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- User Since
- Sep 1 2013, 8:16 AM (600 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
THAT IS NOT THE HORIZON. that is the View distance bubble around you. if you set the view distance higher it wont be so bad. But eventually the bubble appears when you go up high enough
I was unable to reproduce the bug
not related. That deals with firing weapons, this is bullets impacting the vehicle.
@oukej yes i just tested and it is still valid. I placed an enemy soldier on a hill and stand 370 meters away with a trigger to print the exact distance between us every second. I fire at the enemy and he sees me and goes prone. Then I begin taking steps forward. at 355 meters he begins shooting at me. if I take 1 step back to 356 meters he stops firing. Take a step forward to 355 and he begins firing at me again. Its really silly.
Like I said, even though the taliban have only iron sights the majority of engagements reported in Afghanistan for the US army occurred between 300 and 800 meters.
This means Arma 3 is missing out on the vast majority of real life engagement possibilities because AI refuse to fire beyond 355 meters.
@Gekkibi: Obviously im talking about normal infantry. thus the "stand there doing nothing"
Those are training, not combat. And the 1st one is a little hunched but far far less than in Arma where he is hunched over like a 90 year old man.
@ landmines, So because vanilla arma 3 doesnt have wound incapacitation/treatment then the game should be designed to make scripting realistic wounds hard to impossible?
in arma 3 dead cant be brought back to life, which means in my wound scripts if someone dies from a leg shot i have to delete them and create an entirely new unit. very annoying.
I disagree simply reducing the range of motion for free look would probably fix the problem. especially in the up and down axis, right left is fine.
Grid 210147
NO, that is not a bug. On top is the air intake snorkel for traveling through water. The exhaust really is between the wheels, you can see the pipe.
What the hell does "reviewed" mean. Why not "assigned" if BIS doesn't do SOMETHING OR ANYTHING to fix the terrible midrange textures that would be a HUGE disappointment. This was a huge problem in arma 2 as well.