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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 9:58 PM (628 w, 4 d)
Jul 11 2017
May 10 2016
This absolutely needs to be addressed.
All of my upvote! I would hate to see ArmA, who tries to be as close to a sim as it possibly can, suffer innacuracies as simple as this.
May 9 2016
Are you doing this while using a non-diver archetype?
I was not able to reproduce the issue with the steps that you posted.
What resolution is your monitor running at? What manufacturer? What resolution did you start the game in?
Stop whining and deal with the fact that some people are assoles? You can also not clutter up the bug reports with an issue you mark as urgent, that cannot be fixed by the devs. Your all caps and obvious lack of reflection on the issue is pointless.
There are scripts out there that automatically kick teamkillers. This is an alpha. Give the rest of the testers some time.
This has always been a problem, a problem solved by kicking teamkillers. Stop your whining and either leave the server, or kick the teamkiller if you're admin.
Wow that's pretty dissapointing that the 3GL is not working as it does in the real world. Although I can understand why the choice was made for that. OP weapon is kind of OP, 'specially in the AI's hands where their grenade launchers are deadlier than the rifles themselves.
For the sake of realism I think it would be a good idea to put 3 shots in the launcher as per reality.
To contribute with this, when you strafe over an area and fire rockets at the ground (in the little bird), all your systems will be destroyed, same with the rotors, but the helicopter will still fly as if it had rotors.
You need to be a little more specific here. Do you mean you caused the rotors to make contact with the ground or other stationary object, and have them dislocate, to which you were able to fly the helicopter seemingly without rotors?
Which helicopter was it? What object(s) did you make contact with?
Is there a command to tell units to switch to their pistol out of curiosity?
Welcome to ArmA. AI has always been significantly more OP even since CO.
All rifles in the game are default zeroed to 300m, and most are not configurable to change that value. The right course of action would be either forcing the player to aim low when engaging at distances lower than 300m, or allowing the zeroing to be configured/setting the zeroing at 100m.
This would be the best! I am a bit worn down with using init commands to get the lodouts just right. Also the sheer number of items that can be in the inventory would warrant me keeping a list printed out beside me as a reference!
All of my upvotes!
I'll monitor this so when you upload screenshots I can take a look at them.
The AI in all the ArmA games sometimes has this problem. Expecially when they are in larger groups of 5 or more, they cannot take cover properly. It's not a bug or an issue, it's just good ol' ArmA AI.
I assume you're talking about walls that are too high to use V to step over?
It would be cool.
Nope. Underslung grenade launchers do AOE damage. Ranger is incorrect. I tried to replicate the problem but the enemy always died.
Damage from grenades aren't working as they are supposed to. Dropping a grenade at your feet then waiting for it to detonate will only seriously injure yourself. However I have not shot a grenade at an enemy soldier and not have him be killed. Will try this out on my own client.
I tried to reproduce your issue, and I was able to fire through the windows perfectly fine. Were you playing as a specific soldier class? Which house?
Also you could try and put a bit more descriptive title.
You'd be correct in saying that I have no experience with making my own scripts. If you would like I can help you out for the next couple hours, as I am doing nothing but scrolling through tickets and would like to jump into this wonderful world of scripting.
I really don't think you realise that there's other people out there that want to test out multiplayer scripts too. Why don't you load it up on another computer, and run one of your clients with steam offline?
Since it's a steam only game, the likliness that you'll be able to run two instances are not in the devs hands, but rather in steams. I do not believe that they will go in and change the code for steam just so we can test it.
Why don't you try and be social and try and work with other people? There's a community of testers out there. Post in the forums to see if someone wants to get on skype or TS with you to help you test things out.
I reproduced the issue. Once the player presses a movement key it sends the player out of the vehicle. I do suggest that a prone healing animation would be made.
Also you're able to stand up inside the vehicle and remain clipping into the model.
Definitely would appreciate some of this!
Do you mean this happens when an AI is assigned to take the back seat on a quadbike?
My post will probably be buried but do you guys realise that no matter how hard you try the software is not going to be able to utilise all your hardware power? The issue is the same for all games and programs. Your computer will not run at 100% capacity.
GPUs will never hit 90% unless they're running a stress test or specific benchmarking program. The same go with CPUs.
This is just for those kinds of people that are wondering why the game isn't using all of the resources you give it.
Also multiplayer is always harder to run than singleplayer because your CPU has to handle the game as well as networking.
I was not able to reproduce the issue in the single player editor. I assume that this is a mutliplayer issue. It could also be because all the players were in third person view, which causes the neck of the soldier to be very wierdly positioned.
EDIT: Screenshot posted from my view inside the OPFOR IFRIT.
If they aren't in fact dead, then yes this is a pretty serious issue. Give me a couple minutes to try and replicate. This is during multiplayer correct?
I didn't really like the new config, and I switched back to the standard zxc from ArmACO and ArmA2. Just my comfort zone I guess.