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Steering Controls and 1:1 ratio at High Speeds.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Driving at slow speeds allows your Steering Wheel or Gamepad to have a 90 degree 1:1 ratio response in steering. Driving at high speeds, roughly above 60km's you lose the 90 degree 1:1 ratio enabling an unresponsive delay/deadzone in the steering making it frustratingly tough to turn and control the vehicle.

Giving us an ability to disable the Speed Sensitive steering would be fantastic. This would allow 3rd party peripherals such as the steering wheel and gamepad the ability to control vehicles at high speed.

The issue is only recent - alpha and early beta did not have this issue.

It seems like you have made the controlling easier for keyboard users and neglected everyone else.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Drive a vehicle at high speeds, try to steer.

Additional Information

Bistudio Forum:

"It is not about sensitive, It can be easily adjusted in controls options , it is about "speed sensitive" - If driving 10kph and turning 90 degrees logitech G25 wheel drive gives you 90 degrees turn while driving with 80kph and turining 90 degrees logitech G25 wheel drive gives you 30 degrees turn... "

  • PawelKPL

Event Timeline

Sbats edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 21 2013, 12:56 PM
Sbats edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Sbats set Category to Controls.
Sbats set Reproducibility to Always.
Sbats set Severity to None.
Sbats set Resolution to Fixed.
Sbats set Legacy ID to 1478507796.May 7 2016, 4:51 PM

This issue is now work in progress. Will be as soon as possible in dev branch. Stay tuned ;-)

Harri added a subscriber: Harri.Sep 8 2022, 10:01 AM

Hey @sadovsf this still isn't fixed :(