Did you try joining and downloading the mission file with sli off,then if successful rejoining with sli on after the file is downloaded, or does it crash with sli on regardless of the file already being downloaded?
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May 10 2016
Have been having this issue as well,think it started after 1.50 or 1.52. Also have the stereo variation that's in previous note.
Apparently this issue existed since Arma 2 as it occurs there as well.
This is the case with any vehicles radar that doesn't show vehicles or other objects.
Fixed in 1.52.
Fixed in 1.52.
It's in the support class not the cars class. Just scroll down in the class list until you see support then select that and it should be in the unit list.
If the vehicles would stay with the infantry or at least drive slow enough for them to keep up (since infantry can't run at a full sprint constantly they start lagging behind) and stop when they don't and if the infantry would get back in the vehicle when their still traveling but only once the areas clear or reasonably clear it would probably fix a number of problems with motorized/mechanized infantry.
this is a bug because the vehicle isn't moving with them.The infantry are running after the vehicle while it drives off while the squad leader constantly tells them to regroup with the vehicle which continues to drive away from them,and in a2 when I tested it they would either get ordered back in the vehicle,or the vehicle would stay near them and the infantry kept up with it,they did not drive off towards the waypoint while the infantry ran after it and got left behind.And most of the time all the infantry are left running unless the squad leader is infantry himself,but if even if he might get back in,the infantry that aren't told to still run after the vehicle while it runs off by itself and the SL constantly tells them to regroup. Why the vehicle doesn't keep in formation when infantry can't keep up or the SL doesn't tell them to re board which it does usually in a2 when the area is cleared and their destination is still 5km away I'm not sure.
Still happens in 1.42.
Still a problem in 1.44.
In arma 2 if your weapon was lowered,pressing optics raised your weapon and sighted in,don't know why this isn't the case in arma 3,as you have to raise it first to sight in in arma 3.
Just tested it you can't fully rearm 1 plane with 1 ammo truck/pod/crate etc.