I tried configSourceModList but it's not returning results as described in the Wiki.
Wiki's example gives:
_mods = configSourceModList (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Man"); hint str _mods; // ["A3","curator","heli"]
But when I try it I get
_mods = configSourceModList (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Man"); hint str _mods; // ["curator","heli"]
So I can't see if something was originally "A3". (Unless I'm misinterpreting it)
To give another example:
diag_log format ["%1 - %2",_item, configSourceModList (configFile / "cfgweapons" / _item)];
"launch_O_Titan_F - []"
"launch_O_Titan_ghex_F - ["expansion"]"
If we make a little mod to change the names like this:
class launch_O_Titan_F : launch_Titan_base { displayName = "Titan A3"; }; class launch_O_Titan_ghex_F : launch_O_Titan_F { displayName = "Titan Apex"; };
Then it returns:
"launch_O_Titan_F" - ["@myMod"]
"launch_O_Titan_ghex_F" - ["expansion","@myMod"]
So you have no idea that "launch_O_Titan_F" is a Vanilla weapon as the mod array only contains the mod name that overwrote the config and not any indication that it's originally "A3".