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- User Since
- Nov 26 2015, 8:31 PM (486 w, 4 d)
Apr 2 2023
May 14 2021
Also seems to apply to object 'land_vn_bagbunker_large_f' e.g [15556,13557]
Jun 14 2019
Encountered the issue again and can confirm the position of the desynced unit does not change, all other values appear to sync correctly.
Jun 13 2019
Apr 4 2019
Typo in the script, only a few years to go!
May 17 2018
Jan 20 2018
Many thanks for the clarification, that's very useful to know.
Sep 28 2017
Sep 7 2017
Issue still occurs on 1.76.142872, file updated with latest crash. Address is now 01EC46D0.
Sep 1 2017
Mar 24 2017
Mar 21 2017
Here you go. Start mission, shoot the infantry group, they won't die. Shoot the vehicle and it'll blow up.
Mar 19 2017
Solution is to now include the attribute "side = 8;" in each composition class.
Mar 18 2017
T122391: Temp workaround - Go to Options>Display>Interface Size>Set Very Small, Large or Very Large
As of 1.68 this issue also affects the Colour selection in marker areas; T123802
Jan 17 2017
Oct 21 2016
This issue has occured on Tanoa and Altis.
Oct 6 2016
Still present in v1.65.138660 - Module still appears functional, so not a big issue.
Not seen any further instances of this issue, however 'Overflow' does seem to occur at times in the logs, if it relates to this issue in any way isn't clear.
Works for individual units, but members of a group with the leader set to random start are still not moved as demonstrated in the repro mission.
Oct 3 2016
I was able to easily replicate this issue by starting a local LAN mission on Zeus 48+2 Master Tanoa.
Sep 28 2016
Sep 4 2016
Aug 31 2016
There seem to be a lot of bugs in the current dev version - Basic incap setting doesn't seem to be applied to players if they rejoin (all shots killed the player outright).
I believe the Revive system only works in a MP environment with multiple players.
Aug 12 2016
There is a warning on the wiki ( that states;
"Param templates currently don't work with PBO missions manually copied to MPMissions folder.
Unpacked missions, Steam missions and missions which are part of an addon works correctly."
Jul 17 2016
Issue still occurs after 1.62 update.
Jul 13 2016
Jun 16 2016
Issue is still very much present and ends up with the server being unresponsive and requiring a restart.
Jun 15 2016
This may offer an alternative?
Jun 12 2016
May 10 2016
Ah, looking at the last line on your report is 'APERSBoundingMine'... MCC's has issues with those too. Depending on how many you put down it could be a pain to undo (replace like before), if I remember rightly you won't even be able to see these in the editor until they're changed.
Unfortuantely the fault here lies with the MCC export tool and not something BIS can help with - Try asking for help in the editing section on the BIS forums or if MCC has its own thread there somewhere, someone may have script or something to quickly fix it.
MCC Thread:
Did you delete the object before previewing?
In your example the location is {0,0,0}, so you should see something in the far bottom left of the map editor screen that you will need to remove.
If you still don't see anything try using;
I use a few addons and the object example I gave earlier may not have been valid in vanilla arma.
I've often come across this minor issue, I believe the issue is with the MCC mod, not Arma/BIS.
All you need to do is replace all instances of 'vehicle="";' in your mission.sqm with a valid object.
e.g. vehicle="Land_HBarrier_5_F";
This will allow you to load the mission and then you can delete the object(s) located at [0,0,0].
Another crash, different address this time, log added.
Edit: And another after a PC Reboot, should be plenty to go on for now!
Not had any more issues since after the Nexus update, this issue can be marked as resolved.