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AI will often order soldiers to rearm at themselves instead of something nearby
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If a soldier is low on ammo and the squad leader is an AI,he will order them to rearm at themselves ("rearm-rifleman"or whatever soldier type they are) instead of any nearby ammo source unless the ammo source is right next to them,and even if there is nothing to rearm at he will order them to rearm at themselves.This is not a problem or an option if you are the squad leader,as it will correctly state an ammo crate or nearby object in the action menu,and nothing if there's nothing nearby,yet the AI squad leader will always tell them to rearm at themselves unless they are literally right next to another object to rearm at,or if there isn't one.
This is not a problem with vehicles,as they are correctly ordered to rearm at a ammo source if one is nearby, and not given an order if one isn't.


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

Place a few soldiers in a squad with an AI squad leader in the editor,then set one to have low ammunition in the edit unit menu. The squad leader will tell him to rearm at himself Even if there is nothing to rearm at,and will only tell him to rearm at an ammo crate or other object if it is placed right next to them.

Additional Information

The AI also do not know how to rearm from another soldiers backpack as they are ordered to rearm from the soldier himself if it's an AI SL unless ordered to rearm from the backpack by a player.

Event Timeline

crs24 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 29 2015, 12:58 PM
crs24 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
crs24 set Category to AI Issues.
crs24 set Reproducibility to Always.
crs24 set Severity to None.
crs24 set Resolution to Duplicate.
crs24 set Legacy ID to 354314958.May 8 2016, 12:27 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: crs24.Jul 29 2015, 12:58 PM