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- Jun 4 2013, 9:48 PM (616 w, 3 d)
Dec 23 2016
May 10 2016
My issue wasn't with that.
But to be sure I did try to blow up 2 objectives without getting spotted. And nothings happen.
I mean AI react, and look for me. But when we shoot at the enemy there is a radio debrief that ends with something like "Keep me updated, I don't want to be here longer than i have to."
And this doesn't happen if player just use bomb
PiepMGI : Feel free to post a new ticket that only ask for the removal of duplicated "pick up" action. But not "removes multiplication of the same actions". Because some actions as "door opening/closing" or "mine defusing" should appear as much as objects in range. (I don't know the value of the range today, but there is one. Maybe it should be adjust, I can't tell.)
For such a ticket you'll have my support even if I don't think it's a priority.
There is some action I use and if it's not in the first page I look for them next page.
What is what is according to the distance between object and AI. So if you don't want your team-mate go far away pick the first of the list.
I use the 6 menu for quick inventory of what is on ground.
I use the "pick up (weapon)" order for launcher mostly.
I prefer opening the door my self.
I use a lot the "open inventory" order.
I use some times "drop bag"
I think "sit down" and "salute" are useless but fun.
I'm not saying the way I play is the way it should be. And maybe this menu should be listed differently. But removing option isn't a solution that make me happy.
I vote down, because i use the "6" menu, And maybe the order of doable things should be review. But i don't think filters should be add. An exhaustive menu is a strength, And for picking up things you can open the AI's inventory.
For doors opening (which i don't use) you may be right. But you ask for too much modification in a menu I use and like.
I agree Fighting Power for the disembarkation part. This shouldn't be automatic for your own team and your self. Especially because there is an ejection option in the action menu. So this should be player's responsibility to eject in time!!! maybe in damaged vehicle ejection of the player should initiate the ejection of the AI crew.
But I disagree with the idea of the crew fixing the vehicle from the inside. This is unrealistic as possible.
Yes, no longer an issue. And i tried to reproduce the bug this morning, but i was unable to do it. So Maybe the crash report will tell you more. However the game works perfectly now.
I closed and restart the "arma 3 launcher", then everything seems to work perfectly again. So it's minor bug.
I put an editor mission, You just have to aim the same place as the screenshot and open fire, you'll see the impact as in a tree.
If yo want to see the real outline of the tree, just use your laser designator...
The truck is your target: zeroing to 800m a few bullets and it blow up.
So lie down shoot the truck, make a few step right and try again.
I just had the problem again, with the same kind of tree, but another location.
The bug is still remaining, without any mods/addons...
Reproduce today.
I put picture to illustrate the way it comes.
This time I haven't try to save and exit, because i don't want to lose my progression in campaign.
In picture 5 you'll see something that may interest you more than me; but don't forget that the bug was here before this "event"!
(I just notice that I forget to say hello, but I don't report issue to blame you or your work. So don't hesitate to ask for more information! Anyway, thanks for your work on this very good game. And good luck with all issues!)
I put a picture of my add-on as it was while i was playing that mission.
Once I load the saved game just before the ambush, (Spotter 3 have already said "the convoy just reach the coast...")
And the convoy don't arrive... (happened only once)
I've wait for the convoy or for the spotter from 07:09 to 07:16and5sec (time of the game).
And nothing happen, and before I've take time to set the ambush.
I'm not starting from a saved game, each time I restart the mission from beginning.
If you need more info, just ask and I'll do my best.
I'm trying a third time...
The problem happened again and I can't spot what they aim.
i Agree with Mr_Centipede. This is a complicated order to give so AI should obey it in priority.
Exception should be add with close enemy or enemy firing.
Maybe the AI team-mates shouldn't react as individuals but as a team. So the closest or the one which is assigned to the direction should be the only one to be aiming the spotted enemy. So the rest of the team can obey the order and get ready for further incoming.
In campaign, to set the ambush (episode 2 adapt) I've try again and this time it worked perfectly.
(my issue was happening during the showcase)
So i've no explain... I'll try to reproduce the bug, and let you know.
I'm today satisfied of the way inventory works in game so you can class this feature request as done (resolved). Thanks for your work.
No, my ticket is badly scripted. It is more a "feature request", I find the view as it is set a litle to low.
But there is no bug.
I will reassign my ticket to feature request.
Feel free to modify or close this ticket if "incorrect" or "inappropriate".
Thanks you a lot Koala, I feel a bit stupid but it's very helpful.
Maybe should the BIS add a little subtitle on the two or three first briefing:
-"Press space to skip"
There is a misunderstanding, maybe because of my poor English (I'm a French after all).
I'm talking about cinematic in game game briefing, debriefing, and sentence of introduction too. You know when the screen goes to "cinemascope", and we only can move the head...
I put screenshots to be sure i'm understanding
this feature had been add to the game. So you can class this one as resolved! thanks.
Win7 same problem
All the bridges should be destroyed by explosive especially, it allow players to set real ambush.
When i'm looking at a body i always succeed to loot him, even from a distance which is superior at my character's arm. So more than enough for me, maybe issue had been fixed now!!
same thing in single-player, observed during the campaign.
Looting a dead body is different from picking up a weapon. And the present system is a good way to show it. (according to me)
Seems to be resolved now! Mission work perfectly for me.
Old topic, probably solved today.
You just have to look the body. Standing on the body doesn't change anything...
To separate vest in several pouches is a good idea, but do not specialize pouches!!!
One pouch should accept item by size.
In a not very complicated way:
Mag; grenade; Aim-point; laser; flashlight; sound-suppressor; GPS; etc... are small
Maybe a medium pouch in some vest?
Pistol; NVG; binoculars; etc...
And of curse two small items should enter in a medium pouch!
May 9 2016
The size of object an object appears in orange when we try to put it in the bag or anywhere, this is good and enough (according to me)
But the capacity of backpack, crate, and any kind of boxes doesn't appear.
It will be very help full to see the capacity of any "containers" just to know which is the bigger...
Thanks for your work.
Good idea but it should take time. So players could have something to do in the back of trucks and in helicopters...
I really enjoy to get myself killed when i'm looting a body...
If an option like that one had to be added, I'm not against but we had to be able to disable it in the difficulty menu!!!