@no_more That's stupid, if somebody camps on a roof and waits until he can get a shot on you you will be dead by the time combat mode kicks in.
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May 10 2016
@xinthian that's excactly what the ALT button is for. To look around.
Also, it's not like the 3rd person mode makes your viewing angle wider. It just puts your "camera" 2 meter behind your head, it still has the same FOV that you set in the options.
It is actually kinda fixed, it just seems that it doesn't play an animation and only fills a tiny fraction of your thirst per sip, so you have to drink literally 40-50 times to get full.
Rossums, your link seems to be broken. "Sorry, we couldn't find that!"
Make a timer if you want to rejoin the server you were on if you've been to a different one in the last 20-30 minutes, and make that timer pretty long.
Can confirm switching back and the unresponsive hotbar.
Duplicate of 0000011
Just found somebody has opened an issue about this already.
You can break your bones before you find any though.
@app, one bug doesn't justify another one. They're gonna eventually fix that, and then people are gonna complain about not being able to respawn, you will see.
@tinkzor, all the examples you listed don't make you stuck crawling. If you get hit by a zombie and break your legs at the corner of the map up north it's gonna take you hours to get back to civilization to do ANY of the things you listed which kill yourself. You usually don't carry around rotten fruits, you might not have morphine or splints at hand, starving can take hours if you're well fed and can't sprint, zombies might not be anywhere near you aswell, you can't actually shoot yourself in the leg, there also might not be any cliff to jump off nearby (there aren't that many) and you might not have friends that play the game or have any time for you at the moment.
It's been in the mod, why wouldn't it be in now?
Also, we've seen enough people getting stuck in buildings and stuff already. I'd actually like the respawn button to work even if you didn't break your leg, but only after a certain time alive (so you can't just respawn until you get where you wanted to), at least in the ALPHA!
Of course you should be able to respawn. You were able to in the mod aswell. I never said "You should be able to respawn no matter what happens", I said you should be able to respawn when you broke your damn legs. When you are out in the wild it can take hours to get to the next village or whatever. That's just a very very stupid and boring gameplaymechanic if you have to literally leave your game running until you die.
Especially in the current state of the game where literally crawling over rocks can break your legs, this is IMPORTANT. "It's a survival game" is no argument.
I agree to ImPinkSnail and say that it is probably really a bug, since it was in the mod aswell and it sucks that you have to crawl around for hours on end until you can end your life if you break your legs somewhere out in the wild.
And yes, at the moment, you can just log out and back in so your legs get fixed. When they remove that exploit though, they should add the respawn button for broken legs.
What? On my way from Kamenka to Zelenogorsk I found 4 M4's already, 2 mags for it, a PU scope and a bipod. Also a 35 slot backpack. I have a feeling that there's actually way too many M4's spawning at the moment.
Search before posting, this has been posted numerous times already.
I agree to having a twenty-something hours long ingame day instead of 24 hours!
Just had a similar thing happen to me on top of one of the big new buildings in the cherno outskirt. I tried going down from the top bit, suddenly my character walked forward, fell down, lost some health from the fall and then suddenly teleported back up to grab the top part of the ladder again. Afterwards I could climb down normally.
Bundled bug reports are NOT the way to go in a bugtracker. Please, if you find a bug, look it up to see if somebody has reported it already, then open a single issue for each bug you found, not one for 10.
Most of these issues, if not all, have been reported before
Can't you guys search through the submitted bugs? This has been said 1000 times already.
I can so agree with your post. Damn negative acceleration. If I turn my mouse fast, I can only turn around 180 on my mousepad, if I move my mouse very slowly, I get 360-720°. It's VERY inconsistent and it's really irking me aswell.
Happened to my first character, but now I just use the sprint sparingly when I really need it to get away quickly, and jog anywhere else. Haven't fallen unconscious again, although I get a lot of "I'm tired" messages and the like.
I do agree that the system at the moment is quite bad, especially because of the passing-out death sentence.
That's not a hitbox. It's the swing of the axe that goes to the right, not the players hitbox.
Found a bunch of those already. They just stand there and don't move until you get really close to them. You can actually sneak up on them from behind and get an easy kill.
Still not fixed.
Duplicate of 0000145
Found a bunch of those already. They just stand there and don't move until you get really close to them. You can actually sneak up on them from behind and get an easy kill.
Can confirm, hotkeys don't seem to work the first time you hit the button most of the times.
Can also confirm that logging out with a lit lamp breaks it.
600m? Can you provide a source? That sounds ridiculous.