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- Editable By
- haneryhasan (haneryhasan)
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- haneryhasan's Dashboard
I really like the possibility of destructing the towers but capture point should dissapear after destruction (similar with the command truck where message appears to the teams that entre deux tower destroyed).
Keep the destruction but make it so, when tower is destroyed then this point will dissapear and not provide connections anymore (when it is destroyed then similar message appears like with command truck when it is destroyed)
Just Fix your Game BI please ^^
Judging by my observations, the whole problem is in the EOnSimulate function.
Any object using it causes a crash
This also happens on official with build anywhere disabled
Happens everywhere, funny detail - this was reported on first/second? day of the experimental
Seems to be something else other than just airdrops causing this.
Can confirm this is happening on vanilla and modded.
(3a9c.5490): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007ff6`eda6e1b4 ff5050 call qword ptr [rax+50h] ds:615c736e`6f7061b5=????????????????
0:000> k
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00000084`697ff570 00007ff6`edb31c27 DeerIsle+0xee1b4
00000084`697ff5d0 00007ff6`ee416c5e DeerIsle+0x1b1c27
00000084`697ff630 00007ff6`ee417fef DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0x342fae
00000084`697ff670 00007ff6`edb30bfe DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0x34433f
00000084`697ff6c0 00007ff6`ee25b83d DeerIsle+0x1b0bfe
00000084`697ff6f0 00007ff6`ee19fbdb DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0x187b8d
00000084`697ff760 00007ff6`ee19f30e DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0xcbf2b
00000084`697ff860 00007ff6`ee2fe8c6 DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0xcb65e
00000084`697ff9c0 00007ff6`ee2f5a74 DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0x22ac16
00000084`697ffa00 00007ff6`ee2f7f79 DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0x221dc4
00000084`697ffa30 00007ff6`edd3a5fd DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0x2242c9
00000084`697ffa60 00007ff6`ee2ffb86 DeerIsle+0x3ba5fd
00000084`697ffa90 00007ff6`ede5e1d0 DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0x22bed6
00000084`697ffbe0 00007ff6`ee459332 DeerIsle+0x4de1d0
00000084`697ffce0 00007ff9`c81e4cb0 DeerIsle!CDPCreateServer+0x385682
00000084`697ffd20 00007ff9`ca17eceb KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x10
00000084`697ffd50 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x2b
0:000> lm
start end module name
00007ff6`ed980000 00007ff6`eea2f000 DeerIsle (export symbols) E:\Dayz\DayZServerDeerIsle\DeerIsle.exe
00007ff9`7b640000 00007ff9`7cd72000 steamclient64 (deferred)
00007ff9`7f2e0000 00007ff9`7f5e4000 tier0_s64 (deferred)
00007ff9`9c700000 00007ff9`9c7ca000 msctfuimanager (deferred)
00007ff9`9fad0000 00007ff9`9fc8f000 DUI70 (deferred)
00007ff9`a0a90000 00007ff9`a0b29000 DUser (deferred)
00007ff9`a1950000 00007ff9`a1d5c000 uiautomationcore (deferred)
00007ff9`a6110000 00007ff9`a61c3000 vstdlib_s64 (deferred)
00007ff9`a6600000 00007ff9`a66a6000 tiptsf (deferred)
00007ff9`a68e0000 00007ff9`a694e000 BEServer_x64 (deferred)
00007ff9`a72e0000 00007ff9`a732d000 steam_api64 (deferred)
00007ff9`a8400000 00007ff9`a84f9000 UiaManager (deferred)
00007ff9`ad100000 00007ff9`ad183000 MpOav (deferred)
00007ff9`ad190000 00007ff9`ad1b3000 amsi (deferred)
00007ff9`ad300000 00007ff9`ad326000 ncryptsslp (deferred)
00007ff9`ad820000 00007ff9`ad835000 mskeyprotect (deferred)
00007ff9`ada10000 00007ff9`ada79000 oleacc (deferred)
00007ff9`adb20000 00007ff9`addc5000 comctl32 (deferred)
00007ff9`aecc0000 00007ff9`aedd5000 textinputframework (deferred)
00007ff9`b0ef0000 00007ff9`b0f20000 dbgcore (deferred)
00007ff9`b0f80000 00007ff9`b0f9e000 VCRUNTIME140 (deferred)
00007ff9`b0fa0000 00007ff9`b102d000 MSVCP140 (deferred)
00007ff9`b1030000 00007ff9`b103c000 VCRUNTIME140_1 (deferred)
00007ff9`b1040000 00007ff9`b104c000 secur32 (deferred)
00007ff9`b10e0000 00007ff9`b12f1000 dbghelp (deferred)
