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- User Since
- Feb 12 2014, 8:04 AM (574 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
well described.
i can confirm that both work exactly as described
I was wondering why my SKS would only load 1 round.... didn't stop to think that I had painted it just prior... this sucks! please fix!
skiro, daisho, and phillfxc, please upvote this report.
this is happening to a lot of people, and this report keeps falling off of the top of the list.
this issue should be addressed ASAP.
though the problem is quite frustrating, it's a huge comfort to hear someone else mention it.. i thought i had a bad GPU or something.
every so often, and always when interacting with the inventory, my screen will go black for 1-2 seconds with a "No Signal to Monitor" message, then it recovers to the desktop.
DayZ is "minimized" but still running. I can hear all game sounds, but cannot get the graphics to return, requiring me to force quit the game and re-open.
this has caused me to die to zombies and other players, and lose lots of gear (not a big deal, as it's alpha, but still quite frustrating to lose hours of work to something like this)
unlike the OP, I only use a single monitor.
This problem has only been happening since this past weekend, or maybe since the most recent patch (I play on experimental servers)
in response to the previous note, also beware that dropping items on uneven ground can cause them to fall "into the ground" rendering them unlootable.
I've lost many an ammo clip, weapon, spray can, etc this way.
this has been the case for a long time.. good report.
why down vote it? makes no sense.
if I add, for example:
DayZ US 01 (Experimental Hardcore)
DayZ US 02 (Experimental Hardcore)
I will end up with one or both of them eventually being removed from favorites, and replaced with something like
DayZ US 03 (Experimental Regular)
DayZ US 04 (Experimental Regular)
The "Server ID", US 01, 02, 03, 04... do not change. 01 and 02 are ALWAYS hardcore, etc. so there is no issue with servers changing settings.
other users have posted this issue as well, and their theory seems to be correct... the swap out seems to happen when a server is rebooted.
see report 0005095: Favorite servers changes automatically
this is happening to me, too...
a repeat of report #s:
and many more
this report is a duplicate of report #s:
this report is a duplicate of report #s:
this is still happening...
logged into several new servers, first I get "You are unconscious."
So I respawn, wait through the timer, and get "Please Wait.", then "You Are Dead."
this is happening on every server I try
completely breaks immersion.. horrible idea
if the player chooses their own skin, what's to stop bandits from wearing hero skins in order to troll you?
if the player does not choose their own skin, why are they suddenly evolving to look a certain way just because of their actions? Are survivors like dark side force users?
learn to play, be cautious, use direct chat to interact with other survivors
Same just happened to me.
I was in the top floor of the jail at NE Airstrip...
went into the corner, crouched to reload and manage inventory, and then fell right through the wall to my death.
reference report # 008353, as I believe they are describing the same issue.
this is still going on, unacknowledged, and a big problem when you spend a lot of time to find and collect the proper ammunition for a weapon... only to have your stack of ammo change to 0 quantity
please resolve
this is a repeat of report # 0008693
this is happening to me, too... and several other people from what I've read.
just posted this bug, without having seen this report from you.
I get this problem with every ammo type, when emptying ammo from a "container" (box, ammo box, unloading, magazine) into my general inventory where there is an incomplete stack of ammo
Hopefully they're on this
as I've observed, this is fixed in the new experimental build
still able to dupe held primary weapon
log out with 1 primary weapon on back and another in hand
your held weapon will be on the ground
have someone pick it up
log back in, now 2 weapons...
spray painted m4 MP Handguard green, hanguard disappeared from M4 model and attachments.
later, found a new hanguard to replace it, and when I applied it the original one appeared in my inventory. apparently it had gone invisible when painted
I have had several people I play with on a regular basis duplicate my exact steps, and reproduce this bug every single time.
see the following issue ID, submitted by me:
0009311: Favorite Servers Not Consistent
a very frustrating problem.
still unadressed.... seems simple enough to resolve
you're seeing the "open door icon" for the door located beneath the one you're trying to open
this happens in several building models that have intentionally non functioning doors, and also happen to have a functioning door on the floor beneath.
go back to the building you describe and observe the floor below you... 100% there is a door there that you have been opening or shutting by trying to interact with the dead door above it
I agree with the responders...
I found that this was quite frustrating in game, especially in the military barracks as you mention. I have a difficult time using my axe in that hallway to kill zombies.
However, it forces me to try other ways to solve my problem, like going outside, or using a different weapon.
Ultimately, I think that this is a good thing, as it's the same kind of solution you'd have to provide in the real world. Of course, we'd be able to change the path of our melee swing in real life, but there are going to be limitations in game that we'll have to live with.
+1 for realism and immersion.
I don't think this needs to change.
OP, learn to play.
every time i spawn with a new character, I run directly from spawn (usually Kamyshovo) to Svetlojarsk and then NE Airstrip, without eating or drinking once.
I always find food and soda there, and I make it just fine.
Once you find food and soda, keep consuming until "Energized" and "Hydrated" are color coded bright green... you'll then see "Healing" or "Healthy" with the other indicators.
At this point, your need for food/drink is much lower than if you were to stop eating/drinking before you are "Healthy"
nothing new... but needs fixed ASAP.
please address immersion and game quality breaking things like this before adding 10 new soda skins