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Aug 5 2013, 3:02 PM (604 w, 11 h)

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May 10 2016

Maffa added a comment to T70860: Suppressors are too silent which is unrealisitc.

you may be aware about this issueù

and in particluar about these two well documented notes

May 10 2016, 5:27 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70834: Sheeps aren't visible on dedicated server. ?

May 10 2016, 5:26 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70830: RPG-42 launcher need smoke effects.[with reference].

you mean the launcher exhaust? The produced smoke looks negligible to me... or am i missing something?

May 10 2016, 5:26 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70793: Turning turret requires engine to be turned on.

i'd relate this issue with mine

May 10 2016, 5:25 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70790: Laser designator (laser marker) beam should be visible in NV/IR.

i dont have the necessary competence to discuss this, but since this is 2035 BIS can do whatever they want regardless of what is the situation in 2012, so this issue is reduced to a mere problem of game balancing (or difficulty and time to make yet another visual effect when you could cut corners)

May 10 2016, 5:24 AM · Arma 3
Maffa edited Steps To Reproduce on T70743: Startup times for veichles, multimanned veichles initial setup.
May 10 2016, 5:23 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70141: We need to test atleast one airplane..

cos we are in beta and there's no sight of planes, i guess. you place all important tokens in alpha and test and debug them throught beta. no planes till now = no planes.

this is my guess. i will be reading that thread t find any relevant information and then post it here if i find any news.

edit: it seems there will be Aero L-159 ALCA, as well as the Osprey and the YABHON-R UAV: so a trainer monojet, a tilt rotorcraft and, well, UAVs. All these fixed wing planes are in the low-mid range.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70141: We need to test atleast one airplane..

there is nothing to test because there is no flight model to begin with (yet? at all? im searching it now), and if i may add, they did it right because, as i was saying, a military jet plane in maps big as they are in A3 now make no sense.

i am reading this thread, they are in 2011 so i guess thecloser to 2013 they get the more updated news ill get.

In any case, IMO, if any jet were to be they should be piloted by AIs and coded as much as needed to keep them flying.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70141: We need to test atleast one airplane..

Dr Death, this is a simulator, not an arcade game. BIS is not interested in making better vehicle simulation than we already have. Putting jets in Stratis is plain idiocy. The operative speed of a jet is around the speed of sound, and most of its weapons are not "aim and miss" as they are now, but all have some sort of heat/laser/radar guidance that BIS will not provide nor model.

I suspect you dont know a single thing about air warfare, nor AA nor AG. You want to play around with toys you may want to refer to other titles available to the market.

Simpler planes like the Supertucano mean the crappy avionics and flight modeling Arma use for anything from a quad to a blackfoot will work for the most part and can be convincing; the higher the speed and the tech involved, the more eyesore and facepalming the sim will be.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70141: We need to test atleast one airplane..

@Dr death: and this says a lot about how crappy those planes were.

Air warfare involving jets require an "island" the size of South Korea, at least (100.000 square km). This, if you want to create a good flight model and not a shiny and powerful F35 and have it fly like a glider.

I repeat myself: turboprops are ok for these islands.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T70141: We need to test atleast one airplane..

I feel battlefields are too small to fit or employ a real jet. A Tucano sized COIN turboprop plane could do tho.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T69437: [ Requesting ] a Selectable Level of Wounds from No Blood to a Realistic Wounding System.

sincerely i never understood why people would play with 1.14 if the last stable is 1.13... never got any issue with it.

but then again, bugs on an already developed environment would have been easier to implement than totally ignoring the issue.

i am afraid that they aim to water down the hard core part of the game to appeal CODders and BFers, without realising that while its all to see if they can steal away new people from such blockbusters its sure as hell that they will lose their own HC fans.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T69437: [ Requesting ] a Selectable Level of Wounds from No Blood to a Realistic Wounding System.

sincerely, i wouldnt.

They knew what ACE wounding system was capable of in A2.

Having hit boxes or not it's the difference between a good simulation and a so-so arcade. Even world of tanks and mechwarrior online have hitboxes, and they are free to play.

As i said, i expected them to include ACE into the game as a starting point, even if i had to bear with all the scifi ghost recon BS they are making up; instead it seems i will have to resort to modders again in order to have a simulation to play.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T69437: [ Requesting ] a Selectable Level of Wounds from No Blood to a Realistic Wounding System.

plutoto you give me too much credit here :)

my "gore" reference is the choice made for Sniper Elite 2. That is just gore for gore's sake. I wouldnt want that kind of ogrish experience. I would also refrain for bowels or limbs going all around. But this is my taste. I wouldnt apply "gore" (as in "realism applied to human organism") if it results in death or final incapacitation. That would be only sadistic satisfaction, and i honestly cannot say i pursue this kind of "fun". I know this is war, but my personal pursuit in ARMA is not the feeling you get in "war". Im much more on the softair side (with explosion, granted :D ). I am okay if gore has an utilitaristic function, intead, as a way for a combat medic to understand the simptoms to be cured. In fact, as far as a new wounding system is concerned, id be more focuse on immediate symptom of wounds on the body: a chest wound is different from a arm wound.

