In T189347#2759023, @fenris0997 wrote:Would just explain a increasing, not reducing.
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Moonny added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
huttch edited Additional Information on T189364: Urgent Assistance Needed – Server Issues After Update.
huttch renamed T189364: Urgent Assistance Needed – Server Issues After Update from Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed – Server Issues After Update to Urgent Assistance Needed – Server Issues After Update.
ShodanCat added a comment to T189345: Crash on Sakhal when zooming in w/ scope.
tried both, same crash. i've played hours on other official, including Sakhal, it's just this one specific area + weapon combination that's crashing.
ricksamoilov added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
I have the same problem.
Hoshbraun added a comment to T189298: Feedback | Inventory controller issues.
Eklopwnz added a comment to T189360: 1.27.
The most crooked patch in recent times
The developers don't play what they do
Eklopwnz created T189360: 1.27.
Ded_Mazai added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
fenris0997 added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
Would just explain a increasing, not reducing.
KStrike changed Category from category:general to category:designmission on T189359: Hovering crates in the official single player mission "Elimination" at grid 071-023.
S.A.I.M.O.N added a comment to T189350: InterpolateTo broken 1.27.
This needs to be fixed urgently.
HippieCracked changed Severity from severity:none to severity:feature on T189358: Vote kick abuse (trolling).
furrezi added a comment to T188463: No stamina cost for prone and less problematic q-e spam.
I agree, these two things feel unnatural do not fit in the game. Many players bind lean to the same buttons as Move Left and Move Right, which makes them automatically lean when they are moving side to side. In my opinion the best way fix the lean issue is to slow down the movement whenever the player is leaning. This would counter the keybind abuse as it would slow you down. This is the way it used to be in ArmA 2 too.
Moonny added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
Firewalker added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Server 1:
PAROLLO_PL added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
This crash has started happening right after previous update 1.26 but on a much less scale than its now. As I am aware it was reported already ?
I had this crash before also but it was very inconsistance. Sometimes not happening for 2-3 days sometimes 1-2 times a day.
Now after 1.27 its like at least 3 times a day + client crashes.
Firewalker added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Also have exact same problem on two servers.
fenris0997 added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
Allright reduced the Models, added more Parts as Proxies made them work, but doesnt explains to me why i had to reduce them so much. Normaly the Barrack has 30919Points and 33000 faces, which wasnt a problem before.
designful added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Ok well use context clues then, it is related to physics and simulation. Do you have something that moves on it's own, a train, a boat, a building? If so remove it, from what I understand this is not affecting vanilla servers so it is technically fixable on your end.
cwagn added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
I have no Airdrop or Heli crash modifications outside of vanilla heli crashes.
Ded_Mazai added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
У меня 2 сервера с разными списками модов отличные друг от друга даже картами и на обоих эта проблема. Все это сопровождается либо крашем клиента либо крашем сервера.
designful added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Just since nobody has said it HERE, remove airdrop/helicrash mods, it seems directly related to the physics simulation.
Nate_LapT added a comment to T189343: 1.27 Road Parts broken.
Same roads I've had for over the past year...
Skara added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
I have same issue at my server
jobthe added a comment to T189328: Crash the game when loading the main menu.
I logged in directly to the official server, and the game crashed when uploaded to the server.
fenris0997 added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
So i tried to pack that Mod for you, but now a lot of my Models wont get packed because of too many Vertices? There have been changes in 1.27 ?
KGB.BEST edited Additional Information on T189350: InterpolateTo broken 1.27.
JESY_LA added a comment to T189350: InterpolateTo broken 1.27.
Fix this error, and the crashes too..
JESY_LA updated the task description for T188209: Constant server crashes!.
Kramtsov added a comment to T189350: InterpolateTo broken 1.27.
Wow! This needs to be fixed.
SiberianWorker added a comment to T189350: InterpolateTo broken 1.27.
fix it please
Geez changed the status of T189349: Exp. - Mi8 LightEntity get not deleted from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
R34P3R added a comment to T189316: Basic saving features broken.
I also like that the Save/Load from ScenarioFramworkStruct will work! You can save your current Mission satate in a JSON. This will work without issue. But if you go to Scenarios you cannot load this JSON (SaveGame).
Geez changed the status of T189328: Crash the game when loading the main menu from New to Need More Info.
Can you please try direct connect from launcher? or possibly -nocharmenu launch parameter.
Geez merged Restricted Maniphest Task into T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
fenris0997 added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
Ok give me a little bit. Not sure if i am able today.
ochsenschaedel added a comment to T187093: Donation System.
