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1.64RC sound bug
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Currently testing the 1.64RC. Using a 5.1 Logitech G430 headset. When i first started playing, right away noticed a difference with sound. Not sure whats in the changelog, but i think the following is a bug.

When moving forward, and your guy is calling our commands (Return to formation, Target 200M, etc..) it sounds like your player is calling them out from behind you. However if you move backwards, then it sounds like the sound is coming from in front of you (not the actual player.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Place player with squad on Tanoa
  2. Run forward and start calling commands. Listen to your player and his voice sounds.
  3. Now do the same running backwards.

You should hear the difference i am trying to point out. Again it sounds liek the sounds are coming from behind or in front, not from the actual unit.

Additional Information

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_DX11
Exe timestamp: 2016/09/02 16:36:52
Current time: 2016/09/05 23:10:36

Type: Public
Build: Stable
Version: 1.64.138245

Allocator: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

Event Timeline

JCae2798 created this task.Sep 6 2016, 5:11 AM

Nice find.

The same issue should occur when you are strafing left & right. Do you mind posting a video?

Hey MEga, not sure the need for a repo mission, but i know you are trying to help. Anyways REP link below...but its as simple as placing down a team of units and just calling out commands.

I tried the strafing side to side and it still sounds like audio is coming from behind unit.

With the latest update, there is now a second bug as well...where the vehicles sound turns on/off. I will report this on a different ticket. This bug has appeared in the past as well where i reported it once before.

Thank you a lot for your detailed report friend, I do care and I am trying to help. I am spamming Dusa with bug reports, thanks to people like you I also put effort in.

The more effort people put into reporting audio stuff the more effort I feel like I must put in in order to give these people "justice" so to speak. And - ALWAYS PUT A REPRO MISSION. It's like a magic pill for QA guys. It really tells us "okay, this IS serious".

So yeah, I will annoy the fuck out of the audio guys but I can not guarantee anything since programmer ressources are ... Hard to get for A3 so to speak.

This might be a specific thing for 5.1 setups, but even on a stereo setup I heard some weird directions...

razazel claimed this task.Sep 13 2016, 10:21 AM
razazel changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.

Might be indeed issue with the 5.1 setup. Using a 7.1 headset, I am experiencing no similar issues :(

Yes I have the same issue with that too, I haven't had a chance to report T. Thanks for adding

Wow I should upgrade to the 7,1 setup ;)

Let me know if I can test anything for ya guys. Hope it's not a stumper

Just realized my G430 headset is a 7.1 it's not a 5.1. Sorry for any confusion. Still having this issue.

Thank you.

Dwarden added a subscriber: Dwarden.Oct 4 2016, 3:06 PM