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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 10:50 AM (623 w, 3 d)
May 9 2016
I agree that the effects will be improved later on.
What settings are you running?
I forget which setting it was, but 1 setting specifically changes whether the sprites clip geometry or not (low = clipping,square bottoms High=nice smooth,feathered effects)
I think its Anistropic Filtering.
Confirmed for this bug. E stays as cyclic forward.
I like to use "esdf" movement and use E and D as collective controls, and S and F as pedals, but this issue completely ruins that.
Nose diving when you want to elevate is a bit of a shock.
Not related to Squad commands but when a grenade is nearby and the squad yells get down, the sound quality and loudness is completely different to the commands you hear.
Feels it is lacking polish
I have noticed this issue, but nothing like what you show in the picture.
It must be related to HDR as when its on Low, i can see it, but on High i can not see it looking at bloomed areas or in NVGs.
Running GTX 570.
Why not just allow you to Hold "G" and hold / cook the grenade, and G+V or another keybind to abort? be alot simpler, and i like to generally hold grenages for a second before throwing for last second corrections.
Instead of Flaming, can we actually talk about the issue he has raised?
He says the gameplay is over-simplified? would you mind elaborating / editing in what aspects?
I think your confusing learning curve compared to streamlined features.
Is Arma 3 easier and faster to get the basics compared to ARMA 2? YES, this is a good thing to get more people into the game and enjoy it. This does not make it any less harder to play.
Is ARMA 3 easier and Faster to master than ARMA 2? No way. People who understand the mechanics (trajectories, camouflage, movement and shadowing yourself on the horizon) will still outclass the players who only understand the basics to play (such as me)
The hardest thing i found in ARMA 2 was camouflage. In ARMA 3, i feel it isnt as effective. I feel that they reduced it's effectiveness in order for a more balanced / fair play in a PVP environment. This is an issue when you look at it from a Military sim perspective compared to an FPS.
Happens when looting a Dead unit as well, and have to vault to escape the gripping corpse.
MoH:Airbourne was great at this, and i would like to see this system similar to that one as well.
Idea better worded here:
Light sources also shine through your gun
It seems to only be after 2 increments of dead-zone that the slowdown in aiming is noticeable.
Another point to make is that the sensitivity INSIDE the dead-zone is extremely high compared no dead-zone.
My apologies, you said physics, but my advice still stands.
If an Nvidia is forcing CPU PhysX processing, that would cause immense Lag
edit Confirmed Forcing CPU PhysX does not lag, But forcing Various effects (AA / FXAA / SSAO) in Nvidia Control panel lags you, so Nvidia users check your panel is set to Defaul / Let application decide)
Yes i am aware of this. That's why in most games you can choose whether or not to run PhysX (mirrors edge for example). Normally it should be automatic loading, but I can understand it might be forcing CPU only in ALPHA.
I'm just trying to help troubleshoot issues people can be having RIGHT NOW. As I'm running Nvidia, it's only reasonable that my advice will work for Nvidia uses.
EDIT: Also, since mine is set to Default, and i am running absolutely fine, and people with the same card are not, it is possible it's selected CPU in the panel. OR they can force GPU processing
I know AMD has a control panel, i don't know what settings but just looking in their may show a setting is forcing a higher graphical quality then defaut.
Windows 7 x64
8gb 1600Mhz RAM
GTX 570 OC 1GB using Drivers 314.07
I7 860 2.8Ghz
get stable 40-60 FPS in nearly every game mode or mission.
Large AI seem seems to lag (which is expected), But the biggest hit is this scenario:
I lag down to about 20-30 fps, which is playable.
Currently running setting:
View distance:4k
ATOC:grass only (extra fluff im not impressed by)
PostProcessing:Very Low (i hate blur)
Anistropic: Low (no noticable Visual improvement above this)
Dynamic Lights: ultra (no visual improvement above standard, but i have not used chemlight.... and i like my lighting
Quality: Everything at ultra except shadows, which is at low (i do not care much for shadows
I'm lead to believe the faults could be possibly be one of these for a few users:
- bad drivers
- Not enough memory for all the scripts and such. Possible solution is Give more Virtual Memory from your hardrive by: Computer > system properies > advanced > perfrmance settings > advanced > change. I'm currently running a max total of 24GB virtual memory.
- background Programs
- Various settings.
Dual screen is not supported fully (Driver crashes and tendency to minimize). So disable one if you have it.
I do not disagree that it is purely client-side, the game has its issues, especially AI computation loading (as mentioned with the poor frame theory ).
I just hope some of this information gives abit more insight to the issue
Wickette is correct. In the Nvidia control center you can choose whether the GPU or CPU does the processing.
Check its not on CPU.
People with Nvidia GPU, are you running custom game profiles in the Nvidia control center? It's possible you may be forcing certain options such as quality over performance, which can impact negatively in some games.
I would recommend turning on Let application decide and turning everything to defaults.
The recoil is bad when full auto is compared to semi auto. Semi auto seems to stray to high, where as full auto is not as high, i feel it should just be reversed
indeed, key functions are not disabled during typing.
When i blow myself up being about 20m away, i get thrown another good 20m.
But I have noticed that sometimes the Ragdolls are bugged (shot an AI in the leg and the leg was stuck to the ground but the body ragdolled)
It will get polished i feel.