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- User Since
- Dec 23 2013, 8:10 AM (586 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
yeah alt tab until you get it back
.... what?
yeah anti stab vest not a ballistic vest like the press
nice reference to the mod BTW. if that fails then die
haha i do get the topic. my sense of humour. but yeah i think sounds will all be completely redone soon. hopefully this will get fixed. or WCS you have to die
No fking sht haha. if you get hit in the head it's going to hurt haha. well noises play all the time when loging in. ie reload. it's not uncomon
well at least you got attacked. i have random died twice. I think zombies can attack old syncs of the player
wait wait wait. so is it a good thing when my whole player and zombies have texture flickering even after re spawn. (caused by this.... twice )
it also does it to mag's and the 5.56 if not in your hands.
like how far restarted. cause mine got knocked back 4 logins
ok well mine was only a roll back and saves. there is no need to down vote because i say the same thing. you should up vote so all get more attention. i did notice one server that was on a separate hive. or it might be hardcore and regular survers
unless for reasons they had to roll back characters to about 4 logins ago and people lost everything because they started 2 ago
yeah i got rolled back a bit. not too bad
no they are meant to spawn loot same as trucks. i think the problem is true with all wreck spawns
well it is an old ARMA 2 bug from the lakes and I was able to vault out without injury. I can easily get a screen shot from the ARMA 2 version as it is in the same place and since I am currently the other side of the map.
well that's odd. because most of the time me and my friend can't change hand guard unless we have another to swap with.
so avoid it. it looks nice but it is a hazard and NEAF isn't too far plus that town up north. go there instead.
most people get the opposite. but its like, don't quote me on this, 2000 water to be full of water and 2500 energy. i think.
yeah but it has been there since arma
there is no new office building in Berezino. try on a different server
hu on my imortal player, long story, it took about 5 hits to fall unconscious with a bat. spades should be one hit because it would be.
Someone else has posted this before and is being addressed
There are a few other buildings with handles that are not open able. So it may be one of those that is not open able or will be done latter.
Hey just found out it is your health setting. so you need to heat and drink and get healthy. video is a temporary fix and can hinder your ability to see your player statas
yeah noticed that
well it is a bad idea. increases KOS. but no need to insult an idea. true it should be a redit problem. not for here. however groups are at risk of getting sick. if one person gets sick. all of you can.
only eat all in can's. it is impossible to eat until full. and hard to stop yourself eating disinfectant
YESS!!!! It is in experimental i repeat the feature is in experimental.
and now we get annoying adds oh fuck now they have condemned the forms to having a ridiculous amount of security. stupid idiots. but yes eat all can or drink all bottle
having one button ie click do everything can end badly. considering how temperamental the inventory interaction is and that your gun can still fire on your back mouse click would end badly for anyone near you. worse when they implement grenades.
yeah like eat a quarter half or all of a can. And drink till full.
Kinda off topic but It would actually be good to put bags on bag. IE tie a plastic bag to the side.
Well the human eye see's shapes at night and on munless nights no colour. but night needs to be brighter if your eyes adjust. like the old arma system. that was, and still is fine.
It's been in since arma. some interaction problems have been put into the stand alone and do need fixing. but the one thing i hate about the standalone is how you move and interact with the environment. the firehouse ladder glitch should stay until you can climb out windows and actually jump.
no i think they need to completely redo ladders because the last time i got on one it made me run off the edge to my death. On the up side they moved the spawn
ok the fire station one is reasonable. but i did merge up a whole floor in the office block. so needs tweaking. a lot since your character is usually suicidle with ladders.
no i haven't seen the ones in apart buildings. purely for the fact i have a lot of bad luck with vsynching out of them. or they despawn below me. but anyway the one in the fire station makes sense and i would like to see it stay. the other ones may be reasonable. like you went around the corner and got on. i haven't seen it. i don't think it is high priority
well I don't think it is a bad glitch. Because it happens to be right next to a window. so until you can smash out the window and climb through. I want it to stay. and let's be honest. dayz does not have the gratest movement controls. you get stopped by a chest high fence or something.
your thinking of smelling salts. it needs tweaking to say the least
i was knocked out once. i woke up a couple seconds later. sliding towards the ocean. i could bandage a wound but couldn't stand up or stop sliding. thank goodness for log out.
new sounds
Well if you search you can actually find the new sounds for dayz in a youtube video. So it is probably low priority because they think it will be fixed next patch. if everything starts making zombie sounds then they will mark it high.
yeah zombies going through walls is a big problem. the people talking is on global when logging in or sometimes in game it goes global.
Yeah what is fun is when it also randomly plays a reload sound. less often but it happens and scares the shit out of you.