Many are saying the new system is not fair. Not fair does not do it justice. This is a genuine rip off I donated 2 million! materials to get the top tier crate and I received plans for a fuckin double barrel break action shotgun. WTF??!
The old system was at least fair. Donate more, get more.
Fuck this though.
raytonite660 added a comment to T189339: Footstep audio going through buildings to floor.
that is not a bug...its genius dev team extended footstep hear distance
raytonite660 added a comment to T189321: Sakhal Shipwreck 1.27 stable.
you cant place landmine near dead zombies
Geez changed the status of T189329: The model.cfg has been crashing the server since version 1.27 Update from Assigned to Confirmed Internally.
Geez added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
pbo should be fine :)
fenris0997 added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
@Geez you need a Worlshop Upload or just a PBO Upload?
fenris0997 updated subscribers of T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
@Moony this Building is setup with Terrain Builder on my own Map. Editor is crashing if i try to use it now. Before wasnt a Issue, used it with Editor on my local Pripyat Map. There is a Asset, a BTR i have done that shows the same Problem. And it aint having any Lootspawns.
realproru added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
@Geez is there any news about the crash?
Geez changed the status of T189319: EXP: - SlotAi spawning with the wrong Faction! from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189320: [Feature Request] (BTR-70) Add another passenger seat. The BTR seats 11 people, not 10 from New to Feedback.
Geez changed the status of T189316: Basic saving features broken from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez merged Restricted Maniphest Task into T187226: new double caps to switch channel allows you to talk on enemy radio.
Hello Nate_LapT.
According to the team, you should use road parts from here
Resolved for 1.28
Thank you for the report.
This is a known issue that has been reported previously.
Closing the ticket since it is a duplicate. Just to note, this affects all weapons at the moment.
Thank you for the report.
This has been previously reported and is being looked into. Closing as a duplicate
Geez changed the status of T189321: Sakhal Shipwreck 1.27 stable from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez added a comment to T189314: Update 1.27 did not fix the issue..
Closing the ticket as the old one is still open
Geez changed the status of T189322: Actions ending with a lambda are crashing the server from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189323: Bad object placement leads to *** stack smashing detected ***: terminated from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189324: Feature request - Polygonal shape object with Minimum Enclosing Circle from New to Feedback.
As mentioned previously.
Legitimate ban according to BattlEye.
Geez changed the status of T189329: The model.cfg has been crashing the server since version 1.27 Update from New to Assigned.
Geez added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.
Hello fenris0997.
Can you please upload the mod for testing?
Thank you for the report.
This has been previously reported and scheduled for a fix. Closing as duplicate.
Geez changed the status of T189334: [DayZ Diag] Inventory Access Broken After Update 1.27 - Cannot Attach Items, Only Remove from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
NoNVGs added a comment to T189308: BAD DESYNC After being unconscious .
I forgot to mention that this was on an LA American server which I know is having issues so maybe the server had a desync issue at that exact moment. The servers have been unresponsive or desynced and laggy after the update.
Geez changed the status of T189283: Weapons on shoulders. from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez changed the status of T189308: BAD DESYNC After being unconscious from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.
Hello NoNVGs.
We have tested this on our end but we were unable to reproduce the issue.
Geez changed the status of T189296: Sakhal Water Spring asset missing from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez changed the status of T189302: P1 Pistol reload mag into gun loud strange sound from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez changed the status of T189339: Footstep audio going through buildings to floor from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Hello ShodanCat.
Seems like possibly some corrupted files.
We suggest disabling Steam cloud sync and then verifying the game data through Steam.
Geez changed the status of T189340: Dropped clothing phasing into object and cannot always be retrieved. from New to Reviewed.
Geez changed the status of T189342: 1.27 Sakhal - structures_sakhal config wrong and points to missing files from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189344: 1.27 Exp Terrain Builder template libraries from New to Feedback.
Geez changed the status of T189317: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff6f6a44ad7 at 0x8 [Class: 'Watchtower'] from New to Confirmed Internally.
Geez changed the status of T189318: Server crash on platform destroy (Fence) from New to Confirmed Internally.
Geez closed T189346: freelook allows player to get around the limited head movement during certain animations as Resolved.
Thank you for the report.
This is a known issue that has been previously reported. Closing as a duplicate.
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T188233: [] There is no hint as to which button to press to perform the action..
Geez changed the status of T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189304: Can’t load into ANY servers from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
RainSenshi added a comment to T189172: Logging out time.
Combat logging and alt accounts in general need huge work
RainSenshi updated subscribers of T189283: Weapons on shoulders..
@Geez This does not only apply to weapons. The animation is bugged and "skips" the animation when you pull weapons out and the audio along with it. But it also happens when just pulling normal items from your inventory to your hand.