happened 3 times
inventory: 1 stack of 4 rounds of 7.62 sks ammo, 1 box of sks ammo
emptying ammo box result: 1 stack of 20 sks ammo and 1 stack of 0 sks ammo
I lost 4 bulets
inventory: 1 stack of 4-9 rounds of 7.62 mosin ammo, 1 box of mosin ammo + a few stacks of 20 round mosin ammo
emptying ammo box result: 1 stack of 20 mosin ammo and 1 stack of 0 mosin ammo + a few 20 round stacks
I lost more bulets dont remember how many were in that stack
- you can see on picture I uploaded
fix plsss tnaks {F30113}