they're at least usable, but definitely need work as well. you can still use the ramp to get up and on them but i often find myself getting stuck in the ramp and the H barriers themselves. If you're up on the ledge pushed right up against the top H barrier and then turn, you will get stuck in it and be forced out the other side.
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May 10 2016
thanks for the tip
@plutoto74 "When devs say that they have to change a little the specs of weapon for balancing" could you show me when they say this?
@bdfriend, calling grenades nades is hardly a point of damnation, stop with the drama it's annoying, and useless.
just been testing autorotation since the APC Package, it's doable now.
also re spawn delay definitely has no effect on "group"
huh, well i seem to remember being able to re spawn at my group when i first started using it, but if you say so. there should be this available in any case.
Unfortunately this is the consequence of having such an open platform of a game. Arma has always been an extremely modifiable game, which is a major part of its success, this also leads to people being able to hack in extreme ways very easily. Of course the hacking has been made a hell of a lot worse with dayz bringing so much popularity to the franchise.
The best thing you can do is join an active Arma community in your area and use their private servers, your also going to get the most out of the game play doing this.
course adjustments of 10-20 degrees are indeed easily doable with the current in game tailrotor. It seems people are arguing over a none issue here.
May 9 2016
The specific sight you see this with is all pre zeroed and cannot be changed, if you wanna shoot further you use the representative markings, 4 for 400 meters 6 for 600 meters and so on, with everything in between. I do not see not being able to change the zeroing as an issue, as all the appropriate range markings are already on the scope ready to use with no changing of zeroing needed.
I however do not know wthere this should be changed when coming at it from a realism perspective, from a practical perspective though the way it is now seems fine.
I was just in a MP game and i couldn't kill a guy hiding behind a bush, even though i could slightly see him through it. The bullets couldn't penetrate the damn bushes branches. I then tried this out for myself, hid behind a bush when someone was firing at my from a distance, and sure enough he fired about 8 shots at be and only one actually got through the branches and wounded me.
Well the reason for this i think is because the scopes already have range allocations on them, center being 300 one down being 400. so changing the zeroing would mess up the ranges on the scope, its an odd way of doing it though.
I have also experienced this myself while using waypoints. In general the AI pathfinding seems to be a bit off, with some getting stuck on objects in front of them when driving cars, and infantry taking longer routes when they could just walk 20 meters down a road to get to the destination.
Yep i was able to reproduce it
im trying to reproduce this, but i don't know how to change the unit to a turtle using the text "turtle_f". Could someone please explain this to me?
thank you
I like the current grenade system, it seems much more natural to just aim higher or lower for a further or shorter throw, than having to hold down a button to get a further throw like arma 2 did which felt very unnatural. Being able to hold the grenade to "cook" it might be nice though.
Yeah, the problem is the range, also trying to change to the normal magazines when out of the water tend to delete them.
^ I'd forgot about the double tap.
It's easily doable to change the field of view yourself, i also think it is completely reasonable to not include a setting in a game that affectingly makes the weapons useless in any range over 300 meters. I have tried it in dayz, and moved the FOV from 75 to 90. This resulted in the DMR being mostly useless unless you spend the time to work out the new bullet drop points, because the ones on the sight cannot be relied upon once FOV is changed. Adding a setting to a game that effectively breaks it in some regards is not a sensible thing to do, and if it is really that bad for you and should help.
I think my point was missed, The way the zeroing and realistic weapon mechanics are done, which other first person shooters do not do, makes it impossible (in its current form)to change the field of view without screwing up the realistic ballistics and zeroing. They have to pick a field of view then work with it, allowing FOV sliding that doesn't screw up zeroing and range markers on optics would mean sacrificing the realistic weapon zeroing etc (at least the way that it is currently done). This is my understanding of the situation.
I believe the reason for this is because changing FOV screws with reticles on guns making them inaccurate, such as moving the range, zeroing points around. It was possible to change the FOV in Arma 2 with an online calculator and editing an .ini file, however as said above this would screw up the reticles. If you don't like the amount of FOV you have, you can always use 3rd person and free looking, that's what they're there for. The game also includes a peripherals system, which shows enemies and friendlies just off the sides of your screen as little red and green dots.
Also if you have the money, there is an excellent head tracking system you can buy that arma utilizes called trackir, It will automatically move your characters head around in game, from small head movements as you look around your screen.
Hope this helps
Lol i cant, I'm just another "reporter" like you. I think you can do it though.
This is possible to do by holding or double tapping alt (which is a toggle)then moving mouse, same as with infantry look. The reason why you cant free look without first holding alt is because the mouse by default is used as an input for precision steering.
This really annoys me, from watching all the showcases talking about all their new dynamic lighting you would think they would have done something about this? Also the lighthouse light shoots through terrain. Big killer on the simulation, Makes flashlights mostly useless.
I do not see what the problem with this is, it's not like your trying to precisely target stuff with free look.
I think this is deliberate
you can also find it on the top floor of the big building there.
lol that's awesome, leave it in as a game feature.
I wouldn't say excessive, I just don't think most people are used to AI being able to see and respond as well as players. Their accuracy is possibly a little excessive though, but that's arma AI for you. Try changing the overall AI skill level in the advanced difficulty options, that might help with the super accuracy.