00007ff9`b3440000 00007ff9`b34e0000 riched20 (deferred)
00007ff9`b5440000 00007ff9`b5467000 WINMM (deferred)
00007ff9`bb830000 00007ff9`bba8f000 dwrite (deferred)
00007ff9`bbb30000 00007ff9`bc373000 windows_storage (deferred)
00007ff9`bc6a0000 00007ff9`bc7e1000 drvstore (deferred)
00007ff9`bc850000 00007ff9`bc85a000 rasadhlp (deferred)
00007ff9`bc860000 00007ff9`bc891000 cryptnet (deferred)
00007ff9`bc930000 00007ff9`bc945000 wshbth (deferred)
00007ff9`bc970000 00007ff9`bc98f000 nlansp_c (deferred)
00007ff9`bc990000 00007ff9`bc9a2000 winrnr (deferred)
00007ff9`bcda0000 00007ff9`bcdb7000 napinsp (deferred)
00007ff9`bdd20000 00007ff9`bdda3000 fwpuclnt (deferred)
00007ff9`bde60000 00007ff9`bdea9000 UIAnimation (deferred)
00007ff9`be360000 00007ff9`be39a000 dxcore (deferred)
00007ff9`be3a0000 00007ff9`be4ab000 winhttp (deferred)
00007ff9`bf100000 00007ff9`bf383000 d3d11 (deferred)
00007ff9`bf9e0000 00007ff9`bfd46000 CoreUIComponents (deferred)
00007ff9`bfd80000 00007ff9`bff54000 windowmanagementapi (deferred)
00007ff9`c13a0000 00007ff9`c13aa000 VERSION (deferred)
00007ff9`c1450000 00007ff9`c148e000 directxdatabasehelper (deferred)
00007ff9`c1960000 00007ff9`c199a000 msls31 (deferred)
00007ff9`c1ab0000 00007ff9`c1ac9000 USP10 (deferred)
00007ff9`c1ae0000 00007ff9`c1af5000 XAPOFX1_5 (deferred)
00007ff9`c2d10000 00007ff9`c2d2d000 dhcpcsvc (deferred)
00007ff9`c2d30000 00007ff9`c2d49000 dhcpcsvc6 (deferred)
00007ff9`c3ca0000 00007ff9`c3dcf000 CoreMessaging (deferred)
00007ff9`c4380000 00007ff9`c438c000 WINNSI (deferred)
00007ff9`c4a20000 00007ff9`c4b84000 WinTypes (deferred)
00007ff9`c4c00000 00007ff9`c4c14000 wtsapi32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c58a0000 00007ff9`c5943000 uxtheme (deferred)
00007ff9`c59b0000 00007ff9`c5a91000 DXGI (deferred)
00007ff9`c5fa0000 00007ff9`c5fb7000 kernel_appcore (deferred)
00007ff9`c6140000 00007ff9`c614d000 HID (deferred)
00007ff9`c6590000 00007ff9`c6636000 schannel (deferred)
00007ff9`c6690000 00007ff9`c66c5000 rsaenh (deferred)
00007ff9`c6870000 00007ff9`c689d000 IPHLPAPI (deferred)
00007ff9`c68a0000 00007ff9`c6986000 DNSAPI (deferred)
00007ff9`c6b40000 00007ff9`c6ba8000 mswsock (deferred)
00007ff9`c6bb0000 00007ff9`c6bd5000 gpapi (deferred)
00007ff9`c6be0000 00007ff9`c6c0e000 USERENV (deferred)
00007ff9`c6d30000 00007ff9`c6d3c000 CRYPTBASE (deferred)
00007ff9`c6dc0000 00007ff9`c6dee000 wldp (deferred)
00007ff9`c6e00000 00007ff9`c6e1b000 CRYPTSP (deferred)
00007ff9`c6ec0000 00007ff9`c6f25000 WINSTA (deferred)
00007ff9`c6f30000 00007ff9`c6f67000 NTASN1 (deferred)
00007ff9`c6f70000 00007ff9`c6f9f000 ncrypt (deferred)
00007ff9`c70c0000 00007ff9`c70d2000 msasn1 (deferred)
00007ff9`c70e0000 00007ff9`c712a000 SSPICLI (deferred)
00007ff9`c7350000 00007ff9`c739c000 cfgmgr32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c73a0000 00007ff9`c73cc000 devobj (deferred)
00007ff9`c74f0000 00007ff9`c7594000 sxs (deferred)
00007ff9`c75c0000 00007ff9`c75e1000 profapi (deferred)
00007ff9`c7690000 00007ff9`c76fb000 wintrust (deferred)
00007ff9`c7700000 00007ff9`c777f000 bcryptPrimitives (deferred)
00007ff9`c7840000 00007ff9`c79a0000 CRYPT32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c79a0000 00007ff9`c79c7000 bcrypt (deferred)
00007ff9`c79d0000 00007ff9`c7a70000 msvcp_win (deferred)
00007ff9`c7a70000 00007ff9`c7a96000 win32u (deferred)
00007ff9`c7aa0000 00007ff9`c7bb0000 ucrtbase (deferred)
00007ff9`c7bb0000 00007ff9`c7f20000 KERNELBASE (deferred)
00007ff9`c7f20000 00007ff9`c803b000 gdi32full (deferred)
00007ff9`c8040000 00007ff9`c80e3000 msvcrt (deferred)
00007ff9`c80f0000 00007ff9`c81c7000 OLEAUT32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c81d0000 00007ff9`c828c000 KERNEL32 (export symbols) C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
00007ff9`c8290000 00007ff9`c82af000 imagehlp (deferred)
00007ff9`c82b0000 00007ff9`c835f000 clbcatq (deferred)
00007ff9`c8360000 00007ff9`c8ab9000 SHELL32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c8ac0000 00007ff9`c8f2a000 SETUPAPI (deferred)
