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- User Since
- Jan 19 2015, 10:11 PM (531 w, 1 h)
May 11 2016
On Facebook we read that they are attack by an DDOS.
They work on it and it could be that we will get our old chars back...
hey... i lost also my stuff... is 50% of all times if i disconnect with an SVD.
But now i think, they get attacked by an DDOS?! The Servers Response is near of null
and now, temporary, i get
"502 Bad Gateway
I think, there is somethink not right at your side. Hacker again?
Yesterday, 9:30p.m. again from 3 different pc's on different places. Also an Pc, which was never before on this side.
this is the best Feature. For me it is no bug. Herewith the frustration level is considerably reduced! This should be a button, which was asked years ago from so many people.
So, please let this inside!!!
I read this and i'm remembering this:
"What is wrong with you boy? (Paper26) You're damning every day. Come into my server u are welcome. Ahahaa crazy player are here..
DayZ - Farwest - (Public/NoKick) - Realtime Process
However, it seems to me that you go on purpose servers to let you kick. It seems that you like .. you can not do without this. You are like the concierges. You have to think about playing and not to make a detective conan.
And if you are not afraid of the fifth player in more come in my server or otherwise you can always go play to Fallout ;) ... hugs"
I think we could make a variable for the name.
"Hackers are 100x less of a problem than "funny" server admins." <-- sorry, this is wrong. You could go an an public Server, no admin Problems.
Hackers are on ALL Problems. You have no Chance to protected yourself. Today, we had it again, an hacker use wallhack, fly to an contruction jard and through 7 granates in 3 seconds. Sorry, this is the biggest Problem of EVERY game and destroy each game were hacking is possible.
if you remove the kick function, admins are unable to do anythink vs glitsher, bug-user and hacker.
This is why ist named absure and not anythink else. For good admins this function is a must-have.
nice to know. Thanks. We try it later.
We have a Server, yes. But we kick only glitcher, hacker and so on. And in the end, the most time we Play on other public Server and get never kicked. Try one of the top 50of50-player Server and you get no kick.
We had alot of times after an update come out that so many glitcher and hacker are on the Server that we have to shutdown the Server without an kick function.
This is the only why that all Player (also you) have a Chance of protection vs this xxx-Player (glitcher, hacker a.s.o.).
And also think of Player with names like "Adolf H." or other thinks are spoken ingame. You have to kick those People. But what to do vs this Players without an kick Funktion?
This is an OLD Topic. So i think you have to life with it or Play on public Server and not privat Server with only one Player is online.
happens all the time from Hotkey-Slot 7+
same with other cars. We tried sedan and lada
and infinite ammo and wallhack and remote-comtrol.
But this new wave of hacker is not interesting for BI :S
this Weekend i was killed 10 times by hacker and glitsher (swimmer) and Zero times by normal Players.
I have record 20min of hackers with alot of hachers on only one Server.
Alot of hacker are reported here and i have the Feeling the devs are not interessted in it.
Non of the hacker reports get only a "i have read it". They are untouched.
And the admin do not get the rights to ban hacker...
seems to be fixed. I made a ticket by my Provider and the server-time was wrong. So the ingame time was also wrong (current time Setting).
only for your Information.
If you get the massage "Client not responding", you have an Connection Problem to the Server.
If the Server gets no answer from your pc, he kicks you automatic. In your game, you see all clear but the signle (syncro) to the Server is lost or broken.
The Server kicks you, that there is no char on the Server without an Player how control that char and blocks the Slot for other Players.
If you are in a V3S and you get kicked, your char makes an log-off-Animation.
This is that no Player is on a combat and pulls the LAN cable out easily to escape (all fine and normal).
But you drive in your V3S and lost the Connection, your char opens the door and jump out of an driving V3S => you die by this Action.
If you have Connection Problems to the Server, check your internet-Connection and do never drive any car!
Sorry, but all Actions the Server done here are correct
i wrote a Long text but the damn token Setting with the time delete the text. So short:
First of all: i played the game now over 2000hours of fun.
I have deliberately DayZ and not bought Arma, because I wanted not to play a mod, but one game on its own. I wanted to have a post-apocalyptic zombie survival game where I can show how good I can survive when the world would be collapsed.
