You can try to implement it like this: FIA has, for example, 100 bots on the map.
Recent Activity
Duplicate T168189
Relates to T167179
Added: Server name display in the top right corner. This can be turned off in the Interface settings.
Duplicate T179196
klamacz supports this idea
I think the global faction AI limit should be divided between factions, with the relationship between US - Soviets being linear in relation to eachother, and dependent of the current amount of active FIA soldiers.
This would make it fair for both player factions.
Maybe a "Quick Play" function for Conflict gamemode could automatically put joining players in a server with low population for their selected team?
Yes, I have encountered an imbalance in multiple servers recently, usually in favor of US.
A strict limit would however make some players (like me on Soviet) at times not able to play the faction they really want to.
I think a good step to mitigate the issue could be to display the current number of players on US and Soviet team in the server selection list. This would hopefully make more people inclined to join servers with lower population for their favourite team, thus reducing imbalance.
Maybe a "Quick Play" function for Conflict gamemode could automatically put joining players in a server with low population for their selected team?
Thank you very much <3
Thank you for updating this ticket with information.
Fuck it. Do it. It'll be great. ah ha ha
Stable server, Official Conflict Everon EU:
Another update on this - it happens with Night Vision Goggles too.
Good point. And this is modding categosy, so I dont care about vanilla official servers.
Working on 2.18; can be closed.
Very annoying car cam bug.
I played maybe 8 games in a row waiting 10 to 15 min before getting into game. Now I have waited 20 min and matchmaking was cancelled. This where any and most get aggravaited and leave to play something else. As a owner or creator of the game or even being part of the team that made it. I would be very upset to know this news about my product and wouldnt stop at nothing until I found a fix that stuck. I would also keep the ones that are concerned informed with updates to all fixes and upcoming fixes. Most of all I would concern my self with Any concern from players and aid those soon as possiable. BUT I AM JUST A PLAYER SO I WILL JUST KEEP PLAYING. Kinda wished i was on a team with a game i helped designed. but I can keep wishing lol. just be the one that always says what i would do if i was blessed enough to be one on the team
Some additional content that is only available through specific means. You can get the UK59L by finding a FIA armory truck in Conflict, but as far as i have found no FIA troops carry this. Personally i think this is a shame. The gun is actually really good and has a high level of utility combining a scope, bipod, high ROF, and 7.62x54
leads to a very effective weapon despite the small box size. It's also content that is just "left on the table".
FIA load-outs could really use some love in general. A guerilla force that has very limited logistics would likely use whatever is available including enemy equipment.
It takes way to long to get into a game. Please find ways to get players into a game of there choice much faster than you do. You are looseing much player base for that reason only. simple fix. first off please invest money into better servers that better your game quality. Your Game deserves much better servers. Lower your cost of everything for coins. the cost is RIDICULOIUS. Dont focus on becoming a millionaire in one year. Good lord let your name do that for you and the team with you. Numbers is what you want to attract Numbers pays Bigger than anything you can do. Please take this advice and please Invest your money where it will benifit the growth of yalls game. DO NOT BECOME SELFISH in the manner of making all of this money in such short time. Your Game will end soon if so. Yall got something good here if you be wise with buisness choices. Thanks for game please fix crazy issues soon... Yall have many issues lol Hopefully yall are able to save face and value or withenough time this game will be on back burner. Good Luck to yalls future in this game. You get back what you put into it.
Some additional things of note while playing with explosives:
this has been very annoying since the new patch
heres a better quality video
{F4741755}This is no mods, vanilla loading no betas
Can confirm, it still happens on the normal branch
@Leopard20 yeah, i didnt think of that ill try it without
For someone to have a cheat to where you shoot and it kills everyone on other team in one shot without seeing them. What the hell kind of cheat is that? That just happened in a Elemination round this morning. wished i knew how to record and i had that one. very crazy and very stupid on someones part
Wow so we are letting cheats happen in this game as well? What kind of currupt world we living in today for people to make money off of cheats that ruins a game that shouldnt be allowed to apply in a competive level. To bad I dont own a sight that has a game of my choice MY team and my self developed and alot of people enjoy it. Learn this in life SPEND MONEY TO MAKE MONEY. I promise you if you invest your money into the game and you listen to the ones that care enough to share there input. your buisness will shoot sky high. Dont be scared to take your product to the AAA level of gaming. cheaters are there as well this game deserves more investers that are willing to sink money into it.
I'm telling you how it's gonna be, not your sarcasm.
By the way will be a very good feature for cheaters from the car to shoot. Now they have to stop and get out of the car to kill.
My Use case.
1.26 is rough with this bug. Have it every day.
Are you using the perf/profiling branch?
I did test this earlier and noticed only the UAZ-469 has fixable lights. Others do not.
this happens with and without mods and my these are my settings
I haven't made a complete test in the latest version, but previously I noticed that this did not ever happen if the driving mode was set to no assist (In that mode you can't start the engine with W-key inside the vehicle either). So an easy solution, remove the W-key's ability to start the engine also in the assisted driving modes and require people to use a dedicated start engine key all the time. Or even better, remove the assisted driving modes altogether.
Same issue here, I can't consistently shoot by hitting L2 R2 and X but occasionally I get a shot. Otherwise nothing. I makes the game a little hard to play. I'm on PS5 and only have the one controller
Happy New Years Eve Bump.....
This same bug appears to have returned in
I have a similar problem but I'm not using the logitech headset. So frustrating I want to love the game but I have to rely on my teammates in discord to relay my coms. What happens to me is when I first get into a game come work then after a min or 2 they stop working I've literally tried everything I could find on Google short of reinstalling windows. I don't have issues with any other game but this one.
Is anyone Listening to Feedback? For some odd reason I could only play Encounter today. What is going on for the game to not find a game in 44 min? This is a very big problem for the Game. Can it be fixed?
This seems like a good addition, you could have photos be an item in inventory and take pictures of the exact spot you want an ambush set up, then give that photo to another player. Add in the function that maps have to place markers and you suddenly have the ability to do aerial reconnaissance from a helicopter, marking exact positions of enemy mortars or minefields, possible routes of attack, etc.
Did some testing and on the rocket huey in experimental, healing the helicopter in gamemaster will not fix the cockpit display if it has been damaged, however healing the helicopter will not break the cockpit display if it has not been damaged already. I was fairly confident this would be the case but had to test it regardless, the issue is with the healing function not effecting the cockpit display at all as opposed to some sort of bug concerning the interaction between the heal function and the cockpit display.
Today 30th December at exactly 22:45 CET, on server 300017 there was a sudden REPLICATION TIMEOUT crash a few seconds after everything had suddenly frozen in place. It tried to reconnect and first time it gave a REPLICATION CONNECTION_FAILURE but on the second try it loaded in. I noticed the whole server, which was full, had been completely disconnected and the session had also completely reset, so everyone reconnected and they were pretty annoyed.
What is causing this?
Mon, Dec 30
As per supported platforms, PC only or PC + console(s) are the only valid combinations by design.
This seems to only affect the Huey