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- User Since
- Aug 20 2013, 1:32 PM (601 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Hello and thank you for your feedback. I will fix it ASAP ;-)
Problem will be fixed in revision 134599 so pretty much today or tomorow DEV. It was also added to merge queue for stable ;)
So problem was in slightly corrupted SQM. There were missing type name for one module attribute and wrong (maybe old) object id of building in some waypoint. I made sure next time such situation will happen it will no more cause any crash ;)
Fix is on it's way to you and should be in your game in next DEV update :)
Hello and thank you for letting us know. I will check it out ASAP ;)
This issue was found and fix on friday. Please check it out again and let me know if it is still happening ;)
Thank you for your help and have a nice day :)
So i found and fixed it ;) issue was in storing wrong (zeroed) position of copied marker to SQM. You should be able to check it out in next DEV update :)
Hello and thank you for finding this issue :) i'am fixin it right now ;)
So i found an issue and fix is on it's way to you ;) you should be able to recheck it in next DEV update.
Have a nice day :)
Thank you for your help with adressing this. I will take a look ASAP ;)
Hello :)
I checked it out and fixed it ;) you should be able to check it out in tomorow DEV update. Have a nice day :)
So problem solved! :)
Problem was that marker had correct rotation set but in wrong units (radians instead of degrees). Issue is now fixed and on it's was to you ;)
Hello :)
Thank you for heling us out with adressing this. I will take a look on it and let you know ASAP ;)
So i found an issue and it is fixed now ;) you can check it out in tuesday DEV update :)
Have a nice day...
Hello! :)
Thank you for your report. I'am going to take a look on it right now ;)
I'am glad to hear that! :) so i will close this issue and wish you many hours of fun mission making ;)
Hello there :)
to resolve such type of the issue i will need to have ideally SQM that is causing crash or at least minidump. Can you please upload it?
This is already planned feature ;) Don't wory we dont want lose your work. Currently there is simple auto save (or backup save if you wish) when you run preview.
So i managed to find a solution and it is on it's way to you ;) you can expect it in tomorow DEV update. Have a nice day! :)
Hello there! :)
Thank you for your feedback. This is actually a good point. I will take a look on it and probably give icons higher priority so they can be selected through these areas :)
This is duplicate of linked bug.
Hello! :)
This looks like map is stealing S key event. I will take a look ;)
So i found a solution and it is on it's was to you ;) should be available in tomorow DEV update.
Have a nice day! :)
thank you for helping to find this :) it is now fixed and you will be able to check it out in tomorow DEV update ;)
There are already some ideas / plans for this ;)
Thank you for your help with adressing this issue. I will take a look on it and let you know how it goes ;)
So issue was in missing correct formation direction setting when mission started. Problem was fixed ind you will be able to check it out in tomorow DEV build ;)
That is different thing. Zeus have intentionally available more things than editor. Eden have even less than old editor and that is about to change ;-)
Hello! They will get there. There are some changes in configs going on in the background and because Eden is slightly ahead of those some items are missing ;-)
You are welcome ;-)
Let us know in case of some other problem :)
Hello, I was just trying to use vehicle respawn and it works for me.
- Place empty vehicle (-s)
- Place vehicle respawn module
- Right click on either module or vehicle and select Sync connection type (under connection menu entry)
- Click on other item.
You should see sync line between them and when vehicle will be destroyed in game it should get respawned on it's original position.
Hello again! :)
So i found an issue and it is fixed by now ;) you should be able to check it out in tomorow DEV update (revision 132571). Have fun and thank you for your help :)
I'am on it! :)
So i found an issue. It was due to implementation structure in engine overriding correctly set tooltip by one calculated for normal ListBox. It is fixed ind you will be able to check it out in tomorow DEV update ;)
Thank you for helping us out :) I'am investigating this right now ;)
So it turned out there was missing part of landscape reset after mission preview. It should be fixed in tomorow DEV update. Could you please then check it out and let us know? :)
well that is a nice bug (ghosty lamps) :D i will take a look an it and fix it ASAP ;)
Thank you,
i will check it out ASAP
So issue was that old SQM was slightly corrupted (trigger was sync to object that was not recreated from SQM - probably ignored logic waypoints). So i added some safety features for such cases and i'am now able to open your mission without any visible issues. With tomorow DEV update you can test it out on your own ;)
Thank you for your help with adressing this isue :)
Hello :) could you please attach problematic mission (just SQM should be enough)?
So problem was fixed and will be delivered to you as soon as possible ;)
rev. 123779
Problem should be fixed in r. 123883
Helicopter under water was constantly taking damage from water although it was already dead.
I know i just fixed part where rain value was skipping and it sits still on my pc in changes... Be patient
This has been fixed and rain sound still skippes. When i look on data for sound they are smooth but sound isnt so it is in sound ;-)
"seems the weather is now depends on server" - Yes weather is now synchronized from server to clients.
"forceweatherchange will ignore overcast duration" - Yes because force weather change is forcing weather to change now.
Documentation of command:
Forces saved wanted settings for weather to be actual
About sound. I'am trying to find problem now, so please be patient ;-)
Ok, so from my point of view problem is in sound so i will change department ;-)
nextWeatherChange slightly depends on external library (SimulWeather) so it is little bit different on different PCs and if you look on it Time is also little bit different
TimeDif: ~+0.6
nextWeatherChangeDif: ~+60
So difference is the same as difference in time so in fact it is same. It have same absolute time. Overcast is also little bit different because we are interpolating and in fact chasing server state. If i will simply set server state to client it will result in Lags
Divergences are made by way of synchronization. We cannot set weather values immediately because this would cause lag (as in case of forceweatherchange). This lag is there because of external library SimulWeather (we need to force him to recalculate some quite complex stuff and it takes him a long time). So instead of it we are going in way of slowly changing weather according to current state on server. In fact state of weather on server is setted as target state on client so client will over time end on more or less same values therefore same weather ;-)
Ok now i see :-)
Problem fixed in revision 116379
Enjoy ;-)
I'am unable to reproduce the problem in version 116.365
Can you please provide me more info or retest it if it is still broken.
We always trying to give our players as much support as possible ;-)
Maybe there could be problem with low memory (RAM) so lowering settings could help. But definetly if you will have some crashes let me know ;-)
I'am very sorry but i must say that these minidumps contained no clue about what is going on again...
So i'am now checking your issue but don't see anything strange in your crashdumps. Can you please provide me more of them?
This is only data problem, Moricky will take a look ;-)
Bug is fixed right now i unfortunatelly cannot say in which revision it will be available because of another some blocking issue. But till next week it should be available. So please be patient and i will send fix ASAP...
Bug is fixed now. I'am not able tell right now in which revision will this fix be added. But till end of this week it should be in dev (but no promisses) ;-) I will try to send it ASAP
I'am on it ;-)
Exactly, i'am on it and today it will be fixed. So expect update ASAP ;-)
So problem solved and update will be uploaded this week or at the begining of next ;-)
Fixed in r. 115709
Update should arrive ASAP. Also fixes problems with weapons on table etc.
So enjoy ;-)
Working on it right now ;-)
This issue is now work in progress. Will be as soon as possible in dev branch. Stay tuned ;-)
Fixed in r.109331
Try to read man... Fixed in Version:
What do you want more? Yes it's fixed.
Ok, then i'am sorry for that. But really, there isn't much to say. It is already done and you will have this fix as soon as possible ;-)