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- Mar 6 2013, 10:13 AM (623 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
If someone could make this more clear at the wiki I think it would help others in the future.
Damn. I was somewhat wrong. It only affects some community made maps that have a 4-X and 4-Y digit redouts. Changed the ticket to reflect this.
Close this one as it is a copy of
I Believe that the matrix has been fixed in the current stable and this is no longer an issue. Thanks for your efforts! This ticket can be closed.
We were using RHS, and the tank was also from RHS.
This also applies to Crew served weapons or "static" weapons. Atleast partially.
Added new client crash dumps. Hope you can make sense of it!
The crashes come after changing missions. Usually around the 3rd or 4th mission.
Some more Client crashes.
These were from extensive 2 hour test from multiple users and mods.
The issue was narrowed down to RHS and AIA TP.
Crashes were usually accompanied by the server crash but not always.
Warning. Contains very many dumps!!! =)
Uploaded 1 Dump in a file Bumgie.7z.
This was a crash that caused 10 people out of 40 to crash to desktop.
The 10 people were all on the same side. Other sides were not effected.
Server has many mods running, but we cant say what is causing the crash. We have previously encountered crashes that only affect one side, but I cannot provide the dump files for them.
Contains 3 crashes from last night.
We played multiple missions yesterday but each time we started a new one after one succesfull match, we had a Crash. We had around 40 players on our server.
It might be the mods we use , but since we cant read the dump files, we cant know. Hope someone can shed some light on this issue.
Also I hope its ok that I just linked the file here. Iceman mentioned some diagnostic system. How is that used?
Further testing of the crashes mentioned above.
Addons were minimized and we reached the conclusion that it was caused by RHS and AIA TP combined effect.
Also we confirmed that the server never crashed on the first mission that was ran on it. It was always the second one.
Oh, the dream of suppressed eventhandler has been hanging in the horizon for a long time. If only such command was ever realized. Small amounts of Ai could bring players to their knees. Machineguns would take their place among the kings of guns. Dirt would be hugged by so many that the ditches on altis would be filled with players.
A3Ru how was it done`? Did they manually change something in mission.Sqm ?
Hope this gets a propper implementation soon.
Could this be expanded to include support for underwater buildings to be able to create some interesting underwater scenes.
Solution and relation here
Third. This is alpha.
and btw browse those tickets before you post
Remember this is an alpha
There are still players playing mp using the now removed version called 102980.
This is presumably due to steams offline mode not updating it or something else.
Meanwhile servers are unable to use the requiredBuild="102980"; command to unallow any players from joining because servers have autoupdated to the previous dev version.
What you have effectively done is made all efforts to circumvent this seagull error impossible.
Please fix it quicly.
And for future reference. The correct wording is requiredBuild="102980";
And this was tested. IT will not work today as the patch was rolled back.
Sorry for the confusion.
And crashtheface. "no verifysignatures=2 only applies to mods." is not true. This caused players who had the previous version to get a lot of arma3 pbo related errors and be kicked from the server.
Among arma games its very uncommong that beta patches dont work backwards
requiredBuild=102980; works also. This is the best method.
There is an sollution.
Server host must use the latest dev version and force players to use it also.
requiredBuild=xxxxx; is the command to use in server config.
Then player must also connect using the latest version.
There are already some dev verion servers up. Use them.
Remove that picture please. You are linking hacks.
Remember this is an alpha
atleast some of latest hacker reports have been due to this
Yes remeber this is an alpha
I can confirm it is the dev version combined with JIP
This might be due to combining the latest developper version with JIP players. This hapenned on our passworded server.
This is related to people using latest dev version. For workaround
GO SEE that ticket and remeber its an alpha
May 9 2016
any gas like substance would come out from the water as bubles.
I am quessing you should find relevant tickets and vote for them. Or create new ones if you cant find them. Also crash dumps for your crash issues should be good.
Assigned for over a year. Some hope. New inertia changes are happening. Perhaps related?
- Parameter for inertia in weaponType. 16-05-2014 devbranch.
Yep. Nothing has changed on this front.
I wrote a huge note that was long and epic but I wrote it too long and I got some error and was unable to get it posted, but to sum it all up.
Please provide some propper arguments instead of consolitis, mouse gravy or racing games.
"You CANNOT sacrifice mouse control for "authenticity"."
Really? Why not ?
MulleDK19. Why are you so angry? And why do you say that its getting "CONSOLITIS ??!?"? Some pretty good things have happened among the bad on the console gaming front. But anyway this ticket has more to do with the legacy of arma games than with the Console vs. PC debate.
I would like you to take a short broom handle as your rifle and go prone on your livingroom floor and try to perform the manuver seen in the above video. Also if you were kind enought to tape it and post it to youtube as a proof of your superhuman abilities and also for our amusement.
Also Trivium I would like you to consider the fact that one of the major selling points of arma has always been the pursuit of authenticity and reality. Maybe you think this game to be something else that it isnt. For it surely is not a twitch shootter.
This ticket is only relevant to recruit setting. NOT ELITE OR VETERAN
This depends on wheter or not you have something to alt tab to in the desktop.
Close all programs and you dont have any pages where to alt-tab.
Keep browser open and you can alt-tab freely.