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- User Since
- Mar 26 2014, 7:44 PM (573 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
got a char reset today, joined the same server I lost connection to ( I should have known better by now), NO WAIT FOR HOST message though.
I deleted my dayz/battleye files and reinstalled Dayz, it seems it has fixed the problem, I can play again.
rgobeli, there's a forum on for discussions about tactics. Please take it there and use this feedback tracker only for feedback about bugs you see , or keep seeing, in every new update.
tactics to defeat zombies is not the issue here.
I agree, one should be able to run faster up and down stairs.
Running upstairs should cost a lot of energy though.
If devs want to simulate decay it takes a while longer I think.
May 10 2016
happened to me too
yes they still do in experimental 0.47. I noticed they climb stairs more , wich often results in zeds falling through the stairs getting themselves killed.
yes its annoying butI think dev's do not really bother with tuning (melee) weapons untill they implemented the "new zombie system".
over 1000 upvotes there.
.47 exp. : Always freezing when I start to play for approx. 15 secs. After that, game randomly freezes.
me too
seems to be resolved in 0.48
I wasn't even aware it was on stable already because I only played experimental.
iTZero, thanks for your reaction: As you know there are 3 types of walks: slow walk, fast walk(jogging) and sprinting.
In stable you can jog and keep your mellee weapon raised to attack. Most players circle around zombies in this style to defeat them.
In experimental 0.47 you CAN NOT JOG and keep it raised. Off course, Double tap W makes you speed up (and lower your weapon) again, but that is not the issue here. I just hope this will not be implemented in stable.
No you can't : in exp 0.47 only in slow walk mode you can raise it.
Also : many invisible zombie attacks in 0:47 and the "crouching" zombie from the mod is back. Why playing around with zombie changes in experimental while a whole new zombie system is in the make ?
I played experimental 0.47: same thing. Cannot jog and keep a melee weapon raised or use it while jogging.
After a few "sessions lost" i am out of the room again, so no action required now .
app, wake up, these guys are doing what the devs are asking: giving feedback so they can work on the game. What are you doin here anyway?
did you test other games?
sorry, link leads to this feedback again, good luck anyway your problem really sucks
I dont know, seems like there's some kind of radio silence about this Most Important Issue.
I wonder if crosbow bolts still disappear in 0.48.I havent tried out myself. Anyone?
players should turn zombie when killed or infected. when you have eaten my brains you can play with your toy m4 again.
awesome idea, we would have large numbers of dangerous zombies, my god i hope they'll be slowwwww
Its impossible to aim for the head in desync. Its no use killing zeds until desync and the absurd detection range and clipping through walls is resolved.
why should anyone downvote this...its an improvement when you could plug in a working headset after starting the game.
I can live with "join is kick",though it is against the rules. I don t like it but rather this then join and get kicked by surprise doing time for 5min like I am the combat logger here.
Reporting these servers should be made easier.
As magmatrix puts it in another issue: "When you join a server there is no way to see the name of the server... and who remembers the name of the server ? "
yes very annoying, kicked for nothing and getting punished for it.Servers should at least notify you're not welcome!!! Most of them do but some don't
that really sucks, hope you find a solution for this.
This is THE major issue at this point, being posted here many times (use search).
They where on strike 4/13 because they disagree their over the top detection range and speed so they have to work to hard .
Google Translation: "I want to go to dayz standalone server, anywhere writes an error, you have been excluded from the server you have a global ban"
Maybe you have been practicing the noble art of HACKING?
Может быть, вы были пойманы взлома?
vote for this:
"make it possible for players to play as zombies"
now we can have numbers of zombies chasing you without toomuch lag.
now we're talking!!
nerobp , thats not really the issue here.
e xil, I agree that zombie wallglitching is by far the most annoying "bug",first thing the devs should resolve, but that is not the issue here either.
Do we want groups of old speed zombies surrounding us or fast solitary superdetection zombies chasing us? Or have it both ways?
In experimental I ran into a group of zombies standing just around the corner, that was cool. I would like to see more of these kind of surprises in zombie behaviour.
Foxtails, thats true but he also stated the devs where interested in the community's reactions to this new speeds, wich implements an open mind (wich is also an art) to feedback. I guess its just about personal preferences. I wouldnt mind a few fast (just turned) zombies, but i still prefer slow and many walkers, wich in my opinion would lead to more surprises and danger then the solitary Usain Bolt zombies but its probably harder to create this .
Reading is an art
Make zombies dangerous in a creative way, not by giving them SUPERPOWERS. If a zombie runs this fast it should at least loose its decaying head on the way.
Add SUPRISE, NUMBERS, locked-in zombies in houses and barns.Of course fixing the walking through walls should be fixed right away to do this.
About zombies being "real"or not: all good games,films and dreams have their own built-in logic. That makes the diffence between interesting or boring. I like the zombies in 28 days, but like the slow persisting ones in the good old Night of the Living Dead better.
It sets a tradition wich inspired filmmakers for decades.
It forces devs too think of creative ways to make them DEADLY.
good idea, I like it though there are more urgent matters.
must be an american school
Degraf: "because bambies take everything they find with them"
yeah bambi's have a lot of pockets and bags to fill:)
0.48: I wish the opening of doors gets more stable and fluid/faster too, most of the time it's ok but sometimes it takes me valuable seconds to find the right place to stand to get the marker on my screen.
Agreed, and adramelek, btw, the button says "feedback".
damn bandits....
seems "they" just keep radio silence about this, I wonder why....
stable 0.48: do zombies still glitch through walls and doors, or only through walls like arvinzd reported 8/2? Can't play myself for a while. Just curious.
8/8/14, experimental 0.48.124699 : zombies still glitch through walls/closed doors.
In exp 0.47 zeds are chasing players upstairs now and then, but often they fall through the stairs , ending up either dead or stuck.
update with new zombie ai planned in period: april-june
can't wait <>
does anyone has any recent infrmation on how far they are in resolving this or setting up an all new zombie system?
I agree with 99,80% up votes
what you call moaning IS feedback, please refrain from preaching mr. Meh Know It All. when you earn somuch money on an alpha it shouldnt take somuch time for devs to resolve the most important issue.
Most important issue for now, still not resolved. Can't wait to collect and lock up zombies for the next looter heheh.
haha smashomash , actually dicks without dicks cause thats the first decaying part they loose
last reaction from dev's on this issue was on 2013-12-17 !!!!
"This issue was processed by our team and is being looked into. We thank you for your feedback".
with all respect for all the good work you dev guys did: