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- User Since
- Aug 30 2013, 9:41 PM (604 w, 31 m)
May 10 2016
Appdata is hidden by default if I'm not mistaking. I believe you can access it by typing %APPDATA% in the program called Run, if you are using Windows.
"Resolution: no bug" but still "Status: assigned", does that mean that it is in development?
Possibly related to #22140.
And uploaded the example mission with correct name, but it seams that I can not delete the old one?
Added code to "Steps To Reproduce".
Added clarification "for clients".
Ops, just realized that I saved the mission as "BIS_fnc_dirTo", but it should obviously be named "BIS_fnc_MP".
I maybe should point out that in the examples in the mission I uploaded the server is a client (me, not dedicated), but the client is an real internet-client (an other Arma-player).
Absolutely! Sorry, I was in a hurry to finish a Friday-mission. But I will do it now!
Added return value.
Possibly related to #24030.
How about:
_unit = createUnit "Soldier";
if(!_isPlayerOnDrugs && !isServer) then
hideUnit _unit;
Are you saying that it is intended that you get less features then you open the game in a more advance way? It would be okay if the launcher scanned for local mods, but right now it does not.
And I do not need to know how to use the -mod=parameter, I have been using it for many years, thank you. :)
But it clearly looks like a bug, so that's why I am reporting it. If the BI says it's not, then I will be quiet and continue to develop missions. :)
But the mods was showing up just fine without any problems (for me at least) at least two updates ago, when starting via the launcher of cause.
It's fixed!
When can we see this in the main branch?
Not fixed in version 1.28.126958.
Glad to hear!
Yes, I did (1.35.127928) and main (1.32.127785).
This is not fixed, I have exactly the same issue.
Should I start a new ticket?
Is it really only me?
Win Vista, 64.
Reproducibility: always
And add numerical values for precise tuning.
I made a quick search and I could only find a client mod. I used to run a dedicated server for Arma 2, but I can not recall that I came across such feature.
Just performed a small change (clarification) in the Description.
Faultron: True, but when a aircraft can engage enemies in civilian vehicles from 1 km up in the air, the real-life-military starts to fade away. ...or maybe not. :)
cancerouspete: I tried that you said, but for me it only became worse.
Possible duplicate of #14676.
"Also, keep in mind that 9 women do not create a baby in 1 month." - Echo
Sorry, but best comeback ever!
I can add two more to your list! As I'm sure a lot of peoples that have upvoted this feature also can do.
(First positiv note-entry in a long time)
Echo: Agree. I was before thinking about telling BI to remove this tread, they have surly got the message by now.
I only want a playable head for all the strong female Arma-worriors! I don't really care about if the hole population of Altis and Straits is 100% male, as long as players are able to play as females.
I would be satisfied with just a splendid female face and voice, but of cause wouldn't I complain if more where implemented.
How can this not be in the game already? I just encountered this "bug" when I tried and failed to find a gun that could hold a flashlight.
Same here! I'm glad(-ish) to hear I'm not alone and that it seems to be a Arma 3-problem.
Topic should maybe be change to something more generic, like "Multichannel surround sound problem" rather then 'this is a Logitech issue'. It would make it easier to search for it.
Oh, I said it wrong. I meant a Arma 3-release that only supports running a server. Like the base-game, but without anything besides the create-a-server-screen.
Note: I realise this is not the most optimal solution, but can it be done in an other way without Valve updating SteamWorks?
I'm sure that it is more complicated than this, but how about separate and releasing Arma 3 Dedicated Server for free on steam?
Too bad, how do we set this manually?
It is still possible. #23469