ACE wounding system (for all those doesnt know how it is) have the wounded with simply blood smears over his uniform. The only visible effect of a wound on a soldier if he get hits on his legs because he will only be able to crawl. And of course there is the passing out. The medic would go up close and perform a diagnosis, where a dialog box will tell you what the symptoms are: bleeding, heavy bleeding, in pain, passed out. For each of these symptoms there is a cure: bandages, compresses, morphine and epinephrine (i.e. adrenaline). This is pretty straightforward. Other interventions can do is CPR (which will extent the countdown before a player bleeds out) and First Aid with a medkit that despite the name comes after all those action from before (if you dont perform first id the wounded character will bitch and moan as if he were wounded). Anyone can perform these tasks, but usually CMs will stock up with bandages and shots in order to have plenty for everyone. All in all, the job of a combat medic is:

-gearing up correctly (take ten of each bandage compress morphine epinephrine medkits)
-learn how to press the "menu" key (the one between right win key and right ctrl" ey)

  • learn this sequence by heart: treat bleeding - treat pain - treat faint - first aid
  • dont get shot

this is it. Combat medics are such because they behave as such. No particular skill but they behave as the last line of safety for the squad.

To me this is level 1 (being level 0 the magic asterisk).

What id like is something more challenging. No magic diagnosis. I would like ragdolls would show the hit part (holding their arms, pressing their chests and so on, limping or crawling) and, if we would like to make it even more complicated (and id like to) have some more variety to healing (turniquets, salts, splints, OPAs, saline shots, etc.)

But i'd say id be satisfied if ACE wounding system would be implemented "as is", really, with its ruough hitbox and all. Anything but the asterisk.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T69437: [ Requesting ] a Selectable Level of Wounds from No Blood to a Realistic Wounding System.

[same note from]

team leader
anti tank
machine gunner
combat medic

This is what a fireteam is made of.

Medics need a challenge, something a little more that "right click that guy but if you cant do it no problem someone else will do".

As it is now, ACE mod is even too much vanilla to me. List button, perform checkup, already find all symptoms and cure to apply, you dont even need to be a medic in order to heal someone...

A combat medic is a specialist and his competences cannot be replicated by someone without proper specific education. Who says no one would be interested to play such a role is talking about himself and the stone in his pocket. The strategic role of a CM inside a squad is invaluable if his skills are precious and scarce to obtain.

Of course the real role of a combat medic is to stabilize the wounded in order to send them to a hospital ASAP, not patch them so that they can pick their rifle up again and shoot as nothing has happened. As a CM it happened to resuscitate the same player up to 7 times one after the other. But in a mission, in a proper arma environment (= no casuals, no kids, no ramboids) , CM certainly have an important place.

Besides, i always presumed that A3 would have been better than A2 + ACE + ACRE. Even though im sadly adjusting my expectations, i would really hate if something as important as a wounding system like ACE's wouldnt be there from the get go.

Regarding gore, i dont mind, im not that interested. It would be interesting if there would be a hitbox mechanic that would show the interested wounded part (like a arm so that you would see blood splattering from that arm and not anywhere else, with maybe the ragdoll holding his arm fo the pain), but im not too much into flying limbs.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T68683: The community's definite suggestion for better heli immersion and guided weapon FCS.

go in peace, johnnie :D

May 10 2016, 4:04 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T68683: The community's definite suggestion for better heli immersion and guided weapon FCS.

uhm, what is this remapping rant really about?

May 10 2016, 4:04 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T68683: The community's definite suggestion for better heli immersion and guided weapon FCS.

@doveman: of course, all my suggestions dont make any account of feasibility (even though i dont think having veichles starting slower would be impossibile task) ... i dont know if having waypoint navigation is an easy or impossible thing to include. If PiP maverick or any other suggestion i made cripple low/mid spec frames they should be ignored...

