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May 9 2016

Sneakson added a comment to T61847: AI has to high awareness and too high accuracy at long ranges.

I played against Veteran 1.0 Super AI today in a big fight in Agia Marina with me and some AI down in the city with enemies coming over the mountains in all directions.

The AI did very well. I didn't notice anything wrong. It shot well at many hundred meters of distance and was also quick to react once inside the village and still I didn't think it was overpowered. Why? Because I still managed to shoot probably about 10 of them before they got me so they're still worse than I am!

The AI does have significant issues at times though and I can imagine not everyone wanting to play the game this difficult. Most people are probably used to the early 2000s shooters with a draw distance of 150 meters and don’t enjoy being shot down at 800.

And I guess it is somewhat unrealistic that the AI can spot you so quickly. Unless you spot tracers or barrel smoke it is really hard to locate enemy shooters as a player.

Haven't extensively playtested AI.

May 9 2016, 11:27 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T61471: Commanding UI is too slow.

Nine commands in 1.5 seconds? This isn't StarCraft, dude.
Typing §72§77 as quick as I can they do what I tell them to. Doing it quicker or a longer string of commands I mess up more often than not. So the only issue I can tell is human error though your video convincing enough otherwise.

May 9 2016, 11:08 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T61238: PROPOSAL: Add a "DELETE ALL KEY BINDINGS" for left-handed players.

I would love to be able to clear all keybindings.
It's very tiresome to make new bindings when everything you map shows up red as being in conflict with something else and after a while you start to lose track of which things you just bound and which ones were by default.

Eventually some presets for lefties, QWES-ers, WADX-ers, SZXC-ers, ESDF-ers, RDFG-ers, IJKL-ers, ASDC-ers, SDF-spacers not to mention numpadders and keypadders (G13 and Nostromo) would be nice... and then there are wheels, joysticks, pedals...

Different presets can both help people get started sooner and open their eyes to new setups. With ARMA3 because of the massive binding capabilities I try to experiment such as putting all stances on one button by binding "Up" to Z and "toggle prone" to Ctrl+Z.
By the end of summer I can imagine my bindings having changed quite a bit… and that’s not even speaking about mouse bindings!

May 9 2016, 10:55 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T61005: [Suggestion] Ability to repack mags.

Still hasn't happened? :(

May 9 2016, 10:38 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T60510: Black printscreen.

Screenshots in games don't work in Windows 7. Only in extreme rare cases.

I've heard it has something with rendering and whatnot to do... the Aero settings probably.

A proper "screenshot" command that creates an image automatically would be great as there's no other way to take screenshots in Windows 7 without using third party software.

Third party software includes the "Steam screenshot button" (never used it personally) or the almighty FRAPS:

If in doubt, just go with FRAPS.

May 9 2016, 9:47 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

@dunadan: actually someone said that it would be impossible for modders to make women other than mere skins because redoing all of the clothes in this engine requires access to the original skeletons or something such. A lot of other requested features like bipod resting we have already but this one is more difficult.

@SuicideKing: Yeah. No reason women should wear string when the men wear t-shirts and boxers. I'm not expert on women's underwear but I'm under the impression boxer-style underwear is the most common even among civilian women unless they're going out.

May 9 2016, 8:46 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

@Dragon-cultist: really? Know how to reproduce it?

May 9 2016, 8:45 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

@rogerx: Play on serious servers with serious gaming clans and you won't encounter any 10-year-olds running around in women's undies.

May 9 2016, 8:43 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Some immature people will be obscene over voice coms, ruin operations and run around in their undies regardless of if we have women in the game or not. So that’s not relevant. Some immature people will inevitably use any system to release their immature urges to harass. I suggest you start playing in private servers instead of joining random ones. I remember people having immature, pornographic spray tags in Counter Strike 1.6. Something like that shouldn’t stop the good users.
I mean the Elder Scrolls have never excluded women because it’s possible to kill them, strip off their clothes and make their dead bodies do sexual things. As developer of a sandbox game you will have to accept some of the things your engines will be used for eventually and keep in mind that it’s the simply user’s choice ultimately.

Sources are right there.

I agree. That’s my first and foremost argument too on the topic. Character customization is a great hit in the industry because it creates a unique sense of ownership and relationship that most women can’t experience because it doesn’t matter if you’re an Asian guy or a black guy if you’re really a woman.

Maybe people wouldn’t be so crazy if they paid more attention. What this vote is about is women soldiers. One of my sources is a vote thread with several options: no women at all, only civilian women, only civilian women with fighting capabilities or complete women soldiers. And that’s my source.
56.39% want women soldiers.
20.30% more (77%) want at least some fighting civilian women.
20.30% (97%) want at least some women in the game.
3% want absolutely no women at all.
So in fact I was even understating when I said 70% when it should been 77%!
The voting in that thread is unfortunately closed and may not match exactly what people think right now but since the women soldier votes of 56% are pretty close to the 60% of the voting going on here I’d say chances are votes would fall similarly should it be re-made. Wouldn't mind seeing it open again.

May 9 2016, 8:42 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

I strongly support women available in ARMA soon.

About 15% of enlists in the US Army are women. Even 15% of admirals, generals and 15% of all officers are women too. As of 2013 women are allowed in direct combat roles. As of right now women are planned to be integrated into all combat units including the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Special Forces, Army Rangers and Navy SEALs by year 2016.

About 60% of the community want our women. 70% want soldier women or civilian women with fighting capabilities. And 97% of the community want women in any shape. Now that’s 97 percent.

Creating women assets would be some work but as some have already said it will have to be done anyways! Why? Because 97% of the ARMA community wants to see women in any shape so skeletons and animations will have to be made and even 70% of the community which is a vast majority want to see fighting women so then those animations will have to be made as well! By then the extra modelling to make women soldiers would be really very small.

And there are no other sane, sensible arguments against it. Only misogynic bullshit and tons of crazy misinformation.

Not to mention 50% of humanity are women. A good portion of ARMA-players will be women.
And don’t argue that it’s not about who you play because character customization is currently extremely big in all of video gaming and women do love playing as women as much as men love playing as men. I rarely play women in games unless I really need to.

It would also be a lot easier for BIS to implement the women vanilla instead of having modders do it. And a lot of us want women for our editor scenarios which will depict all sorts of crazy situations imaginable.

Adding women to ARMA would also showcase the series to the entire world as one of the only wargames to include women and most certainly set it above Battlefield and Call of Duty.

Adding women is the only right thing to do really. Nearly everyone wants it, it will mostly have to be done anyways, it will welcome women, it would be great publicity and there are no single arguments against it and wouldn’t damage the experience of anyone who has downvoted it.

Some sources:
Pentagon through CNN: (June) (January)
ARMA Community vote statistics in this thread:

May 9 2016, 8:42 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T59674: Selector switch position should change to reflect the state of the weapon..

Gonna have to check out.

May 9 2016, 7:08 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T59011: Sliding across ground proned.

I have this happening all the time when adjusting to the sitting stance one step above proning when on slopes.

Basically this issue should have proning removed from the name because it happens in a lot more situations than when proning.

May 9 2016, 4:15 PM · Arma 3
Sneakson added a comment to T58934: Clouds visibility morph and change while moving camera.

Why has nothing been done about this?
Having clouds enabled makes this unbearable for infantry.

May 9 2016, 4:06 PM · Arma 3