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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 1:58 AM (628 w, 6 d)
Aug 2 2017
Sep 2 2016
Hi again,
Aug 29 2016
Managed to get a crash, here's the dump files (verified installation and also bi malloc).
Just done a test and it went blocky for a while but then recovered and carried on as normal.
Yes, sorry I forgot about the malloc - I tried a different one last night and forgot to change it back.
Is there anything else I can check?
Sorry to come back with bad news - just got a crash - no mdmp file (but I read somewhere it won't generate if mem is low).
Ok, that's much better now - I have the correct RC installed and the mission is running with no errors (which is good), plus, the pagefile is filling up like a boss.
Sorry - had an old RC code so it downloaded the stable branch instead - have applied the correct code now and it's redownloading (my upstairs neighbour has kindly let me run an internet cable into his router so it's a lot quicker than doing this off my internet connection)!
I can't run it as the update for addmissioneventhandler wasn't included in the RC branch:
Aug 28 2016
Ok I think I've figured out how the crash works on my PC.
Aug 27 2016
Hi, thanks for checking in :)
Aug 25 2016
Jul 31 2016
Jun 6 2016
Thanks for the heads up ceeeb.
Jun 5 2016
May 10 2016
Re: menus taking ages to open - turns out my profile was so bloated with variables in the namespace that it took ages to load pause menu and other data, so that was my bad.
Hope this helps anyone else who has any similar issues.
Closing/please close.
If it helps, I think it's when the script above scans a map object (or certain type of map object) Spawned/editor placed objects seem fine. It was only when I started pointing the cursor at some of the objects that make up the airport that the game started freezing.
As I say though, I'm not sure but wanted to give you some context.
Also, functions with postInit=1 and preInit=1 are not processed.
Also, I've commented out all references to coloured smokeshells in my missions I can find but keep getting this: (It does let me load though now)
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine with scope=private
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
4:00:20 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
4:00:20 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
And orange too!
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.SmokeShellOrange'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon SmokeShellOrange with scope=private
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.model'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDiffuse'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
3:39:14 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightAmbient'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
3:39:14 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.weight'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.detectRange'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
3:39:14 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'.
3:39:14 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
There was some talk of blacklisting certain scripting commands (similar to cfgRemoteExecCommands) via description.ext, so if that ever appears, then you could blacklist it in your MP session.
That would be better I think. I mainly use it in the editor for diagnostics anyway. I haven't had cause to think of a reason to use it legitimately in MP.
Still there's nothing to stop someone running some missions in the SP editor, compiling a list of variable names, and sending them to you for your PC to erase. (If they really wanted to blank your KOTH variables for instance)
I think that's probably something that could be managed by scripts.txt or another Battleye scan though.
Also, option A (the confirm menu) could be abused by script kiddie. Ex:
Script kiddie sends following code to you (by EH/whatever) to spawn on your machine:
while {true} do {
missionNamespace setVariable ["lol", "haha I made your confirm menu pop up"];
profileNamespace setVariable ["lol", "haha I made your confirm menu pop up"];
sleep 3;
So you get a request every 3 seconds asking to save some variables.
Sorry, I'm not knocking your idea, it's just a hard issue to regulate imo.
Forgot to default delete it if it does already exist:
if not (_x in (allVariables missionNamespace)) then { // add to mission namespace missionNamespace setVariable [_x,"someVar"]; // now it's ok to delete :) profileNamespace setVariable [_x,nil]; } else { // delete it anyway cuz we're a jerk profileNamespace setVariable [_x,nil];
} count (allVariables profileNamespace);
You could get round option B though by doing this:
if not (_x in (allVariables missionNamespace)) then { // add to mission namespace missionNamespace setVariable [_x,"someVar"]; // now it's ok to delete :) profileNamespace setVariable [_x,nil]; };
} count (allVariables profileNamespace);
So if it doesn't exist in MNS already, our jerk admin/hacker matey can add it to MNS, and suddenly it's ok to delete.
Thanks for replying.
You can close this then. It was only for your reference if you needed it. There is 0% chance of me not playing with this mod activated as it is the project I'm working on.
