confirm if FNX-45 can chamber and fire a single round without magazine if the manufacturer replies.
I agree, that's why I'm still hoping for 1st person only servers. Let the nubs have their unfair advantage in their own servers.
Can confirm.