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- User Since
- Mar 7 2014, 9:30 PM (574 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Yeah, it seems that it was fixed. So developers you may close this report since it was resolved in the 3/24(I'm american, so thats how I right the date) update release
While you were testing this, have you tried different days and seen if the moon phase ever changed. Since for me I do not recall the moon ever changing, since whenever I was playing a mission at night I normally seen the moon as a full moon.
^If this is the case then I would up vote this so that in the future maybe this can be added as a future request which would give it more immersive and a more realistic feeling.
I have also noticed this that the ai doesn seem to utilize their explosives that much even though they have access to it.
This can be an issue, and so far I do not know of a way to resolve it. But to get your sort of fix until there is an official fix by BIS. You may want to look at the bcombat mod here:
Even though it says SP, it does work in MP. I have been using it on my server when I was hosting zeus to give the players a challenge. This makes the AI throw HE and Smoke grenades more often, they even suppress hostiles more often when it makes sense and they also are more realistic-almost player like.
I just reloaded a save and the same thing happened to me again. I think it may have to deal with that maybe I am timed on securing the town. Since clearly the tank has been neutralized when I called an artillery strike on it previously.
I noticed that one of the soldiers was still shooting at something, but I can't see what hes shooting at. I guess I'll have to keep trying to find that soldier; otherwise, I am stuck and cannot progress any further into the campaign.
I have resolved it. I do not know if this is how it was planned in the mission, but it seems that the player is timed on destroying that tank. It seems though that the timer does not stop when the tank is destroyed.
So to help others that may experience this when they get to this point, be advised that there is a timer and the timer continues until all AAF forces near that secure objective are neutralized.
This problem has been around for the past week, and me and some other people have found a solution for now. You must unsubscribe to all the arma 3 steam workshop items you have subscribed to.
Once you have unsubscribed to the workshop items you may also want to go into your userdata folder in steam located at: <driveletter>:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Userdata. In the Userdata folder there will be a folder with numbers which is I believe your steam id number, then inside that folder there will be two folders that you will want to delete: ugc and ugcmsgcache folders (these hold the subscribed items, and if you delete these it will make sure no subscribe content still exists.
thanks Lord Moricky for responding quickly on this, since me and others have been really annoyed and bothered by this bug. I guess lets hope it does make in the 20th, but I probably wont be able to test it since I am so psyched about the final campaign (my rule of thumb is not to play campaigns until they officaly released on normal build)
I have tested it to yesterday and on a steam friends server that he hosted I joined as game mod and so far no one on server experienced any lag (it was just three people though, he was zeus gm, I was zeus mod and a random player was Blufor.
I have yet to test it again today.
03/19/2014: Just tested it while I joined a server, a person joined in as moderator and it still lagged so much it was unplayable. So it must have have gotten into the patch fix yesterday or today when there was one.
Maybe we may have to wait till tomorrow the 20th for the fix when the normal campaign is finally released on normal build.
this is the same thing that I have experienced as well with hosting a zeus server. I noticed though that yesterday I had a friend on steam join my server as moderator and everyone who was on my server at the time (about 8 people) said they did not experience any lag.
Then today when I hosted my server again and some random person joined as moderator me and everyone else (about 4-6 people) said they experienced the unplayable lag. I then asked the person who was the moderator to leave the slot willingly, he didn't so I kicked him. After he was kicked the lag ceased and it was playable again.
It looks like you may be experiencing what happened before in the previous update. I think you will need to unsubscribe to all the arma 3 steam workshop items.
Also you would want to go into your userdata folder in steam: located at <driveletter>:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Userdata/<steamidnumber>/ and in there delete two folders: UGC & ugcmsgcache.
At least I know me and my friends weren't alone on experiencing this. I had the similar thing where it does go to like 0-1 fps and it is pretty much unplayable until the moderator leaves the slot willingly or the server admin kicks him.
I think a solution (we can't fix it) would be to just edit the mission and delete the moderator module until there is a fix.
I think it may have been fixed or something. Since yesterday I had a friend on steam join the moderated slot of a server I was hostined and the players there did not experience the lag.
But then today while I was hosting a server some random person joined the moderator slot and I heard from the players that they were experiencing the lag, so I had to ask the moderator to leave (he didn't so he was kicked) or be kicked.
So I do not really know what is the cause of it or if it has been resolved. Maybe it depends on who is joining the moderator slot, and if the person who joins it doesn't have the best frames affects the whole server?
have you tried unsubscribing to the arma 3 workshop items. and to make sure to delete the ugc and ugcmsgcache folders undier Steam/Userdata/<steamid>
I must have missed it then. It probably was farther back.
I think it could be related to that steam is having troubles today, they are either doing some maintenance on their end or something.
Since I am currently having trouble seeing the store and having my friends list online. I noticed when I was hosting a server today that it would show people joining but they would get disconnected as soon as they would join.
I have had people join my server previously.
Like others have noted there is a work around, make sure to unsubscribe to whatever it is you have subscribed to in the arma 3 workshop.
I have just tried the above and it 100% works. Also what I did as well was delete the subscibed files in the workshop folder located in. <driveletter>:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Userdata\(steamidnumbers). In there delte the ugc and ugcmsgcashe folders.
It will work
I have just tried the above and it 100% works. Also what I did as well was delete the subscibed files in the workshop folder located in. <driveletter>:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Userdata\(steamidnumbers). In there delte the ugc and ugcmsgcashe folders.
It will work