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- User Since
- Jan 31 2015, 10:01 PM (526 w, 2 d)
Dec 4 2018
Nov 22 2018
Nov 15 2018
as far as i remember the "destroy-a-vehicle-with-a-single-match" thing was meant as a workaround for bugged/stuck vehicles.
since the game is in beta now, i guess that devs don't think of this as necessary anymore, and left it out by intention.
Nov 9 2018
Apr 24 2018
Jul 18 2017
Jul 11 2017
fixed on dev.
also close this ticket (same issue)
May 5 2017
did some more testing, and found out, that it might have something to do with jets moving in range.
May 4 2017
not a bug.
you now need to manually lase the range.
check your keybindings. Weapons->Lase Range
May 3 2017
May 2 2017
not sure, but could it maybe be because the enemy jet has the active radar on?
May 1 2017
Apr 30 2017
read the title maybe? :P
changing the description now, so you don't have to read it, but still...
Apr 29 2017
Apr 27 2017
Apr 26 2017
is that the link you wanted to post?
i'm asking because it's the link to THIS report
Apr 24 2017
tooltip for both is the same afair, so most likely it the same function and was left over from a legacy version...
Apr 23 2017
u sure you aren't hearing something else?
i just tested in VR (with MAX! volume) and was only hearing VR background humming my steps, the impact sounds in the distant. and ofc the super sonic cracks that made my ears fall off when i got in the wrong position
Apr 22 2017
didnt have the problem anymore in the current build (Version: 1.69.141382)...
Apr 21 2017
same here.
crash is recognized by the game, but no dump files are getting created.
Feb 2 2017
Dec 20 2016
any news from your side?
had a new BSOD today, exp version 136821.
Dec 18 2016
same happend to me some days ago.
Dec 15 2016
no, never had this in other games.
it might realy be related to the recording software, but i use it in several games, and never had a BSOD since i use Win10 (i use it since it was released).
Dec 14 2016
Ok, just got a BSOD again (differnet error), and i had auto restart disabled this time, so i could make a photo (including the QR-code).
Dec 6 2016
Dec 1 2016
didn't have this since i posted it.
and all other "random" crashes were reported seperately, if they had a different error message, than the others.
those errors seem quite random, and almost impossible to reproduce to me. (apart from the one i got when joining 1pp servers before the wipe
Nov 22 2016
be aware, that the logs were acutally old one (you can see the timestamp), i unintentionally uploaded.
(the .rpt was actually the right one)
here are the new ones, so you can investigate the right ones.
since the update and the wipe this evening, you no longer need to wipe the character, i can again play like normal (actually i have a new protector case, so maybe i can't :) ).
Nov 18 2016
old issue, and to be fair having a buis on an mp5 wouldn't work, because the buis needs the front sight from the m4 (i guess m16 should work but its not in the game).
Nov 16 2016
Nov 14 2016
my storage barrel on DE 0-2 is working just fine (exept for the mystery of items disappearing even though it's not realy hidden^^)
Nov 11 2016
confirmed for other large items, like wheels:
Nov 7 2016
Nov 4 2016
Didn't have any client crashes (expet when closing the game) for the last (i guess the last two) versions.
I had less problems getting a free slot on those days, so conditions weren't the same as on the first day.
Nov 1 2016
Oct 31 2016
i'm getting old. i thought i had everything included.
well, now here you are:
Oct 27 2016
Jun 27 2016
last time i tried i was able to pack my miliatry tent.
when you tried, you might still have had an invisible item left, that blocked your attemts. in that case, relogging usually makes it show up.
Jun 25 2016
"its too big to carry in your hands ;o"
we can carry 200l barrels and truck/bus double wheels, how should a 120x30x30cm (something like that) package be to big?^^
Jun 24 2016
Jun 20 2016
please move to DayZ section, something went wrong while reporting.
