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- User Since
- Jul 27 2013, 2:21 PM (606 w, 2 d)
Feb 5 2018
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Dec 17 2016
Dec 13 2016
Oct 20 2016
Sep 27 2016
Sep 13 2016
Bug is still there, tested on 1.64 RC
Thank you a lot for your detailed report friend, I do care and I am trying to help. I am spamming Dusa with bug reports, thanks to people like you I also put effort in.
Sep 6 2016
Sep 4 2016
Sep 2 2016
Here is a testing package. Mission and addon.
Jul 20 2016
Jun 21 2016
Sexy. Documentation incoming ASAP!
Jun 16 2016
Jun 15 2016
Jun 13 2016
May 10 2016
Removed "note that tail disappears" from original repro steps. It was misleading and has nothing to do with this issue.
My other ticket
has been closed, claiming that THIS ticket has more recent information.
I feel like this is a wrong decision - these are two, separate issues which is why I created two tickets. I only used the same attached data.
Fixed in Dev Branch! Close this please!
Thanks frenkeeeee!
This is a good find but a different issue. Please open a new ticket for that. :) This is great info!
Ah, Koala, that's DC offset then.
It's the fault of the old wav->wss converter of bohemia. This will be fixed soon I believe.
A sound guy here.
The popping is 100% baked into the tail, it's supposed to be a reflection off of a surface, like an echo. Unfortunately only into one side of it so it sounds weird and creates confusion (as we see in this ticket).
Here is the offending MX tail, played in forest areas. The left and right channels are switched but that's a bug within the audio engine.
Sound familiar?
The way to fix is is to create a new tail sound for the MX, should be simple enough.
Hey guys,
I am close with the audio guys at bohemia and it is planned to give the players control over the dynamic range of the audio. Dynamic range = differences in volume between quieter and louder audio elements. Although it's planned I can not say when it will be implemented.
There will be NO slider for different sound categories like "environment", "weapons", "vehicle engines" because this would change the overall audio mix, creating a possibility of users breaking their own audio and also cheating.
Right now an alternative that seems to work for some people is "volume normalizers". For Realtek's devices it's called "loudness equalization". Creative cards call it SVM (smart volume management) It will turn the volume up when things are quiet so that you as the user don't have to turn up/down the volume all the time depending on what's happening ingame.
I hope this helps a bit while we patiently wait for the hard working audio fellas to implement the dynamic range options.
Did you try filePatching this?
I have attached the filepatching addonset.
In the PBO the value of volumeFactor of "class MX_Tail_SoundSet" (in soundSets.hpp) is 1. In the unpacked data the value of that is 0. This value is ignored, I hear the specific sound at full volume so I think it is not loaded.
Thank you!
The result is "true" now. Still arma does not load content from the unpacked data.
Thanks for sharing my video Tachi. :) I forgot to create a ticket for it.
Thanks! Works fine! :)
Look at "error.jpg".
Even when using -stereo parameter it does not work.
Thanks, testing.
Works like a charm.
Thank you!
I'll make a ticket in 10 min.
Thanks for the info. The WavToWss GUI needs to be updated then, "stereo" option added.