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[Suply convoy] The convoy don't come.
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Convoy never arrive and not a new from the spotter... And the game don't save!
I've already finish this mission and usually there is two "saving game please wait..." and none of it happened.

resume:-No convoy -No spotter -No auto save

I've exit to the main menu and came back to the game and then the spotter start speaking and the convoy arrive... But before "save and exit" i can wait a long long time without anything to happen. {F23820} {F23821} {F23822} {F23823} {F23824} {F23825} {F23826} {F23827} {F23828} {F23829} {F23830} {F23831}


Legacy ID
Campaign Episode 2: Adapt
Steps To Reproduce

Anticipate on mission, don't wait for the order, go the faster you can to set the ambush. Do not follow any road.

Additional Information

Difficulty of the game set to "Veteran". The bug happened 2 times i haven't try a third yet but it seems to be systematic.

Event Timeline

loutralep edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
loutralep set Category to Campaign Episode 2: Adapt.
loutralep set Reproducibility to Always.
loutralep set Severity to None.
loutralep set Resolution to Open.
loutralep set Legacy ID to 2578576542.May 7 2016, 6:30 PM
loutralep added a subscriber: loutralep.

I'm trying a third time...

I've wait for the convoy or for the spotter from 07:09 to 07:16and5sec (time of the game).
And nothing happen, and before I've take time to set the ambush.
I'm not starting from a saved game, each time I restart the mission from beginning.
If you need more info, just ask and I'll do my best.

Once I load the saved game just before the ambush, (Spotter 3 have already said "the convoy just reach the coast...")
And the convoy don't arrive... (happened only once)


I was not able to reproduce this problem. Are you running your Arma without any mods?

Thank you.

I put a picture of my add-on as it was while i was playing that mission.

The bug is still remaining, without any mods/addons...
Reproduce today.
I put picture to illustrate the way it comes.
This time I haven't try to save and exit, because i don't want to lose my progression in campaign.
In picture 5 you'll see something that may interest you more than me; but don't forget that the bug was here before this "event"!

(I just notice that I forget to say hello, but I don't report issue to blame you or your work. So don't hesitate to ask for more information! Anyway, thanks for your work on this very good game. And good luck with all issues!)