Actually I would agree with this if instead of different weapons it was refered to different calibers such as 6.5.
I doubt that an M40A3 in 7.62x51 has a different impact power than an M14 which is in 7.62x51 as well.
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May 10 2016
I think they should actually add "settings" to the sights so that you can easily adjust the brightness and the NV mode, actually this could be implemented in a gradual way hence ACO and Holo sights do not have zeroing. It could be implementend so that you just have to press the Zeroing up and down buttons to adjust the brightness and the NV mode.
@AssasinenMuffin: Pardon me, but has there a jet or a tank been added to the ArmA III Alpha recently ? I haven't seen one yet and I think they still can change this issue.
Just btw: We have customizable weapons so why shouldn't we have costumizable vehicles in this case costomizable weapons.
May 9 2016
Definetly agreed, would be a great way to increase the immersion in "story based" scenarios.
Especially the new snipers are way too quiet, I mean we're talking about a .50 or .408 caliber long range sniper system and they still sound like they were .22LR weapons, to be honest I actually doubt that they've actually recorded the sounds of the real GM6-Lynx rifle in Hungary as I've read it in an offical article before simply because of how those allegedly real sounds got implemented in the game.
Also I would like to emphasize that in my opinion all other weapons in the game sound way to weak, in close proximity the weapons sound like you would drop an object on the ground and when the weapon is far away you can't hear it at all, both is extremely unrealistic and has to be fixed.
P.S I have experience with fire arms and also there is a shooting range of the German Army about 2 kilometers from where I currently live, thus I know that you can hear a G36 5.56 assault rifle from approximately 2 kilometers away, however in the game currently you can't even hear a .50 cal from that distance, this is not even unrealistic but also simply unlogical.
How do I activate the rain ? There's no option for me in the "cloud symbol menu" in the editor.
I agree that it should be added, but only under the following conditions:
You have to pull out the knife manually.
It should atleast take as long as changing weapons.
The killing animation should be realistically long.
This is a great idea, I would really appreciate it to see it in the game!
Just by the way: I would also appreciate it if one could disable and enable it, just as Bee8190 said.
I only have one word to describe this ticket: UPVOTED!
I will definetly vote this up, women have been serving as well as fighting in several armies for several years now, I don't really know why there shouldn't be female soldiers in a military shooter.
I think there should only be the possibility to eject out of a chopper if:
You are in the back with a parachute item, and would actually be able to get out the door in real life too.
You are either pilot or co-pilot while wearing a parachute, but not flying the chopper at the moment.
The chopper has an ejection seat, such as the KA50 in real life.
Another problem is the incredible input lagg on some servers which gets literally supported by low fps as well, about 3 hours ago for instance, I played some ArmA 3 wasteland on a "laggy server" and I managed to burst a whole magazine out of my EBR into an enemy just to see him walk up to me on my tower near the Stratis airfield, shoot me resulting in the death of my character and then simply dying by the shots he had taken 30 secounds before, the server had a ping around 30 to 50 for me btw.
I don't have the exact same issue, but when I press W+Shift my helicopter cycles forward and I can not unbind that key combination in the settings, this should be resolved as soon as possible.
This has to be fixed immediadly, nearly everyone is getting really low FPS even with high-end PCs, I even assigned all cores of my I7 2600 and 6GB Ram to ArmA III and it is occasionally still unplayable.
Just btw: You can change the CPU and Ram usage with editing the starting parameters, just like in ArmA II.