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- User Since
- Aug 9 2018, 9:07 AM (341 w, 11 h)
Feb 8 2021
MKII pistol is very low caliber, you would think its BB gun compared to diffrent ammo types... but 9mm is only 44% stronger than that. How often are you capable of shooting someone 3-4 times in the head? Even if enemy would stand still and react after 1 second he would be able to oneshot you or simply outdps you. DayZ shouldnt be game where stronger gear wins but a game where tactics and stealth wins. Pistols have 10% range of rifles and barely any attachments so i guess a little dmg buff wouldnt hurt would it? Do you find pistols fun? Do you think 5 shots to the head to kill with characters moving 18km/h is fun? Many players think pistols are balanced but its only because they dont use them. Do you think you would be capable of holding up somebody with a pistol? Its impossible because even at point blank range you can outdamage it with fists, only place where pistols find their use is killing players without guns at ranges from 5-10 meters because if they are too far away you wont hit anything and if they are too far they will outdamage/outshock you. I guess only people aware of how bad they are and wouldnt want their buff are coastal bambikillers because then bambis would have a chance.
Feb 6 2021
Dec 8 2020
Nov 27 2020
Jul 31 2020
Jun 8 2020
Jun 2 2020
Apr 22 2020
@Geez I just wanted to add one more screenshot i saw on twitter showing how bad HDR can be sometimes. Hoping for a quick fix.
Apr 11 2020
Mar 19 2020
@Geez Thanks for reply and explaining this effects a little.
I still have two more questions.
1 - Since later 0.63 versions there seems to be no option to turn off postprocess effects (and bloom but its not that important). Why?
2 - Would it be possible to let us choose between SSAO and HBAO in game options. I've seen something like that in other games but obviously they were running on diffrent engines.
Mar 16 2020
@Geez Any comment on this?
Mar 15 2020
Mar 14 2020
Mar 8 2020
Mar 7 2020
Mar 3 2020
Feb 26 2020
Feb 24 2020
Jan 26 2020
Jan 19 2020
Jan 17 2020
Oct 8 2019
Sep 16 2019
Just love how not even a single thing of all this above was changed in 1.05. Even bugged texture filtering. Still setting to 4x in files while highest in options.
Aug 2 2019
Jul 29 2019
The resolution of trees, grass was better, shadows were more accurate and it gave feeling of walking in real forrest. The grass felt like it was coming out of ground unlike now (it seems like its floating). watch it if you want to know how it looked. The main thing about forrest is that now shadows are bugged ground textures are bad (they look more like some low resolution grass instead of normal dirt ground like it was in 0.62). The plants have really limited range of rendering.
Jul 27 2019
I searched for a little and found that ambient occlusion technique is something called ,,FXAO" instead of normal SSAO or HBAO (or HDAO). It got surely changed. I found it in DayZ.cfg where i found also that... anisotropic filtering is set to 4 instead of 16. Plz fix it.
EnterThePug, 0.60 changed render. 0.62 changed trees grass and ground textures into level that we dont really see often even in 2019 (but yeah they were downgraded). Its not like i hate new engine, few more frames are cool but i havent seen that drastic change... i like the render of small trees tho and waterhouses are great. This are 2 things that got improved in 0.63 but it could be possible in 0.62 too.
I found my screen of ultra from 0.57 patch. Whenever i see how much better it looks than any screenshot from after 0.63 it makes me sad...Jul 25 2019
Yeah! Thats some good points! I hope they will change it soon, i dont want DayZ to get old in graphics...