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Client Crashes in multiplayer [PRIMARY REPORT]
Assigned, WishlistPublic


This ticket was created to put together crash reports of clients during multiplayer sessions. It is necessary to attach crashdumps along with your reports. Crashdump consists of rpt + bidmp + mdmp file with same name and can be usually found in this or similar location:
C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\

When package is smaller than 5000k, you can attach it here. When package is bigger, please use some free sharing service and post link in the note bellow the ticket.


Current Stable version: {F24881} {F24882} {F24883}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Game crashed
  1. Collect crashdumps, put them into archive
  1. Name the archive with your nickname (mine would be "Iceman.rar")
  1. Attach the archive here (or provide link on file sharing device)
  1. Write a note bellow the ticket, describing the situation (i.e. "I was playing wasteland for two hours and game crashed.")
  1. When possible, provide repro steps of the crash
Additional Information

Please keep the discussion civil, for more complex crashes do not hesitate to create new ticket, it will be linked with this one.

Please also note that although all crashdumps are sent to analysis almost immediately, the investigation can take some time.

Thank you.

Event Timeline

Iceman edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 1 2014, 12:29 PM
Iceman edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Iceman set Category to Multiplayer.
Iceman set Reproducibility to Always.
Iceman set Severity to None.
Iceman set Resolution to Open.
Iceman set Legacy ID to 2591882649.May 7 2016, 7:31 PM
Bohemia added subscribers: Unknown Object (User), slider162, ulukay.Oct 1 2014, 12:29 PM
Nokman added a subscriber: Nokman.May 7 2016, 7:31 PM

im testing Altis Life ca 5 minutes on Server. The Game is Active over 3 Hour.

Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Oct 28 2014, 8:10 PM
This comment was removed by Unknown Object (User).
Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Nov 1 2014, 4:53 AM
This comment was removed by Unknown Object (User).

Uploaded 2 files. One contains the original crash that happened on a King of the Hill server. The permacrash is when I try to rejoin back the server, got past the team selection screen and then it crash at 90% of the load. Checked integrity using the tools given by Steam but that didn't solved the issue.

Bumgie added a subscriber: Bumgie.May 7 2016, 7:31 PM

Uploaded 1 Dump in a file Bumgie.7z.

This was a crash that caused 10 people out of 40 to crash to desktop.

The 10 people were all on the same side. Other sides were not effected.

Server has many mods running, but we cant say what is causing the crash. We have previously encountered crashes that only affect one side, but I cannot provide the dump files for them.

Added crashdumps ARMA_3_new.7z

See my open ticket for more details:

Some more Client crashes.

These were from extensive 2 hour test from multiple users and mods.
The issue was narrowed down to RHS and AIA TP.

Crashes were usually accompanied by the server crash but not always.

Warning. Contains very many dumps!!! =)

Arma 3 (release candidate) 1.36.128482+ stress-test MP (MultiPlayer)

Running the release candidate, it crashes after joining a server after 1-2mins.

When I join this server:
1 servers up (up to 120 players each) - NORTH AMERICA
KOTH (x2 XP) 3rd person

Uploaded about 4 crashes i had the last 2 days.
Playing team king of the hill on different servers.
Doesn't really matter what i do ingame.
one crash hit me 20mins after joining, just when i wanted to fly my hummingbird.
last crash was ~30mins after joining, while i was running around to a street.

these crashes were introduced by a patch, because i was playing for weeks without problems!

Bumgie added a comment.Jan 9 2015, 2:48 AM

Added new client crash dumps. Hope you can make sense of it!

The crashes come after changing missions. Usually around the 3rd or 4th mission.

SINE added a subscriber: SINE.May 7 2016, 7:31 PM

Happens every launch for me.

Unknown Object (User) removed a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).Nov 1 2024, 8:26 PM