We all know that the first thing you do when getting in a car in Arma is try to run over people. So I think its very important that the effect looks good. There are a number of bugs that should be fixed
- At speeds over around 50km/h people hit by cars will pass through the car like it isnt solid matter. This is the biggest problem for hitting people with cars.
- When people get hit by shorter in height vehicles like the quad. They should have their legs knocked out from under them and go up on the hood a little. When only the legs are hit then the legs should move first while the torso doesnt move yet due to inertia so the torso should bend up over the hood. If the vehicle is traveling at a very high speed they should flip in the air with arms and legs outstretched until they hit the ground.
- The ragdoll experiences too much friction from the ground. when hit by a car the ragdoll will stop horizontal movement almost immediately after hitting the ground, and instead bounce into the air vertically. In real life people will slide along the ground much more.
- Car tires running over people laying on the ground (either dead or alive) pass right through the body. When running over a person the entire vehicle should lift up when the wheels pass over a human body.
Also, the body should react to the vehicles weight by rolling with the tire a little and bending. At high speeds the body should jump up in the air after the tire passes over.
- People are injured too easily by low speed impacts. You can even get injured running behind a vehicle that is moving in the same direction as you.
At the same time the when a heavy armored vehicle's tires like the marshal run over a person often times they just get back up. Theres no way somebody would be able to stand up after being run over by a marshal.
- Finally I think the AI should try to avoid being hit by cars. If you are driving at an AI and they have seen you. They should try to dive out of the way.
- Bloody tire tracks, blood on windshields, damage to the front of cars
Here is a video to demonstrate (Crash test dummies no real people!!!)
Pay special attention to how they flip in the air and also go up on the hood.
Also notice how they slide on the ground much farther than in arma 3 (up to 4 meters vs less than 1 meter at similar speed in arma 3)