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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 10:47 PM (624 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Nope, here's my specs if it helps:
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560
Processor: Intel core i7 3770
Memory: 8GB Ram
Aye, duplicate of 0007753.
Also you might want to make sure you have the right resolution and render resolution, they should match eachother, your screenshot is rather blurry.
If someone exposes a weak spot on an alpha it is most definately an issue. Just because it's not directly gameplay-related doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed.
Also Oldirty is right, if this thing demolishes the entire game, there's no testing to do, unless you want to see how long you can stay in the air when flung up.
Thanks abudabi for the extra info and threads. I tried to set priority to the maximum, but i can't change it from "none"
Yeah i mentioned that. But the most fun is in the multiplayer, as there's no campaign or prebuilt scenarios to mess around in yet.
- Edited reply to olddirty --
Right, i forgot, cheers for the extra explaination. Seeing as this has 22 upvotes and no downvotes, a moderator would definately take it seriously, lets keep adding as much information as we can.
Agreed. If you point your nose up only SLIGHTLY, you go up by 50 meters.
Get a littlebird, fly at as low altitude as possible at a high speed and just hold S. You can do backflips without even risking a crash.
Ok i can't update it anymore since it's assigned, but my framerate issue is definately tuned down.
This is what i did:
- I hit autodetect on video settings
- I fine tuned it by turning post processing from low to off for better fps and i switched texture quality from normal to high.
Basically you just have to hit autodetect, finetune that and hope it helps.
Walking through forests or just looking at them drops the framerate quite a bit though. And zooming in while aiming down your sights can also make the game stutter a lot, i hope you guys can optimise that.
Hi Kid18120, i think i already had that on and I think that's recommended for my specs. The game is very playable last time i tested it so i'll update the thread with my settings, thanks for suggesting.
May 9 2016
No.. Just no.
Lshift+tab = steam overlay, enjoy.
I confirm this. My friend called me over and when i ran to him he showed me that if you shoot the firing positions, they flip over.
Please change reprodubility to always, i hereby also comfirm this issue occurs in multiplayer.
If you run out of ammo you should run or surrender. We do not need idiots sprinting at you to bash your face in.
For sneak attacks it might be nice though
Also counts for vehicles.
Right now windshields are as thick as an apc's armor plating.
Something similar is already ingame. You can tilt your head by holding left control + Q/E. If they'd animate the character to act this way, you can use that to duck at a reasonable level
Agreed and confirmed. VERY annoying if you ask me, because you can't blend into enemy lines and that was something really appealing
Opfor and blufor vehicles too. I mean i know they have very strong combat resistant glass but for fuck sake its a jeep, not a tank! An entire firing squad can't even put a dent into windshields
Counts for any railings, i have encountered this in small staircase railings that lead into an apartement building.
Me and my friemd have this and disabling post process under the rendering tab took away 75% of the lag. Its still very badly optimised, though and i lag a lot when driving around.
Intel core i7 3370
Nvidia GeForce GTX 560
I have PP off and i get blood splats on my screen, like Khan said.
Also even without that i can't imagine it being a big frustation as you describe it. If you drop your gun without telling your character to do so you're most likely not 100% healthy.
Inserted with scuba gear to shore, we decided to climb a small barrier of rocks andnin seconds we got sucked up into the rocks.
Spamming V for 5 min finally got me out
Have been messing around with my friends for a bit and after getting crushed by nosedives from the sky about a million times i can confirm they always bounce and after 1 second the character dies and the helo explodes.
Yeah me too, started choking and could breathe when i reached surface.
Still strange though, because i didn't use X, i just swum up