Did you try that demo mission linked to this ticket?
Press 0,0,2 or 0,0,3 on radio.
Is that working for you?
edit: ok agreed - useWeapon action is still working but forceWeaponFire is not.
UseWeapon also broken on Marid (player as commander) Hear the noise but no smoke.
vehicle player action ["useWeapon", vehicle player, player,0];
No, that doesn't work either.
If a player is in a Marid and uses:
commander vehicle player forceWeaponFire ["SmokeLauncher","SmokeLauncher"]
You hear the noise and see the grenades fly out of the barrels, but no smoke is produced.
I'll see if I can put together a repro for you :)
NP mate :)
Edit: nvm, other comment by other user was deleted
Looks good to me - thanks for looking into it :)
I haven't tested to check that as I only ever load up the editor to work on a mod.
I'd have to know what I'm looking for (what type of crash) to start playing around in vanilla trying to trigger it.
Is there anything you can see from the crash files that I can test for in vanilla?
Added 2 more crash files.
Similar issue here (AI do nothing when transferred Server => HC)
Closing ticket - opened in error.
I commented out localClient[]={}; accidentally hence HC not getting accurate position info.
I can't close this for some reason. Mods please close!
You'll need to attach the following files:
Hi, repro is with BIS_iceman
Wow I just had a quick look on Virtual Studio and it looks like exactly what you said.
Not sure how I managed to 'achieve' that!
I doubled the RAM on the server to 2048. It's now working ok and doesn't crash out.
Hi, PM'd you about test mission.
Hi, no dice I'm afraid.
Now the DS is crashing when connecting player either enters or gets past player selection screen.
MDMP describes it as "The thread tried to read or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access"
I've uploaded 3 sets of crash files for you. Mission should be the same as the one I sent you.
I'm on 127992. Verified files as well.
7z file icon crash.7z [^] (630,978 bytes) 2014-10-30 16:11
I just checked Stable and I don't get any crashes on DS or client (HC not tested as not in Stable yet)
It's not any better - client still crashes when DS spawns in units.
I opened a new ticket and put the client crash files there:
I might go back to Stable and check everything works OK.
I just tried the update and I can't even run the mission on a DS now without the client crashing (HC is not connected).
I deliberately didn't change anything over the weekend so that I could check your changes.
I will need to go and double check my code just to make sure there isn't anything there causing this (I have done that already, but you never know).
I don't know what to do here though - I'll set up a new ticket with client crash files. Merge it in here if you need to.
At the moment though, I can't even run the mission to do a repro for the HC issues.
The changes you made on Friday (build 127815) seemed to have fixed crash on mission init, but the crash report I sent in #21178 is still present.
However, I read your note on that ticket that it would be fixed in upcoming build #127818 so I was waiting for that to go live and will check again for this ticket and that one.
If no change, then I’ll upload a repro.
Thanks for looking into this one so quickly.
I updated this morning and I'm on 127815.
Will keep an eye on the revisions and test as soon as 127818 goes live.
Just to add: The mission is rock solid on just DS and clients.
Crashes only happen when HC is connected.
Agree with Skaronator - If I block .sqf via allowedPreprocessFileExtensions, then Arma can't read it's own files:
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\systems\fn_locations.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\variables\fn_areEqual.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\variables\fn_swapVars.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\variables\fn_variableSpaceAdd.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\variables\fn_variableSpaceRemove.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_crossProduct.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_dotProduct.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_magnitude.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_magnitudeSqr.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_unitVector.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_vectorMultiply.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_vectorDiff.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_vectorAdd.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_vectorFromXToY.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Could not load 'A3\functions_f\vectors\fn_rotateVector2D.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedPreprocessFileExtensions
Still present today!
16:59:34 Warning Message: Bad vehicle type ParachuteC
16:59:34 Warning Message: Bad vehicle type ParachuteC
16:59:34 Warning Message: Bad vehicle type ParachuteC
Rgr - will try and again without mods/params - haven't had a crash for a couple of days but will try to replicate.
