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- User Since
- Mar 9 2013, 2:00 AM (628 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Thanks ceeeb. That was helpful
I am not sure. Where do I look?
That s the interesting thing. In Multiplayer I can, however in editor I can not.
Can we vote this up?
Cant believe this has not been addressed. Just tried flyting and it feels horrid.
I stopped playing since the game officially came out just because while in beta I thought a lot of the things were place holders, however the game is just sooo disappointing because of some decision making processes that take place at BI.
Plane physics, chopper physics, Action menu. Seriously, this was fine 10 years ago, but have you guys not seen better ways of doing it? I even saw people make some minor mods to action by looking. I,E, Battle field and any other game from the 20th century.
Sorry for the BLOG! Had to vent. :D
Sorry. I am not the brightest than. Tried everything other than that. Thanks.
Why are people down voting?
This is actually worse than I thought. Take off, And try to clip trees at high speed. You CAN NOT EXPLODE! You as a pilot dies, but the jet keeps going.
true. They made an update to the full family of xh after which the cyclic got slightly slower but has a huge impact.
Animation is the same and has been fixed a few weeks ago.
The rotation is waaay slow.
also, makes it very difficult to stealth fly any winged aircraft.
Nope. For me doing anything, banking, pitching, lowering gears/flaps, turns the motor back on.
Just checked. It is impossible to keep anything greater than 5 degrees pitch down without speeding up.
Yes I am also not understanding what is the cause of this. But since they fixed choppers I am pretty sure they can fix this.
That is quite true that there is no reason to have multiple aircraft crash into each this way.
This is here merely as a bug report which says that object which get stuck together lose their physics.
Added a link to the steam workshop mission.
Should work the first time. If doesn't just restart the mission.
how do I attach a mission?
There is a way. I bound my controller through the name.Arma3profile in my documents. Was a pain but I did it. Banking has the same problem as helicopters had. It is quartered though compared to the keyboard.
I cant see controls for fixed wing either
edit: just bound my controller to left turn right turn. It works but it is veeeerrryyyy sloooowwww
EDIT: Started happening every game after the last update.
Ok why did someone downvote?
Sorry. I thought about searching and forgot once got here. No need to get all upset and stuff
@NodUnit. That is a perfect explanation of what I was experiencing. Thanks.
@Kol9yN. Never put AI into this heli. Can you let me know how to replicate that? Want to see what happens and where the AI goes wrong.
@DemmisModem. Yes, you make complete sense. However, if you look at what happens in the video, is the chopper starts gaining altitude, by bleeding speed into altitude increase, and at the end looses altitude, but after leveling out it stays still.
Now, if you look at AH-99. The Opposite happens. You don't gain altitude, and after you level out and apply full throttle the chopper continues dropping like a rock.
Seemes to be fixed! Hooray!
Agree, but this one behaves in a completely opposite way from the others. Other choppers with similar Seems to actually gain lift during this maneuver. And most of the time with this chopper it is unpredictable. Sometimes you are fine, but most of the time you drop like a rock.
In fact, the closer you are to the ground the more lift you gain with less power, that is because the downward thrust of air causes sort of an airbag which gets squeezed the closer it gets to ground.
Pretty sure the behavior in the first link is not normal.
Maybe this is in on purpose?
ooooohhh I See. Sorry. My bad, forgot to test. I guess should rename the ticket.
@Maffa. Do you know what Alpha, Beta Stage means?
Officially this is not a game yet available to the general public. Officially you are here to test things out and help make the game ready for final release.
Now, yes there is no point of Jets on Straits, but again this is not a final release yet. All we want is a test model to fly.
Because looking back at choppers in alpha stage and seeing how far we have come, one but wonders at what state the planes will be on release if we don't provide input and feedback, because input and feedback is what made choppers as good as they are now.
@AD2001. That plane looks siiick! Thanks for the picture. The color looks kind of like a shark :D Hope to see more.
Wow that is very strange. I however heard in one of the podcasts that they are not including jets into beta cause the maps are too small.
Fingers Crossed ;)
True. But I am more concerned with actual flight model versus actual application in BETA
I think choppers are veeery close to being great. I wish we could contribute as much to Planes.