But why do we need a helicopter or a grenade launcher against zombies? That's something the world does not need against ZOMBIES.
But this shows us that prefer items are copied from Arma, instead of staying on topic.
And do not forget: I never wanted to have Arma, which is why I have not bought.
But all the items refer: PvP instead Survival.
So, the only challenge is PvP.
- Insufficient Dynamic Events (the only dynamic Event is the heli Crash)
- A static map we saw all places (Here could be seen as dynamic events on a server, a landslide or be something where it pays view, times to run through the Map)
- There useless items like a broom were inserted, but great things, such as hand grenades and mines away because they could not be developed without Errors
- The rain was once great, as he has only obstruct the view or the sound is reduced. Thus he became the tactical element of the game.
Well, where you freeze, you just quickly change the server, because you can not make PvP in the rain and that's nunmal the only challenge in this game.
- The only challenge is PvP. That's also fun. But there are too many hackers and bad Glishes against which something is done too slowly.
- And a very bad spawn System (spawn playces after dying or get killed)
- A lot of death-glishes (for example run into a small side cabin for tools and glished dead in the doorway)
I love this game, but it has become very boring if you do not PvP against many players suddenly. And it's very frightening and sad when you come to Electro or Cherno and no one is in these cities.
Then the challenge is still away.
And basebuilding: only the Barrels are great because the rest is to big to hide. And look on the game "miscreated": Basebuilding sounds good but is usless in a survival game. Use this experience.
On Facebook we read that they are attack by an DDOS.
They work on it and it could be that we will get our old chars back...
hey... i lost also my stuff... is 50% of all times if i disconnect with an SVD.
But now i think, they get attacked by an DDOS?! The Servers Response is near of null
hey... no, there is no rollback System in DayZ.
All is away.
here you see, that the guy pick up a hacked M4 from a death player with infinite ammo and destroy this mag.
no one of the devs is interested that most of the Players use infinite mags, or? How many evidence you need?
you Need more screenshots from more cheater-stuff?
other example in the screenshot. This is the stuff of one of 3 hacker
Now the Server starts always on 4:27 and in the Settings the time is set by 10:30.
Because we get no help, we reinstall the Server now
and, it Looks like that for example the UMP with Acoc, 100m are missing. You aim with 300m and shot only 200m. And the shot is greatly delayed in these weapons by 1 second.
Is it possible, that the Server has no animals?
Or is only your Server full of animals?
lol, nice Story xD If it is true as you wrote it this should be punished (first asking the admin too).
whitelisting is only posible if you have a new Server and pay extra.
It cost 66€/a month for 40 Slots. More Slots, more costs.
But you Show here you are not willing pay for playing on Servers. You write here with sportsman. Sportsman bring there own stuff and do not make there fun on cost of othere Players how work for this monay. You only Show "i will, that other humans work that i could Play on there cost and i won't pay anythink".
Tell with yes or no: Would you like to pay 30€ each month to Play DayZ online with an ABO?
no, its not pointless.
In one sentence: You get, what you paid for. And he don't pay for anythink.
It plays on cost of others players.
And if someone would like to have a rest for a server he paid for, he becomes a selfmade sheriff.
Litte story, which is the same:
An employee of us got stuck in the elevator. A colleague had opened over the Emergency release the doors, because about 30 minutes no help came.
Then came the aid and has angemeckert colleagues, he would have no certificate to open the doors may.
Here he had taken no harm by the kick. That was the moment during joins. Would it be in battle or anywhere else, so that the admin would have an unfair advantage of it, I would understand.
Here is hidden with the "Breaking the Rules" only the "he has no certificate" and attempts at others' expense to gain an advantage.
This is anything but socially at the expense of other people to play when you're not ready themselves to bring up a server.
> You get what you paid for => Nothink
because this peristance he is unable to get easy loot.
is it besser for you, if all private public Server would be closed? if yes, BE should Close this Option and only BE should open Server on there own cost.
or all Players should pay an abo for Server. so each Player, also you, should pay 30€ each month (now each Server admin pay 60€) to Play online.
are you wiling to pay 30€ each month? like an abo like wow?
only this abo for ALL Players would be fair
Why do not you buy no own server? Why do you want to save and at the expense of other games? Why do not you just go to another server, nor are enough there?
