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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 3:35 PM (626 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Zeroing is also retained for each fire mode (single/auto)
Entertaining report, but not really a bug.
If I understood correctly, it may be an issue of markers not representing actual position, but rather where the unit was last spotted.
This is not a bug, nor a problem with Arma. Check with mission author.
Please write about your opinions on the forums, not in the FT. Thank you :)
Planes? What planes? :) If your report pertains to community content, please direct your issues to the author. Furthermore, what Charlie said...
This is not a bug, or a difficulty setting issue, but rather the game presenting you with an action from the action menu.
Issue is a duplicate of
For further assistance, please take a look at the forums:
have you tried the -nopause command line option?
Definitely not an Arma issue, you are probably changing your input language unintentionally by running and freelooking (alt+shift) and then invoking a input helper app from windows. Try looking at your language/input settings.
Please direct your questions to the forums or steam group.
as per request
Please do not use the tracker for troubleshooting, use the forums search function.
You might find an answer here:
Are you using any mods? If so, try reverting to stock and see if the problem persists, so we can try and pinpoint the cause.
Please verify you are actually seeing/using the direct channel (global and direct have similar color), and that there are, in fact, units close enough that you should be able to hear through direct.
Not a bug, SDV is not pressurized.
Issue is a duplicate of
You might need to update your client, I just saw your version number. Please verify that your steam client is updating your game.
Cannot reproduce, please check with the mission author. Downloaded the mission now, tried it and I get a single error message about a bandana... other then that, it runs.
Were you able to reproduce the bug?
Please provide a repro mission.
Duplicate of 3356
Sometimes people survive crashes ;)
Thank you for the suggestion, however please bear in mind the purpose of the FT. :)
To me, this seems a fair tradeoff for the advantage you gain while being in 3rd p. view. I thought this was a feature, not a bug :)
Reproduced throughout the builds and across dev/main
it's been around from the start, i believe
Duplicate of 3356
Please provide a repro mission
Issue is a duplicate of
Windows feature, after you close a window, it switches to the last running app
Issue is described in 11168, with more detail
Can you post a screenshot of your in-game audio settings please?
May 9 2016
Please look at the forums for support:
It is unclear what you are referring to. The game does accept unicode and cyrillic characters in player names and chat. Please clarify.
Many things we do in Arma are against some convention or law... so that shouldn't be an argument IMO. Furthermore, if someone is "caught" IRL, he faces consequences - I mean, GC doesn't magically prevent such things from _being able to happen_ - so let's have an option and simply "govern" its use by being able to disable it, or even make a GC mod that would punish it :D
Now, a real issue is dealing with AI and some other aspects of the game, but that could be dealt with.
I've had an interesting issue regarding ping:
Filter by host (, only 4 servers pop up.
But, if I have a download or an upload consuming bandwidth on my end, more servers (19) appear in the browser.
Ok, thank you. Tested, with C as handbrake it doesn't happen. Should unbind CTRL or otherwise stop myself from twisting around in the car :D