I don't think you guys are correct. (if I am understanding correct)
Porting ARMA 2's planes will not represent the current state of planes.
1)Choppers in the beginning of alpha did not feel anything like choppers in previous ARMA games.
- Devs stated that the reason choppers feel different now is because they are implementing actual physics.
SO. Importing planes from ARMA 2 will give ARMA 2 planes, and giving any feed back on ARMA 2 planes will net absolutely no benefit to the current game or community.
We need to test planes from ARMA 3 to be able to give as much benefit and bring as much change to them as we did to the choppers.
@ ProGamer: that is the reason we need to test them. If we didn't have choppers to test, they would handle like Alpha build in the final release.
I don't like mods, cause they usually break more stuff than add.
Maybe, I am just suggesting. But I am not talking about black outs, I am talking about getting a plane to test before the game releases to get the bugs out.
Also, I agree about the blackouts.
Yes, we bought the game already anyway. So we don't really care if we see all the content now. I just want the game to be great when it launches. And as I am mainly a pilot I am very happy to see that feedback for the choppers was heard and they got much better. Wish the same would happen with airplanes. No need to give us Altis. We can test on straits.
Totally agree with people that understand the topic and don't go banannas over "BALANCE" I cant even see that word anywhere.
FLIR screen is not there to balance but to give pilot and gunner the ability to work together, since pilots cant shoot anything and have to work with Gunner.
@NodUnit: I am also shocked. Not sure why all the downvotes.
exactly my point, even Mi-35 in real life has flirs, and all that stuff. Youtube it.
And Blufor has the UH 80 with guns.
@arziben. Well Blufor looks like they are from the future and Opfor looks like they are from 1960's
And again, All I am saying is Mi-48 needs to atleast be reasonably close to Ah99. And I am saying is it needs a Flir screen for the pilot. So that he atleast knows where his gunner is shooting.
True, but other things outweigh it. in my opinion, since there are actual transports.
Basically, Blufor has:
- A small and nimble AH-9/MH-9 with rockets :D
- A Medium and very agile AH-99 attack chopper with bad ass weapons and FLIR
- A Medium and agile UH-80 transport
OpFor Has:
- Big Orca transport kind of adgile
- HUGE Mi-48 slow and clumsy with poor weapons systems Attack chopper/Slash transport.
Is Opfor trying to transport china? They don't need sooo many transports. Where is their nimble little bird, and agile attack chopper.
But that's not the point. Mi-48 should have at least similar targeting systems and weapons to AH99
Now whenever I get into a lobby all I see is a full team of Blufor and 2 people on Opfor. (Lobbys where vehicles correspond to factions)
Can you forward to that ticket please?
@AD2001 whats RV
The current terrain model in ARMA 3 is the worst I have seen of any game. Try running up a slope and look at the ground. It moves with you! People clipping through ground. Landscape changes with grass settings. Absolutley awfull!.
With that engine this game would truly be EPIC!!!!
@ Byku. True, but others handle just fine. Not a big problem for me. The only real problem I get as it's some what random. Sometimes I can do it fine but most of the time it drops like a rock. Hate it when I am low to the ground and all of a sudden I am flying down the slope with no idea what happened.
@ DennisModem. Loss of speed is not what I am talking about. This maneuver is done specifically to change direction quickly or slow down to a stop. What happens is the heli just drops as if all the lift is gone. If you look at the second video that does not happen with other helis. It's actually quite strange.
Also. I have looked at videos online and choppers don't have a problem with loss of altitude when doing such maneuver. Most behave like those in the second video. So something seems off about AH-99
Here is the ticket No: 0012461
The physics and feel of choppers is amazing. I tested all of them and can say that for me at least they choppers have reached perfection, (as much as they can for ARMA 3) No need to change a thing.
One thing though, which is still off. Doing hard banking in AH-99 results in loss of all the lift. Will post a video and make a new ticket for it.
@ProGamer: Sure I will delete the comment about Ch-49 water landing.
oooohhh I see. Thanks for clarification.