May 10 2016, 4:04 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T68683: The community's definite suggestion for better heli immersion and guided weapon FCS.

i totally second this and other attempts to make veichles more realistic. Being a sim plane entusiast myself, i recognize that veichles are a great force multiplier and even thought we cannot ask to apply DCS level sims in ARMA, we must at least introduce things to give it more realism while power them down a little (while making them more interesting and as realistic as time effort and game engine limits allow to) by having the player to manage some more systems:

  • Use PiP for Mavericks and other video fed weaponry
  • Multi-waypoints for aerial veichles: this is basic stuff. When you plan an aerial mission you have several waypoints to cover in sequence, including those for backup plans (like secondary airstrips, for instance). You should be able to program a very basic flight path and have a navigation sequencer you can run up and down (prev waypoint, next waypoint)
  • AA and AG radars where only active radar (i.e. lockons) (as well as user defined waypoints and friendlies) and/or major heat sources (i.e. engines) would be shown. There is no such thing as an anti personel radar, either you have an IR scanner with an operator using it or you dont. As simplicistic as they can be, it would be a great step towards realism

i feel that the first three points in my list arent really in topic, so i think i will open a ticket myself and see the feedback

May 10 2016, 4:04 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T64011: Suppression effect for players.

i see this issue has seen some transformations since its start, so even though the initial idea of forcing a psychological effect to a player may sound wrong, there are other indirect or out-of-control effect that may augment realism and may influence player's choices when forced in a corner.

Morale plays a key factor in war and combat, and a combat simulator that can reproduce psychological effects (without forcing your ragdoll soldier to curl up cry and piss his virtuapants, or throw his weapon away and flee or surrender) would certainly be most welcome.

i like the increase of particles and the increased heart rate that may influence your ability to focus on a target, thus actually giving some real use to machine gunners that are usually easily targeted by cold blooded soldiers even during a suppression sweep: when successfully suppressed you shouldnt be able to crouch, inhale, take your aim, and headshot your suppressor, common sense and survival instinct should force you behind your cover literally holding for dear life.

May 10 2016, 1:10 AM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

i will support any suggestion towards a better modelling and simulation of ballistics, ammo, calibers, cinetics and wounding, but at the moment there is no hit box model either, so i cant see partial coverage of hit boxes have any luck.

no hit boxes = no armor.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Maffa added a comment to T62009: silenced weapons are not stealthy, Difficult to make silent kill.

thank you predator, its always nice to read some educated facts and learn new things!

why dont you open a ticket about ammo calibers, barrel lenghts, range and accuracy? someone competent as you should be able make a great contribution to realism, and after all rifles and ammo are core stuff in ARMA.

May 9 2016, 11:39 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T62009: silenced weapons are not stealthy, Difficult to make silent kill.

but this may lead to better silencers and stealth hand weapons like .22 LR calibers.

May 9 2016, 11:39 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

team leader
anti tank
machine gunner
combat medic

medics need a challenge, something a little more that "right click that guy but if you cant do it no problem someone else will do".

As it is now, ACE mod is even too much vanilla to me. List button, perform checkup, already find all symptoms and cure to apply, you dont even need to be a medic in order to heal someone...

A combat medic is a specialist and his competences cannot be replicated by someone without proper specific education. Who says no one would be interested to play such a role is talking about himself and the stone in his pocket. The strategic role of a CM inside a squad is invaluable if his skills are precious and scarce to obtain.

Of course the real role of a combat medic is to stabilize the wounded in order to send them to a hospital ASAP, not patch them so that they can pick their rifle up again and shoot as nothing has happened. As a CM it happened to resuscitate the same player up to 7 times one after the other. But in a mission, in a proper arma environment (= no casuals, no kids, no ramboids) , CM certainly have an important place.

Besides, i always presumed that A3 would have been better than A2 + ACE + ACRE. Even though im sadly adjusting my expectations, i would really hate if something as important as a wounding system like ACE's wouldnt be there from the get go.

Regarding gore, i dont mind, im not that interested. It would be interesting if there would be a hitbox mechanic that would show the interested wounded part (like a arm so that you would see blood splattering from that arm and not anywhere else, with maybe the ragdoll holding his arm fo the pain), but im not too much into flying limbs.

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T61266: Thermals, and their use as mechanics..

i second eveyhting that moves towards an improvement of veichles, and planes in general. This relates directly to having a working cockpit with working MFDs. I am afraid though that they would require too much work to do. Also, PiP hits hard on less-than-premium frames, and whilst having working rear view mirror add a nice touch but not so much advantage to those that wont have PiP in order for their game to run smoothly, having working FLIR on MFDs would be OP against those who cannot.

It all depends if and how they can lower the requirements for using PiP. I wont vote for the moment but ill gladly monitor the thread.