00007ff9`c8f30000 00007ff9`c8f90000 WLDAP32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c9080000 00007ff9`c91b6000 ole32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c91c0000 00007ff9`c92dc000 MSCTF (deferred)
00007ff9`c9340000 00007ff9`c96b0000 combase (deferred)
00007ff9`c9740000 00007ff9`c9749000 NSI (deferred)
00007ff9`c9750000 00007ff9`c98f6000 USER32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c9900000 00007ff9`c992c000 GDI32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c9930000 00007ff9`c9938000 Normaliz (deferred)
00007ff9`c9960000 00007ff9`c9991000 IMM32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c99a0000 00007ff9`c9a8a000 SHCORE (deferred)
00007ff9`c9a90000 00007ff9`c9bad000 RPCRT4 (deferred)
00007ff9`c9bb0000 00007ff9`c9bb8000 psapi (deferred)
00007ff9`c9d90000 00007ff9`c9e01000 WS2_32 (deferred)
00007ff9`c9e10000 00007ff9`c9eb2000 sechost (deferred)
00007ff9`c9ec0000 00007ff9`c9f1f000 SHLWAPI (deferred)
00007ff9`ca000000 00007ff9`ca0b1000 ADVAPI32 (deferred)
00007ff9`ca100000 00007ff9`ca303000 ntdll (export symbols) C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Здесь уже больше 50 администраторов серверов с одинаковой проблемой, даже если представить, что у каждого из нас всего по 20 игроков. То это уже получается 1000 недовольных игрой DayZ игроков. Это если считать по минимуму. Но видимо разработчикам на это наплевать. Раз нет внятного ответа. И отключение аирдропа не помогает. Тем более клиент с этой ошибкой крашит и на ванильном сервере.
I disabled AirDrop Upgraded and the server crashed once since then in 24 hrs.
Before disabling it server was crashing every 3-4 hrs...
In T187409#2745954, @aldworth33 wrote:Can this please be added especially now when every server if pretty much full with a 30+ queue on an evening, I'm about to launch my own server and don't want to be locked out of my own server if I need to get on to make some changes etc
Is there a reply / response to fixing this BI?
Today the problem was repeated, after the loot of the container, the weapon did not switch. It was impossible to switch, it was impossible to use the disinfectant from the inventory. The weapon that was in hands - fired, reloaded, but could not be holstered.
Can approve: Same here.
[Attribute(defvalue: "8", UIWidgets.EditBox, desc: "How many AI soldiers can be recruited into single player group")] protected int m_iMaxAIPerGroup;
Just wanted to update with you that in 1.27 Road Tools is still not working between Terrain Builder/Buldozer... Having to restart BD still to see updates.
Right, you can hear them from further away, but they still sound like they are close. The sound needs to be altered / EQed to sound as far away as the sound source really is.
Relates to T189525
good idea
Another option on how to do this:
This only applies to Everon. On Arland, the transmitter is very firmly installed and cannot be destroyed.
relates to T189257
And another Crash on Exp. from yesterday
I can confirm the same for Utopia Airdrop, i disabled all Drops and the server ran without a Single Crash for 4 days now. Yesterday i tried popping an airdropflare and as soon as the Helicopter started flying the server crashed
I am sharing a screen recording to show you how significant the problem is. This issue occurs not only at the moment I first spawn but also at various points in the game. For example, when I drive to a combat area and exit the vehicle, the weapon in my hand and its scope fail to render. This makes it impossible to play the game in situations requiring quick reactions. Since the scope does not render, I cannot see elements like the red dot, etc., associated with the scope. As a result, the game essentially comes to a halt for me for 10-20 seconds. Additionally, while driving, the roads sometimes fail to render, giving the impression that I am moving on a flat gray surface. There are many other similar issues that I cannot fully list here.
I’ve been wondering this too.
I have disable my Expansion Airdrops now and since there, the Server runs normal.
I don’t remember exactly what I had in my backpack, but I know I had a rangefinder and a hatchet, but I’ll take an ak-74 haha just kidding that would be nice though to compensate you know?