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- User Since
- Aug 15 2013, 7:30 PM (605 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
stop being a naughty boy with hacks, contact battleye for help instead
somebody hid your body maybe? there was a bug where when you hid a body the body persists for a while but unlootable
Really, why would you do something as retarded as actually attaching said hacks so more people can get them? Make this private or remove and use your common sense. Battleye anti cheat is coming in next patch dunno how effective it will be though.
mosin works on a clip system of reloading so same as the magnum you would spend too much time trying to get the bullets out, more simple to eject the clip and combine some ammo onto ejected clip
and fixed as of last patch, join servers that have been updated to 113925 and this wont happen anymore
duplicate of previous, is to be fixed in next patch
are you emptying the magazine whilst its on the bed? if so they do dissapear, try emptying the magazine whilst its in inventory thats the fix i use
a trained sniper would have no touble making a shot at 300-400m on a moving target, i saw a documentary of a sniper in afghanistan who was suppressing insurgents from down a alleway with a m40a5 he was getting killshots from up to 600m away on moving targets. i would think any civillian would kinda learnt that you have to lead the target when sniping even hunters do this, i think op may be butthurt?
because the loot tables for those buildings haven't been implemented yet, i think as they are regular buildings devs are focusing on getting the loot on the newer enterable buildings stable and in the right place
because you have to take the clip out and add bullets to the clip, its like a plastic strip of bullets.
the only thing i see is a bug am not sure though is i should be able to load a clip of five then chamber one having 6 effective bullets, correct me if i am wrong on this
i have noticed when you are next to a wall firing you sometimes clip the wall when firing even though on your screen the gun is clearly not clipping the wall
could have been a sniper as people have reported the mosin has sound bugs from range, the towers of the firestation are so exposed you would have been a easy target
and its a 1 person server quite sad as they could use it to ghost easily
Zombie pathing through geometry is usually on buildings that have been added as they haven't fixed it quite yet
You sure 100m? I have heard my buddy firing the mosin from sniper hill in elektro whilst in town by the fire station near train station, unsure of m4 but sounds are placeholder at the mo. I believe they bought in a guy specially for sounds in game
Use a macro or hold your key this ain't wow lol
have a look in your inventory screen the icons are next to your character if you are hungry,thirsty or sick they will pop up green for attention orange/red to requires immediate attention
pu scope is for the mosin
weapon flashlight can only be attached to the m4a1 if it has the attachment barrel like gunrails for the optics but on the barrel
m9a1 bayonet may not attach if you have to much stuff on the m4a1 i have found or it may fit on the mosin
same problem if you are wearing ballistic helmet and going prone
rabbits are indeed client side
Can also confirm
Simple fix would be to set the vote count at 100 or at least higher then the server population
also able to vote myself as admin using #vote admin [player name] and kick players and do the other admin things #restart etc
get this fixed
i feel like a fatty :)
i suffer the same problem and have lowered the steam in game pings to 250 still doessnt fix it and i haz fibre optic connection
you could try using a program called dual monitor tools
you can use it to lock the mouse inside the screen
besides what os are you using? single or sli graphics cards?
Dayz default is windowed unless you set launch parameters for it, is it only on days that you experience this issue or does it happen on other games?
Also in other games ie arms battlefield etc i still see mouse activating items like hovering over items but never has it tabbed me out and that's in full screen, it sounds like you have got windowed option on and not fullscreen
Like you i do have teamspeak and other programs running on other screen and when i am playing either moving my head or inventory i see my mouse kind of hovering over items but never in any game for that matter has it caused me to tab out when clicking in game items, in either win 7/8/8.1 either something's wrong with mouse settings in windows. Are you running game in windowed or full screen?
i have two monitors and having no issues
Zombies dissapearing is normal as of now because of zombie population in relation to performance of the game and server will be fixed when they work on zombies however player bodies dissapearing is something i have encountered and shouldn't be happening
yeah becuase i go outside at night and its so colourful - rolls eyes
usually what happens in dayz mod or ama2 in general if you have no inventory space the item is destroyed
i wish that having 24/7 daytime was not something you can do when hosting a server as it ruins the atmosphere of dayz, night is the best time ever! stop bitching about oh the night is too dark, mommy there are monsters under my bed! i mean seriously grow up you have a torch for gods sake.
imo 24/7 day servers ruined dayz for me and Recoil333 sums it up perfectly :)
another issue similar someone replied saying to go to steam select settings then "in game" tab then lower the in game server browser max pings/minute to around 1000/500 depending on how many conections you can handle
happened in rockets livestream, dean did say they know why its happening and will fix it