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As modder i need a "createUnitLocal" command to get a unit being created just local
New, WishlistPublic


There is some stuff (like a hallucination for a medical mod) where you cant have a unit being global ...

VBS2 has ->
ArmA3 does not ->

((and yes ... i know VBS2 is developed by BISimulations and not BI ... its just an example that the code about how to do so should not be further away then one single phone call ...))


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X39 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 22 2014, 7:49 PM
X39 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
X39 set Category to Scripting.
X39 set Reproducibility to N/A.
X39 set Severity to None.
X39 set Resolution to Open.
X39 set Legacy ID to 2794938175.May 7 2016, 7:52 PM

Local unit disappears from the list of playable units on all clients. Basically it is like it is not even on the server, yet you are connected to one. Imagine what can be done with this in the wrong hands?

X39 added a subscriber: X39.May 7 2016, 7:52 PM
X39 added a comment.Nov 23 2014, 5:15 PM

the same evil shit that can be done by anybody using other SQF commands?

also there is a createVehicleLocal command where you could argue similar

How about:
_unit = createUnit "Soldier";
if(!_isPlayerOnDrugs && !isServer) then

hideUnit _unit;


X39 added a subscriber: Chris.May 7 2016, 7:52 PM
X39 added a comment.Nov 23 2014, 10:04 PM

@Chris Acrobat thats a workaround but as there is a createVehicleLocal command, there should also be a createUnitLocal command

I know for sure that BIS have thought about removing createVehicleLocal. Keep talking :)