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- Apr 3 2014, 4:43 PM (569 w, 5 d)
Dec 12 2016
it did not show anymore.
me too.
Dec 1 2016
now, it worked. it was a 503 server error.
the link you attached does not work for me.
Nov 28 2016
i have a video but unfortunate its black in black. i had space for it but placed it on the ground and my friend took it. he tried to ignite a fireplace but he and me was unable to do. maybe ruined? i made a new one, this had no issues.
yeah, really odd. Here a screenshot from this bug:
same for policestation in Nadenzhino, 6-7 policecaps and Zelenogorsk every barrack all togehter 10-20 SKS.
yeah, had this bug too
Jun 14 2016
you can add 1 extra hour and 15 minutes. this happens often.
Jun 2 2016
May 11 2016
its known.
there is no Experimental online and i think you made a ticket about a very known problem.
my fault, was not public
i know that this is a good way to kill yourself but instead of using a bug it should work as a option, like press ESC and use "give up" to die.
oh, i am a bit too late. your first
but here again a short video about it
it will work but is private. there are movies of this bug out there and this is not the first issue of this. i hope the new player controller ends this annoying bug.
maybe it is a duper, but where is your proof?
make this issue private not the video.
yes, make this issue private, this is too bad atm "but" with new UI it does not work? so its solved for the future when the old UI is gone...
when you spamming "F" on water pumps to get very fast hydration, you will get this bug every time.
there are many fixes for that but the best fix is, to avoid spamming and wait for new player controller, then this will never happens again.
the new UI is not finished yet and only for testing. if you want it you have to use startparameter -newui
with new UI i dont see any problems. for me "problem solved" because old UI will vanished.
its possible that my glock had a pistol flashlight and caused the same problem from this issue
there was an old discussion that weapons will spawn with random attachments like magazines and stocks... it can be that you will find the CR527 with magazine and only 1 shoot or maybe empty.
at this moment some weapons are dead and not used.
the izh18 single shoot, because the ammo is hard to find and the cr527 because the ammo is hard to find and without the magazine the weapon is useless.
do you shift for the transmission? Press Q or E
here another video of the "remove wheel" glitch
not a bug, its the Dynamic timer for new crashes and police-cars
was reported here for kasthan scope but an other user told its the same for PU-Scope.
with new-ui its really easy and as long as you wish to use.
its known.
there is no Experimental online and i think you made a ticket about a very known problem.
a great :) thx.
i still cannot watch, where do you have the link @Geez?
yeah cannot watch but your description is like my video.
got that many time got it on a video saw this in arma3 too.
i cant access attachments but the mods and i dont need to ;)
without any pic of proof, it never happened.
i reported that already
+1 got the same crsh with painting blaze and then i wanted to move it into the hotbar and it crashed. if this is a new bug and the devs need the crashfile i will upload it.
i had this on one specific Server in Vybor every day. my screen was freezing and FPS goes to 1.
absolute the same as you describe. Other servers no problem.
i tried to find out what it was after many minutes in vybor it was gone... Other player did not have the problem, i was driving and my friend had no problems.
i had a very powerful computer.
its known, wait for newer tech.
nice. i give a +1
you cant get anything back, its impossible.
which building does not spawn anything? pls next time describe it better. there are 5x new buildings and only the new barrack spawn loot and the others will spawn loot later.
yes he is right but isn't that already reported?
i never had any issues on private or public like yours.
i cant see your screenshots, only OP and mods can see them. you have to go into it and look on the ground it have to show you the option for "pack tent".
you have to be in the tent to pack the tent, if you pick the tent and drag and drop it, it will be moved to an other place, this will be different in the future.
then edit the video without any sound, the devs dont need sound for this kind of bug.
its already reported
if you need more Geez i can look for the whole file. i never got it again but saw it on an popular streamer.
i call it "the angel of death" here a video from it.
was reported many times now and my issue was first and closed but there is another issue anywhere.
maybe the same issue as here
the same building on every server has exploded loot. it seems that this is loot from people but i saw this on different servers.
here is a screenshot
the new hotbar is a ongoing development, its not finished yet.
if you wish an other style wait for mod-support
ah see, someone did a issue already, than take my duplication as extra, because in my video its a bit better to see in daylight.