*Edit* you're fast :)
Jun 2 2016
May 21 2016
May 11 2016
i was thinking the same about the wolves (that they are not realistic), but i doubt they will change them, becasue they are pretty much done with them already.
and as they were meant as a threat to the player, makeing them run away from players would be just stupid.
if they asked me before they started, i'd have said, don't add them, but as they are already done, i'll go with, "we'll then just add them, it won't hurt the game" (and not even what people think about wolves, because this way it's just as most people imagine them to be, and the rest knows better anyways)
i think 0.59 has some issues with aspect ratio, did you check that?
the white reflection on the top of the scope is not pretty, but intended
i find the missing texture of the gun more interesting (lower part of the scope)
it stays that way until it gets refreshed...
so either moving the item or reloging
very old desync error
sometimes item status doesn't update unless you move it in your inventory
still isn't a bug, but a design choice
we could discuss if it's a good choice, but that would lead us nowhere
you need a sharp object (knife/axe/whatsoever) now
you loose health and blood when starving. having low blood causes the black/white screen, not the starving itself.
if you stay energized + hydrated for a while you should regain enough blood for the colours to be come normal again.
my fireplaces also tend to vanish with 0.58.129448
with or without tripod/cooking pot
i usually use bark and sticks for the creation
guns and backpacks not being persitent is intention
backpacks have 1h, normal items have 30min lifetime and i have no clue about guns
you said that you have already reported this to the GSP, then what did they say?
if they can confirm your point of view, they will usually warn the server admin, to stop that behaviour before they take more drastic actions (worked fine for me in the past)
in case they can't (or don't want to) confirm your story gather more evidence for a new report
and if that report still gets rejected, contact the devs (either here, or a safer way would be sending a message to a forum admin) and provide all information ticket # etc.
pointing onto the server logs is quite easy, but im unsure on how long they go back into the past (was admin for a mod server, and some logfiles there were only a few hours), so it's better to assume that logs don't exist, and gather evidence for yourself
the point i annoy you with things like that, is that if everyone that has a problem with a server admin always reports those things here, even though the GSP can solve it themselfs, then this place gets even more messy than it already is, and the chance that reports get overseen increases. i doubt this would be a thing any of us would want to happen
better report it to the hoster: should be to one in charge for thet server
dev team has enough things to do, so better only report it here if the hoster doesn't react
also a good thing to gather evidence is, to record you game sessions (and clear the records, if you don't need them)
screenshots of "You have been kicked" unfortunately don't proove anything, but that you have been kicked from any server (not showing which server or what you might have done)
a record of you game session, showing the timing of events, ingame chat ect. can help proving events to the hosting company, so that they can take actions
i doubt they take serious actions without any solid evidence
you can get out with some luck at the right (looking at it from the camp) stairs
already reported btw: #24627
is there even cleanup for items that have been droped indoors?
i thought, that it was meant this way (for some reason)
ok some questions:
- from where did you take the water in the first place?
in case you took it from a pond/river it might have been infected, if you are unsure use water purification tablets
- i highly doubt you need the alcohol tincture for the threatment
did you try just steps 3+4 for alone?
- you said PET bottles cause that sickness, so: did you try to drink the same ammount of water with canteens?
if you are so specific with that report one would expect you have ruled the rest out, if you have not, please test some more and update the topic or post a note
i also doubt you need to vomit, but i never got sick because of water, so idk, maybe its differnt from what i have experienced
so if you are testing, you might also want to just take some charcoal and wait
better balance it volume based, as the stamina system should regulate weight on the long term
still happening in 0.58.129143
posco could you confirm the beep you hear in the first youtube link i posted is the one in question?
Seems to me that it occurs when i got (raw) cow meat in my inventory when logging off.
will try to confirm this...
ok tested it, realy seems to be the cow meat, maybe other items cause this as well, but the meat is 100% sucess rate for me
i can't access the recording, but is it that sound you hear in this vid?:
if yes it's the same sound you hear when you receive a new objective (or one gets updated afair) in Arma2
you could just put the gun into the vehicle inventory, or isn't that woriking anymore?
to be honest, i am actually not sure if there are more lakes/ponds with this isssue , but, i just reported it generally in case more are to be found
(i've had it in my head that i've seen this before, but i don't remember any more specific locations other that the area in the northwest with the missing/white ground texture (that has been fixed), where i saw something simmilar on a road)
i will keep my eyes open and post it here if i find more. maybe some other reporters will do the same