May 9 2016, 10:56 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

aaah this is gray area, really... ive found myself in the situation to be able to take down an enemy stealthly in Arma II (against human opponents, AI have magic hears and eyes and can pierce thru solid objects even if you stay still)

In A3 there should be some option of melee, since there is also underwater options. You know where i am getting at (SEAL anybody?), and in any case when i think about underwater fights i think more about knives and harpoons, not to assault rifles.

But depending on how this will be developed it can turn very bad. Lets say i second the proposal but i hope it can be turned of if OP or badly done

May 9 2016, 10:46 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

im afraid we have gone past that, DisasterMaster. Due to scarcity in additional features, downvoting not priority features (from a personal point of view) may upvote the one the want.

I am afraid none of them will ever get implemented, tho. Their focus is on adjusting what already is featured and is buggy or not completely functional.

May 9 2016, 10:29 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

I dont know what to tell you, Disastermaster, if not thanking you for havin me think upon this particular issue, and the final result is that I sincerely don't care. I am here to give you an insight on what is the state of the art now, 2012. If it were A2 id know i'd say NO FUCK NO ON MY DEAD BODY, except for Trijicon's ACOG sights, because as far as i know they are the only one that allow, here and now, to have a collimator that will juxtapose a magnified lens view with a reticle on a normal binocular sight, on an assault rifle.

But A3 is in 2035. Discussing its feasibility would mean discussing this scenario and how come Iran had successfully invaded Israel. I don't know nor care. This is beyond my skills and interests. I don't plan to play any Ghost Recon - Tom Clancy fantasy scenario on Arma sauce, I am here for improved graphics and game engine, hoping that All in Arma will work -if not, i just threw 25 euros down the drain.

Just consider the information I gave you. Do what you think it's best. I wont up or down vote this issue, it is simply not relevant to my interests.

May 9 2016, 10:28 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

i dont know, really. either you are aiming to long distance or you arent. this is why snipers move along with spotters among other things, because their general situational awareness of anything besides their target is null...

May 9 2016, 10:28 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Im glad you took your time to read something more on the topic (i really mean it), but you should have understood by now that not all reticles have enough brightness/contrast to allow you to keep both your eyes open. UK's SUSAT "german post" reticle cannot, for example. Moreover, the bigger the magnification, the harder is to make sense of binocular sight and take advantage of the juxtapposition of the reticle on secondary sight (as you would do with a holo/CCQ sight).

Let's say, for the sake of putting it an end, that it depends on the sight and its technology, and since we are talking about 2035, ACOG and other phosphorous lit reticle sights may have more or less be widespread. This is a sci-fi setting, so anything is possible. But if they were to undertake this path they should differentiate between those that allow peripheric sight and those who cannot. It looks like a pain, TBH, but it would be a well done job.

But they might even decide to cut corners and make it available to everybody, or to none.

To me, ATM ther eare more pressing matters like a hitbox for advanced wounding, and bipods/placing for heavy/long range weaponry. This wouldnt change my game, honestly.

May 9 2016, 10:28 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

@DisasterMaster: if you have a magnified scope you need to attach the scope to an eye and close the other. Only certain scopes have enought reticle brightness to allow you to keep a distance from the dominant eye and keep the other open to scan around (i.e. bindon aiming with ACOGs).

This is as things are now, i have no idea about FCS scifi stuff they may invent for this 2035 scenario. Maybe you can have a direct feed inside your helmet, who knows.

Im sorry for your patience, please consider some anger management courses near your place.

May 9 2016, 10:28 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Arma is supposed to be played by mature people. Ther's plenty of abusing as it is now, missing the chance of having female modeled characters is just doing women wrong. if we were to prevent deploying nything that might be exploited we'd have a very poor game.

choose a good server to play in, or pick a mature clan and join. Leave the scum to theirselves.

May 9 2016, 9:06 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T58799: Deploying a weapon / proper use of bipods.

this, and a proper hitbox for wounding.

can be done, must be done and put in the vanilla version. you cant have heavy weapons with relevant recoil and dont employ the most obvious way to ease this recoil. a bipod is the diference between a useful machingeunner and a wasteful bullet sprayer that wouldnt hit the wide side of a barn from upclose with his third bullet.

May 9 2016, 3:46 PM · Arma 3
Maffa added a comment to T58605: Helicopter HUD moves with head.

i second the issue: there are veichles that have HUDs reproduced on the visors (i.e. F35's HMDs) with some or all weaponry enslaved to it but all the other have a fixed panel in front of them and it should travel around the cockpit. while it would be totally great having a working HMD, it would be OP against those not having a head tracking device. So i just be happy if i could have my HUD in fron of me while a freely move my head around the cockpit

May 9 2016, 3:22 PM · Arma 3