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- User Since
- Apr 1 2013, 11:16 AM (625 w, 12 h)
May 10 2016
Witnessed and approved. Haven't tried outside of "Breaking Point" mod yet, though.
@ozdeadmeat Do you have "Stream-friendly UI" enabled? Look under Options > Game. I had the same "problem" and turning it off fixed it for me. :)
- from Summary: "[...] and filter by type of mission in the server list"
- from Description: "This would also allow filtering on the server list the type of mission!"
Related to #4840.
I'd also love to see customizable profiles for the game settings, especially video and audio. Currently I have two basic setups in use: one for single-, one for multiplayer to make up for the difference in performance and adjust volume level of radio and VON. And of course I forget to switch back.
It'd be great to setup your own presets for several occasions, e.g. in the options menu or somehow connected to the player's profile. Add a dropdown to the lobby settings, just like you choose difficulty and right next to it, so I can decide just before starting a game/joining a server which settings I'd like to use.
Duplicate of/Related to
This seems to be gone now with latest stable 0.54.103957 and the Dev before that. I had several sessions without any freezes, although only one lasted more than 60 minutes so far.
Can anyone confirm?
[Edit] Just ran into this: #723
Found another possible relation:
I'll edit future issues into this post until someone drops a new note below.
Guess you're having enough dumps from me now. And while this one might not be as useful (see below) it just happened I had FRAPS recording. So if you can make anything out of my last 3min of gameplay, here you go:
Dump 3:
- Server had a script kiddie cheating on it some minutes before that video was shot. That may have corrupted clients and/or server
- Mods installed: @CBA_A3, @deu_bw, @hmm_StanceIndicator, @sthud_a3
- ca. 16 players on Public Co-Op w/ custom "Invade & Annex"
- Was just messing around, not paying attention to FPS, RAM usage (or gameplay)
- Whole session lasted about 45-60min
Sorry for constantly bumping my own ticket, but I keep running into things that sound awfully familiar:
May be related to
I'm going to try more singeplayer now to see if I can reproduce it there. Do One-Player LAN sessions count as SP or does it have to be one of the Vanilla showcases?
[UPDATE 2] It happened again:
New dump, DxDiag, FRAPS benchmark, screenshots of video settings:
- 18 Coop-Players ("AW Invade & Annex"), Ping ~45ms
- Ca. 30-40mins playtime before freeze
- Lag occured only for some seconds beforehand
- Was running through the fields alone. Not much action going on around me
RAM usage:
- 248 MB on start up in main menu
- 586 MB after starting playing on server
- 813 MB after about 20min into the game
- 817 MB on freeze
FPS started at about 18-20 and went gradually down to 15. Screen froze at 20.
May be related to
@MadDogX: Thanks for Feedback!
I'll do random checks on RAM usage and see if I can get data from the freezes. Also, I'll try to monitor the FPS during gameplay. FRAPS seems to lower overall performance somehow, though - even when not capturing, which is impossible for me.
FPS during singeplayer ranges from 40 to 60 (with VSync on). Video settings are custom and inbetween the "High" and "Ultra" settings, I'd say. For multiplayer I switch to "Normal".
(P.S.: How do you link to other issues so nicely?)
duplicate of 4840
Voted on ~20471 since it's the older ticket.
I mostly play as an auto rifleman with the Zefir. It is very frustrating to engage a 3 man patrol in the open field with heavy fire and their only reaction is to carefully kneel down, take a deep breath and snipe me out of my cover. Bastards.
Yes, some basic AND/OR/NOT logic would be very helpful and even more appreciated.
[Edit] Related to:
I support this!
Agreed, closely related to #5848
Related to #2844.
@Bashka, made perfect sense to me. :)
May 9 2016
May be related to #6904.
Related to #1538.
This. I need this. While I love all the options you have with the difficulty settings, at least some of them should not be touched by servers. There are features that really degrade my gaming experience and immersion.
Although it wouldn't make sense to *not* have servers control 3rd person view, for example.
While I do not like the idea of having "standalone melee weapons", I've always felt that the feature to pistol whip/rifle butt someone from the "xxx Life" mods should make its way into the main game. (If they can do it, can it be that hard?)
It's not about going COD or something. It would probably be a feature I'd not use that often. But once you're in a situation where it would come in handy and you just can't... I'm a little frustrated. ;)
This is still happening as of 0.54.103957. You can tell by the animations in the background when the server is eventually ready to take input. Occurs when running own DS on my local machine and connecting with local client, too.
[Edit, Re: ~15400] I was running my server with verifySignatures=2 and saw users losing connection over it.
Could turn out related to #6904.
Related to #1538.
Upvote! Happens quite often that I have to switch from speakers to headset during gameplay and it is very frustrating.