BTW - I can't close issue - "access denied". :(
Thanks Pettka - can't see any errors now.
@Iceman - added files and ticket here:
Similar issue - added rpt and bidmp. No mdmp available.
Hi, broken combat roll sounds as well:
Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\concrete_roll_1.wss'
Thanks KK and Japa - this will be very useful :)
@Dwarden, please see here (very similar, if not the same) issue. I've posted up the code that causes the crash:
Small update.
If I spawn the code with a sleep of say 10 seconds, then it stops the DS crashing. It seems to only crash if ran directly in the respawn.sqf.
So I would say that for me this issue is resolved - weird that it didn't used to do this in previous builds but now does for some reason.
I found what causes the crash (at least on my mission). When players are spawned, they are a civilian unit and a respawn.sqf is ran to change them to independent. The respawn template looks like this:
class CfgRespawnTemplates
// Class used in respawnTemplates entry
class horde_respawn
// Function or script executed upon death. Parameters passed into it are the same as are passed into onPlayerKilled.sqf file onPlayerKilled = "\skynet\scripts\killed.sqf"; // Function or script executed upon respawn. Parameters passed into it are the same as are passed into onPlayerRespawn.sqf file onPlayerRespawn = "\skynet\scripts\respawn.sqf"; // Default respawn delay (can be overwitten by description.ext entry of the same name) respawnDelay = 20;
class Spectator
onPlayerRespawn = "BIS_fnc_respawnSpectator";
In the respawn.sqf, there is some code which causes the DS to crash:
_group = group _unit;
_newGroup = createGroup independent;
[_unit] joinSilent _newGroup;
_newGroup selectLeader _unit;
deleteGroup _group;
Commenting it out stops the crash.
Hope that helps you.
EDIT: Very similar to this issue:
Issue fixed for me :)
754kb of this:
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 5, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 6, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 5, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 6, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 5, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 6, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 5, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 6, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 5, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 6, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes
Please sort this out Bohemia:
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb1600# 1815854: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb1600# 1815854: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:09 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:10 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:10 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:10 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:10 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:10 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:10 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:10 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb1600# 1815854: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:10 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:11 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:12 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb1600# 1815854: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:12 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb2400# 1815853: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:12 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:12 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:12 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb0f00# 1815852: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:13 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb1600# 1815854: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:14 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb0f00# 1815852: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object 906f3900# 1815851: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object 906f3900# 1815851: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a0f1f200# 1815855: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:15 Ref to nonnetwork object a9038100# 1815856: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:16 Ref to nonnetwork object b9cb1600# 1815854: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:22 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:22 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:23 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:23 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:24 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:24 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:24 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:24 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:24 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:24 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:24 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:24 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:25 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:25 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:25 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:25 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:25 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:26 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:26 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:26 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:27 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:28 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:28 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:28 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:29 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:30 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215600# 1816786: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 70db9600# 1816783: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:32 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:33 Ref to nonnetwork object 9dfa0800# 1816788: horde_invisible_target.p3d
4:17:33 Ref to nonnetwork object 80215d00# 1816787: horde_invisible_target.p3d
I'm getting lots of these as well. Running a dedi on same machine as client.
I read that it is related to deleting a locally created object, but my code doesn't use createVehicleLocal.
EDIT: This error also pops up for editor placed units when running the mission
Ref to nonnetwork object 22d5a040# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22d5a040# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22d58080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22d58080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22cf6040# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22cf6040# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22caa040# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22caa040# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22caa040# 166781: o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 2252c080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 2252c080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 2252c080# 166788: o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22630080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 22630080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 224fe040# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 224fe040# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 224fc080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 224fc080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Just checked it out and the fix is good. Thanks again. Closing.
Excellent, thank you. I will check tomorrow (on the 9th of Oct) and verify it's resolved for you.
Plus, where's the sound of the turret rotating? No servo/hydraulic sounds whatsoever that I can hear.
Sorry guys, seems to fixed - forgot to get back on here and update this.
Will check this weekend properly for you - I wrote some code to work around it so will delete from the mission and check again.