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Diver, Disapearing magazines
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The problem is when i try to load in the stanag 30 round magazines through the action menu, instead of being loaded into the gun, the dual purpose magazine will stay in and the 30rnd will be deleted from my inventory. The only way i am able to load it successfully is by opening the menu, dragging out the dual purpose magazine and then dragging in the 30rnd.

A secondary issue I've been having is with the effective range of the dual purpose magazines on land, which seems to be limited to something like 5 meters. I have shot multiple times on multiple occasions at npcs that are no more than 15 meters in front of me and the bullets seem to not even hit them.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

*spawn diver in editor
*try and load 30rnd magazine through action menu

Event Timeline

MassDefibrillator edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MassDefibrillator set Category to Other.
MassDefibrillator set Reproducibility to Always.
MassDefibrillator set Severity to Major.
MassDefibrillator set Resolution to Fixed.
MassDefibrillator set Legacy ID to 2882567861.May 7 2016, 11:05 AM

I have tried this time and time again, and you always lose the regular 30 round magazine.

Thales added a subscriber: Thales.May 7 2016, 11:05 AM

Issue was looked into and fixed.

Thank you for reporting this issue to us. We appreciate it, keep up the good work and help community and developers to build better game for all.

Should be fixed in 105634.