Why are you viewing categories like to be a self-proclaimed sheriff who verpätzt other?
You have suffered no harm, because the server, as you wrote it, did not you kicked, and then to have or like an advantage in battle. He just wanted to spend his money for what you were not ready, but you prefer the other, have to cost a little time for yourself and get some rest.
I do not understand how you can be so it and behind sentences such as hiding the "rules".
Incredibly, want to use a free offer for you, and to complain about others who spend a lot of money.
That's the same as if you would sdich complain to Youtube on advertising, but would not be willing to pay something to have none. But someone has to pay for it. And if you're not ready, you do not complain if people sometimes want something for their money.
only on self-killing the message is dubble. Look on "S::3080 B::-944.17 H::3457" values
okay, as i thought, it sounds cool
why you don't join an public Server for example "DayZ DE 3-10..."?
Why you join an privat public Server whitch was paid for more then 60€.
In the end, they kick you immediately during the join and not during an fight or so on.
If i was kicked immediately, i join on another so. I don't see the Problem.
I think you have not paid for an Server, or? :S
And no: i'm no firend of this Server of play there.
on the Display of the Dashboard of the V3s was the hand the fuel gauge to zero
Tinywilly id=76561198245605120
This came from the admin of this Server. They also say: This was definitive no zombie
omg, ok okay... i don't know why you have so many Panic to spawn near of 3km of your death.
From Electro to Kamyshovo is 2,3km.
From the middle of the NW-Airfield with a radius of 3km could be Pustoshka.
If you run the next time this distance you see, there is no CoD or anythink else.
No one is talking of 400m like to under ask me.
Run the next time 3km, you will see that is a far distance.
From electro to Svetlojask is 12km (air-line). In real you run more.
From Cherno to the SW-Airfield is 1,6km.
I don't see your Problem with a distance of 2,5km to 3km radius.
Btw: In the past we had a more clother distance spawn System and no one had Problems with it. No one where here and ask for more distance. So it is no new please.
after i look a Long time in the server-logs and talk to other server-admin, we all (server-admins) say: this is not a survival game like to told.
I think you don't know this logs.
You see death in seconds on full Server.
There is realy no minutes where nobody gets killed or shotten.
And i see how many peaple kill themself.
DayZ is a multi-Player game. So you Play with your friends.
If you run all the time alone on empty Server, ok. But if you Play with friends on full Server, please, watch the logs.
my most Problem is: Your oppoents run unrealistic with there guns ibnside the gun fire. In real they run away. So they kill you.
Also in real you are 24hours in this Situation and not only 2 hours.
And, do not Forget: It is a game.
It is not nessesary to spawen in electro if you die there but not on the other side of the map
but i wanna Play with my freinds, not hours alone.
And, i could upload a Picture where i spawn again and again on the same Position. For fun i punsh my own death bodies on the ground (3 on one place) not never spawn where i was killed.
I don't know how many time you and your friends have to run 1 hour over the map to your friends. But we would like to Play together. And from kamivobo to Electro, it is enough time to loot my killed bodie, hide or despawn (if it's not clear, this distance is okay. Fabric over and over not).
But if we Play for example in electro and i spawn 5 times on the fabric or svetlojask, this is unfunny and Needs to much time.
i have the same, but on the end of the massage there is an "/" with some more text. The Picture i have it at home. (5:20min Video)
Here the story gathered on interesting that there is no fake or so.
Very very very shot at 4:13.
But before you see how the Zombies detect then in the house but are unable to go inside an open door (also an bug).
Edit: If you are finished with this Video, please give me an Feedback. I will delecte it then. Thanks
next glitcher:
and he is so nice and published screenshots from inside the glitch. The Picture was uploaded 2 days ago, 22.Juli 2015
very very very very by more then 120 Server at the heli-crashes is not balanced :S
For me i give up to search for this weapon. The rarity is disproportionate to the spawning weapon and the time you have to spend for it
seems to be fixed. I can't Close the ticket
hello JStewart,
we were unable to kill them and then the server crashed as we run back to electro. But they can kill us, so no, sorry :-(
I hoped with the time, date and the Server you are able to look in the server-logs.