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memory crash charging altis official mission
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Crash during the lunch of scooting misson on altis.

more information on picture. and crash report.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Game Crash

Event Timeline

Alwin claimed this task.Dec 23 2016, 4:20 PM
Alwin changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
Alwin added a comment.EditedDec 23 2016, 4:35 PM


I´ve seen on your report files. You have enabled -maxmem=3073 parameter, that could be core of whole issue. Maximum vaule for parameter is 2047 MB. Try to disable that parameter.

Next, try to disable all parameters and launch the game.

Next, try to disable your mods and launch the game without them or try add them, one by one, and always run the game.

Next, try to clean your hdd or remove ssd if you have it.

In any case, try to follow advices mentiond here.

It coult be useful to reinstall Arma 3, change the game profile or remove all missions and add them to new profile.

Fault time: 2016/12/23 09:37:24
Fault address: 76F0C54F 01:0000B54F C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
file: B_skirmish01
world: Altis
campaign: A3\Missions_F_EPA\Campaign

Let me know If problem will still persist.

Thank you for your report.