Windows 7 x64
8gb 1600Mhz RAM
GTX 570 OC 1GB using Drivers 314.07
I7 860 2.8Ghz
get stable 40-60 FPS in nearly every game mode or mission.
Large AI seem seems to lag (which is expected), But the biggest hit is this scenario:
I lag down to about 20-30 fps, which is playable.
Currently running setting:
View distance:4k
ATOC:grass only (extra fluff im not impressed by)
PostProcessing:Very Low (i hate blur)
Anistropic: Low (no noticable Visual improvement above this)
Dynamic Lights: ultra (no visual improvement above standard, but i have not used chemlight.... and i like my lighting
Quality: Everything at ultra except shadows, which is at low (i do not care much for shadows
I'm lead to believe the faults could be possibly be one of these for a few users:
Dual screen is not supported fully (Driver crashes and tendency to minimize). So disable one if you have it.
I do not disagree that it is purely client-side, the game has its issues, especially AI computation loading (as mentioned with the poor frame theory ).
I just hope some of this information gives abit more insight to the issue