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May 11 2016

JamesTrendall edited Steps To Reproduce on T104816: Create own server/Dev launcher type deal..
May 11 2016, 1:54 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

JamesTrendall added a comment to T94226: Unnecessary complexity of several objects cause performance issues.

@itchypantz Some people have pretty decent gaming PC's and they struggle with performance! I'm sorry but your post makes no sense at all. If i suffer from terrible FPS then i will continue to remove grass for that FPS increase.

Also without a performance increase for this game not alot of people will continue to play the game since something similar will be released with alot better performance rendering DayZ dead before it even made it out of beta!

May 10 2016, 7:46 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T94066: Remove .pbo's working still..

I don;t know what the latest version is but you get the idea

May 10 2016, 7:40 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall edited Steps To Reproduce on T94066: Remove .pbo's working still..
May 10 2016, 7:40 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T93649: Session lost.


May 10 2016, 7:25 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall edited Steps To Reproduce on T93649: Session lost.
May 10 2016, 7:25 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T93392: Able to use handcuffs from far away, and it disarms the opponent..

HaHa i found this bug and mentioned it on DayZ survival tactics multiple times. Its a great bug when someone has deleted there pbo's and you just disarm them from a distance causing them to log out. Saved my life last night.

Also when you do this it dupes the handcuffs and spawns a pristine set on the ground.

This works for all items you can give to other players apart from food and drink they just get used up

May 10 2016, 7:17 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T93343: Teleport Hacker.

What like buildings and zombies being server side? I can confirm zombies are as if you delete there pbo's they still attack you, But buildings if you delete there pbo's you can walk through the buildings (If they were server side there would be an invisible wall there)

So far DayZ has turned out to be a copy paste of the arma and dayz files consolidated in to a single folder with a new launcher. (Just like breaking point)

May 10 2016, 7:14 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T93343: Teleport Hacker.

I was teleported from elektro to the NWAF last night (Thank god for the lack of combat logging timers) I hit that esc button so damn quick and got the hell outta there. Managed to survive and run back to the coast with my friends.

Just so you know they can spawn items still they just spawn them inside a box. Found a player looking at loot for ages walked up to him and ninja grabbed the box turns out it had a couple of mosins and about 4 M4's inside full with ammo in ammo boxes all inside a small yellow case

May 10 2016, 7:14 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T93302: Blue Screen of Death.

Next time you BSOD write down the error code and post it back here. Or google the code and you will find out what is wrong with your PC.

It might be something as simple as your GPU drivers crash because of the time it takes to talk to each other and render the screen. I had this happen with AMD drivers for a while and only a fresh install of windows fixed the problem as my driver was corrupt

May 10 2016, 7:13 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T93247: Game Problems Need Bumping to fix big list please vote to fix.

People complaining about hunger and thirst problems how about eat untill it says "you are full" "My stomach feels stuffed" Takes around 10 cans of food or a 20 second spam at the water well.

May 10 2016, 7:11 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T93146: Rubberbanding.

This is due to anti teleport code lines 10 through 15 for when the server updates player save to the central hive. Remove the code and no more rubber banding and let BE deal with teleporters. Or increase the time or distance allowed between saves

May 10 2016, 7:01 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T92832: Character Duping simple.

I agree with Narcdriver all bug reports should be private to the devs unless they require further feedback for them. Just having the title visable is enough to stop bug spam.

May 10 2016, 6:51 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T92832: Character Duping simple.

@Horatious i have re-produced this on mulitple servers US and UK servers ping ranging from 20-150 Watch the red text for BE come on screen then as soon as you see the white ready text in the bottem left just wait for a second and then press ESC once. then when it puts you in the server list join that same server again and you will have a second body just stood there for you to loot.

OS:Windows 7 64bit, Works on all systems pretty easy once you get the timing right.

May 10 2016, 6:51 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall edited Steps To Reproduce on T92832: Character Duping simple.
May 10 2016, 6:51 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall edited Steps To Reproduce on T92831: Still able to delete .pbo files and log in to servers..
May 10 2016, 6:51 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T92831: Still able to delete .pbo files and log in to servers..

Please please please add removing grass a legit option within the ingame settings as the FPS increase is so big that it opens the game up to more low end computers. Laptops and PC's are reporting a 20+ FPS increase making the game playable for low end systems.

Also to counter the what if im sniping etc... argument make it like the mod where if prone in the distance they are invisable while in the grass.

May 10 2016, 6:51 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T92291: evry server i join it say session lost ?? (( after last patch 0.30.113953 )).

Just uploaded my .mdmp file for you to read it is saying "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access. (I tune the game as admin but anyway here it is.)

EDIT: im getting this error in the new experental servers 031.144

May 10 2016, 6:34 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T92244: BattleEye Kicking Problems.

Delete the battle eye folder in the dayz folder and verify steam files. Corrupt files are the main cause for this.

May 10 2016, 6:33 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T91326: Antialiasing Crash..

WTF is up with this link spam...

Do you have SweetFX installed? This locks the game settings and if you try to edit them the game crashes.

May 10 2016, 6:02 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T91216: Game Crashes When Taking Out Flashlight.

Unable to re-produce this bug.

Closest i got was joining a laggy server and as i spawn in and the buildings are slow to render try to pull the flashlight out and it made my game unresponsive for a few seconds. But this also happens when you spawn in and the game trys to render the buildings but it takes its time due to poor server maintinace causing the client to freeze up

May 10 2016, 5:59 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T90939: Game Demolishes internet connection..

I used to get a problem with DayZ commander when loading server list it would lag out the other connections on my PC (100 Down 25+ up) It would disconnect me from team speak and also block any other computers in the house from working online.

If you have a slow internet connection then you are litterally flooding your router and it causes itself to reset to protect itself. If you're in the US then you will need to set your filter settings to a low ping and select how many players on a server to a max. This will load the servers quick and stop the disconnects for now.

May 10 2016, 5:50 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T90900: Blue screen of death.

When you get BSOD write down the error code and post it here. That might help figure out the cause.

May 10 2016, 5:48 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T89720: Game Crash.

This happens if you have SweetFX installed to improve the color of the game! so play in windowed mode.

If you do NOT have SweetFX installed then you have modified files within the DayZ folder being used while ingame.

I can confirm this with a screenshot if needed

EDIT: I run Windows 7 64bit and this only happens with sweetFX installed not sure about windows 8 give me an hour and i will install windows 8 and test for you.

May 10 2016, 5:08 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall edited Steps To Reproduce on T88741: Jump through walls.
May 10 2016, 4:32 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T86912: #vote kick-command IS instakick (on all servers??) without any admin privileges.

People reporting it dosnt work. It is due to server.cfg files not edited correctly. Private hosted servers are fixing the problems with a simple change in the file. Public servers are the problem right now.

May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
JamesTrendall added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..

If the mod's on this site read the posts people made they would of seen a very descriptive understanding why this FPS drop happen!

Yesterday it was posted about level of detail being doubled and flickering between low and high poly renderings over lapping. <<There is the link to the post!

May 10 2016, 2:17 PM · DayZ