What do you guys thing about CH-49 being able to float. Added a youtube link with real footage of a chopper that looks like the CH-49 landing and taking off from water.
Look in my main description for the link.
@oukej: What do you mean by "no Mi-48 with Ka-52 capabilities"
Also. I didn't get it. I thought you said the Blackfoot will not be able to fly sideways. Or did you mean it will not be able to turn in at high speed?
@AD. Cause this is feedback based on changes that they made. There are tickets already with all of the problems.
OOOOHHHH MYYYY GOOOD. Why does it keep changing from Feedback to Assign. All I am doing is adding a note.
Now I feel like both Mi-48 and AH-99 are lacking lift. Mi-48 just falls like a rock and AH-99 feels less maneuverable than Orca or CH-49.
EDIT: it says in issue history that Ii changed stat from feedback to assigned.
I have no idea how I did that and I don't thing I pushed a single button. Please change back to feedback.
I agree. It could actually be a very interesting game changer. Currently landing on a hill slope between trees is not that challenging. However if wind would affect the chopper like in TOH, it would change a lot of things.
Strategic approach to attacks, landings, maneuvers. People would be forced to land in the open. Also, mastering flight would actually mean something.
About drifting:
I actually drift, so I am not just saying. Drifting is about balancing throttle and steering (plus other stuff but that's the main point)
- Correct
- WRONG. Formula D does not allow slics, only street tires. Slicks would be good for grip but are not allowed.
- WRONG. Any rear wheel car can be drifted. Japanese drift with 180hp. Many US enthusiast, drift stock Silvias, corollas and other cheap cars. Welded diff and that's it.
- WRONG. Engines break often without even pushing them hard. It's not drag racing with NOS.
Back to the topic.
TOH was fine, but that model would just not work with ARMA 3.
Flying a plane is easy (depending on the plane) Using and understanding all the electronics, regulations, wind and everything else is hard. But flying about is easy. I did it. (not taking off and landing but just general flying about in a Cessna).
But that would be unrealistic. It's the same thing that I hear on Driving Sim games forums. (This is too easy and thus unrealistic)
Driving is easy, Drifting is EASY in real life. If it's easy it doesn't mean it's unrealistic.
Now, if you want it to be hard so that people don't fly, that's a different story, but that would mean making unrealistic flight model.
Flying choppers is not hard, and the only thing that can add to difficulty is turbulence, wind, and other things, but the way choppers handle (most of them) seems pretty realistic. The only thing TOH had going for it was the shaking of the chopper, but that would just get annoying in ARMA 3
The wind effect is something that I would love to see in Arma 3. Currently I don't see any effects on choppers at all.
But guys, flight doesn't have to be hard. It's not that hard in real life.
Also, this is a game, and some things are supposed to be just fun and should work within the game.
TOH Physics aren't fun or very interesting IMO. I don't see how it would work.
In my opinion the game would not be fun
Aren't airlifts in? You mean for vehicle right?
oopppsy daisy
I know. This is a bug, because a chOpper should blow up if landing without wheels. This actually proves that wheels have no physics.
Easter Egg would be a big picture of a developer plastered all over the sky :D
I am doing crossfit and sweat like a monkey. Never have I gotten blurred vision from sweat. In fact, never in my life have I gotten blurred vision from anything.
@Gustav. You vision should NOT blur after a long run. People don't get blured vision.
Well, making you run slower also works, shaky hands and thus poor aim also works. Many ways of doing it differently. And again, running 10 meters and starting to blur gets out of hand when you usually need to run 200-300 meter to AO from LZ's.
Could we get this feature? Or is it at leaset in development?
We need them for skyfire on Mi-48 those just go straight. Currently it is impossible to hit anything with them.
Unless: Shoot 2 rockets, see that you under shot, shoot 2 more. And so on until you hit anything.
The AH-99 got the crosshair for the gun. Check, once you go into manual fire and you have the guns equipped, you get the crosshair.
want to see if this can be upvoted some more.
We need this atleast on MI-48. AH-99 has the FLIR screen to see, but MI-48 has nothing. Need it ASAP when flying with AI or alone.