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- User Since
- Dec 19 2013, 6:39 PM (587 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I completely agree and the big roller doors on the hangars should make a bucket load of noise as IRL. Plus sound attracts attention RISK = REWARD
Yep have had it happen twice
Blood loss IRL does not make you see in black and white another option would be appreciated. It makes the game unplayable IMO. I do like the blurriness of vision or semi pix elated view that is in atm. but black and white on top of the previous is a little much. Maybe a slowed blinking effect blacking out the screen for 1-2 seconds the amount of time your character closes their eyes at a time is a big indicator to the blood loss etc much like when one slowly passes out would be useable.
I agree
Hoxtons Dark Magic at play?
Same here... So many pens and paper I couldnt use or read :'(
This needs addressing frustration when something is within reach but unobtainable
Yep every Zombie I have slain has vanished within 1-2 sec of kill
Can confirm also Melee weapons need some serious work. Also head shots with a screw driver or crowbars should kill a zed. Seems fair
Have this issue also with the Vault key
New icons for searching bodies would be nice also :) Rather than the old school Arma2 item Icon
Had the drop on someone from inside a military building he disapeared *logged Out* entered the building via other server then logged in behind me. Instant death from behind also very annoying.
Confirmed becomes very annoying after hours of game time
I agree with the "Realism" aspect of loot once its gone its gone. But this being a game the thrill of loot is what brings alot of players. After the 20th empty house it just makes the game feel boring and unrewarding.
I agree
Also I believe fruits and other food items could be "Placed" with more realism. Example. Several oranges lay across the floor instead of just one. Several being rotten and one or two edible just adds a sense of immersion. And a feeling of people leaving in a panic or sense of struggle took place.Also making the player actually Scavenge through items picking out the safe food. Or for cans a couple empties just makes the world feel more lived in. As if someone previously has been through the place leaving it ransacked.
I understand the Loot tables don't work that way but would be worth looking into for added atmosphere.
Slightly Off topic didn't think I needed a whole thread for it more Art Department than bug fixing
This needs attention I just respawn since there is no way around it which can be very frustrating.
It can be game breaking after playing for hours it can grate on the players nerves.
Agreed Crowbar is useless and the shovel also I have better luck killing Zeds with my Fists. This really sucks the enjoyment out of the game when you are swinging and the Zed simply beats you to death. Also Crowbar and shovel should deal more damage especially the Crowbar.
Confirmed Deerstands and Barns and small farm houses