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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 10:15 PM (626 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
please BIS, don't completely ignore this ticket :)
Is that enough info? :)
I wish you guys at BIS gave prone launchers anims more love, its so easy to do, and would add nice feature to gameplay.
I somehow fixed this by chanhing PlayerProne and Down animations:
class LauncherStandActions: LauncherKneelActions { PlayerProne="amovppnemstpsraswlnrdnon"; Down="amovppnemstpsraswlnrdnon"; };
But if you do this, and you have a primary weapon, this happens:
Avatar changes his weapon without command to do so
And also, btw, when you have no weapons, only launcher, and you are standing and press Z(to go prone), your avatar will go prone, will try to switch to a different weapon, this action will fail, and avatar will stand up. So basically now it's impossible to go prone if you have only a launcher in your inventrory
Thats what i was told, more info can be found here
Looks like the only problem is glitched rifle. How can i fix this?
Add it NAW
Without this, we cant have any bmp-1, bmp-2, AAV with ability to swim, they can't move in the water
yep, still nothing.
Fixed in last update
We need m249, m240, PK, RPK-74
Thanks for the detailed answer! What about Strider, Ifrit and Hunter? Can they be improved? Because they can explode after getting hit with only 15-20 bullets(6.5cal), and I think it's not very realistic because they suppose to be MRAPs.
MRAP stands for Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles. They are armored vehicles and considered Armored personal carriers. They should not behave like shown in the video.
There is no coop mode in this campaign.
Check the AAF snipers
Visisble ammo for the grenade launcher and missile launchers would be nice
Agree, switched from windowed mode to fullscreen and than back to windowed and my PC went nuts, had to reload it. Stable version.
No, it does not work
Why its still not fixed? Its a pretty important feature for the community
What about addPrimaryWeaponItem? I think it's buggy too, not always global
I'm saying that when firing single shots from rifle with *full auto mode* turned on, body moves more intensively then when firing in *single shot mode*. It looks like body suddenly starts to recieve higher recoil from the rifle when rifle is in *full auto firing mode*. I can make a video to demonstrate if needed.
Agree, it has some strange camera position.
Agree, also annoying on sunny days, reflection of the sun can get right at the center of the sight, and it will be imposible to aim
So, if this ticket is not even reviewed it's because such behaviour is normal?
I found all I need:
But this commands disable side radio, it's not to good for custom radio messages.
Added some screenshots to demonstrate what I am talking aboout
Video added
Maybe it's an alien invasion?
Any status update?
Cmon, is it so hard ?
So? Release date of A3 is very close. Will BIS provide us with dedicated server for Linux?
So? Release is tomorrow. Will we get server files for Linux?
It would be nice to see this implemented
Totally agree
Video added
I don't know why, but group channel cannot be disabled with disableChannels command, also its also working when
enableRadio false;
enableSentences false;
So please, BIS, do something about group channel
May 9 2016
I agree, it sometimes happens when mission is running for some time and some player joins the game. That player will probably have the time and weather conditions that were at the mission start. For example mission started at 9am, some player joined after 1 hour, everyone on the server will have 10am and the player who joined after will have 9pm.
Same problem. Sometimes it feels like somebody is following you. Very annoying
R.i.P another ticket
You can add a special keybinding.
For example:
- You select a unit, or a group of units
- You press a P key
- Selected units become playable
When I copy and paste a playable unit it becomes unplayable. I want it to keep playable too.
To reproduce just die in MP mission with respawn mode "Bird" and listen.